WEBINAR: Dead Sea Scrolls show Sanhedrin may have executed Jesus as an ET Disclosure activist – Peter Kling & Alfred Lambremont Webre
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WEBINAR: Peter Kling – Dr. Frank Stranges, Dead Sea Scrolls & Prophecy
December 27, 2017
Dr. Frank Stranges lecture on the Dead Sea scrolls in which he reads from the many open descriptions of UFO, spaceships, other planets and Extraterrestrials, outer space battles, in the Dead Sea Scrolls, and the death threats that Dr. Frank Stranges received from the Israel-based Rabbinical guardians of the Scrolls for making these contents public!
Is the Israel the faction behind the national security guardianship of the Dead Sea Scrolls in fear of being exposed by the ETs with the return of Jesus, who is an ET! IMHO – As Stranges illustrates from the guarded Dead Sea Scrolls.
WATCH VIDEO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKqqGX6Pix4&feature=share
Here is the late, great Dr. Stranges bio:
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Letters to Earth By Peter Kling
First I want to wich all a happy new Year. I think we can make a break truth this Year in 2018. There are alot of signs for that. In Germany the politicians are not able to make there fake news and government again. The Rothshild claims, that this is the “NWO” government which starts in 2018 . Well I hope they are wrong in this case, because we in Germany get new political parties. To the point ” Dead Sea Scroll Society” and the “Sanhedrin” I share the opinion of Kenneth M. Price Jr.. If people realy want to hear and feel the magic words from Jesus Christ power, than they should read the Thomas Evangelium ! Here you can hear the real words from the master Jesus Christ. He is not telling us a life story, but leads us to thinking ourselves. Why we are here on Earth and why we are making ourselves so stupid and dump. Internet: “Nag Hammadi” or “Gospel of Thomas”. Jesus would say: You must not think about who murders me, think about yourselves and try to find those negative group, so that they cant heart others.
To Peter and Alfred:
When I am “passing by”, and leaving my Bios, than I know where I have to go ! Directly into the centre of the Halo Milky Way, into the inner. Our Galaxy Milky Way and lot of other Galaxis are build from the Inner to the outer as a system. I think that we as real humans are connected with the inner of the Milky way . I will say that was it and BYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!! , By by Earth and by by “humans”! You where not “humans”, very unfriendly and very aggressive, to me and others, but totally arrogant stupid and also ugly peoples. We have Chemtrails, a transhumanist agenda, they kill all Life and made it a “robot state” with unsouleness robotic “Hybrids”, which are here to control humanity. You will find people like Dr. Angela Merkel and her husband Dr.Dr. Sauer, which are building the Transhumanist Agenda with fake C02 Greenhouse gases for Europe . Sauer is Quantum Chemist and are producing on his lap the Chemtrailing agenda ! They are both Krypto (false) Zionists and Illuminaty with very rich old family’s in the line with Benjamin Netanjahu in Israel and the family Rothshild. Of cause there are different groups building up this –Satanist, totalitarian states in EU together with the industrial military complex. They are the ones we can call ” Krypto Zionist” together with negative -Magiers and of cause all are members of the “Anti Christ” which are building negative mems and negative energies into the peoples minds and making them also physical sick with there physical weapons of warfare, as HAARP / Chemtrails with Nano fibers and Morgellons. These substitutes are transforming the DNA of all Lifeforms on that planet. On the other side and that is more positive our Milky way is transforming and as a big cell she is dividing and makes in that moment alot of Life energies, which are Neutrino powers, skalar energies. which are everywhere in the Galaxy Milky way.
This here, this planet was a nightmare and nobody has the right, where I have to go, or what to do and so on ! No more false “crystals” and false hope etc. or “Meetings” after my so to call “bodily death” with my relatives, of cause not ! As we know, the Greys are heavenly involved in that soul incarnation process and we must think, that this is a total general manipulation of humanity ! They have no right in doing that!
The most people here are Zombies or getting Zombies with Artificial Intelligence, mixed with EMF waves and Chemtrails and other negative waves in our Bios.
We can see that in the behaviour of the masses, which are buying and consuming these products. ( smart phones, Handys, televisions, Wifi….)
When we are telling the people the truth, we are “Verschwörungs- Theoretiker” . Do you and also Alfred real think that they can change there inner behaviour? Its so much easy for them not to think. Thinking is energy .
I will be very happy leaving that planet. And if somebody wants to tell me what i have to do, or not to do with my soul after “death” , I will kick him off and ban him. Dont think that I will reincarnate again here. It was and is the most bad decisiveness I have ever made to come here ! These computers and “social networks” are stealing my time and poisoning me with EMF waves. I also see, that there is not much dialogs or activity .
Jesus has tried to free us from that horror states. What is that for an aggressive Israeli God, like Jave , Jehova in Jerusalem. See what this god IS doing WITH THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE. But they are clever people and they are not afraid against the oppressions from Israels gas canisters. This ” Israeli Government” is as Alfred told us in one of his video clips a military, crypto false state. The Palestinian and the Jews where also living in peace together hundreds of years, but the Rothschilds and the EU crypto EU states makes a military fascism state with this land, yes they build this negative state by declaring there agenda exactly for 100 Years 1917 with the “Balfour- declaration”. This declaration was made by the brit. Government and made by Lord Rothschild. They promise there an Israeli state for the Jews people and this was against the Palestinian peoples. They just occupied the Palestinian land and since that point we had all that troubles. See also Lord Jakob Rothschild about his opinion of Balfour-Declaration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_FMVhjv42Gs It is very bizarr and totally negative mens, declaring Israel as an “democratic” state. I mean the opposite is the case. But which state here on that Earth is democratic. No land , no country is democratic on that Earth, its all fake !
Here is life music one can share. Its positive magic for healing and it cost nothing.:
“The phönixe are flying to the sea, reaching the cosmos” is a magic syncronical healing method for our PHYSIS / BIOS /PSYCHE and PNEUMA!
It CAN heal these items in every bodily living system. But not for machines !
The Vibrations are scalar mixed with my guitar and goes into your mind and bodys !
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