WATCH Roundtable with Author & Hermeneuticist Peter Kling & Alfred Lambremont Webre: Watch on Roundtable Update from Peter Kling: “Alfred Hi! “Came across some additional information regarding our future timeline and the Zionist-Vs-Jesuit agenda, which will bring the “Antichrist” and eventually will end with the King of Kings and Lord of […]
WEBINAR: Dead Sea Scrolls show Sanhedrin may have executed Jesus as an ET Disclosure activist – Peter Kling & Alfred Lambremont Webre
WEBINAR: Dead Sea Scrolls show Sanhedrin may have executed Jesus as an ET Disclosure activist – Peter Kling & Alfred Lambremont Webre WATCH WEBINAR ON ExopoliticsTV WATCH WEBINAR ON OmniverseTV Streaming WEBINAR: Peter Kling – Dr. Frank Stranges, Dead Sea Scrolls & Prophecy WATCH ON FACEBOOK AT December 27, 2017 DEAD […]
Draco-CIA-NSA-MKULTRA drive ritual child sacrifice in Religions (Vatican/Jesuit/Talmudic)- Monarchies-Governments-Schools-Wars for Transhumanist Agenda
Draco-CIA-NSA-MKULTRA drive ritual child sacrifice in Religions (Vatican/Jesuit/Talmudic)- Monarchies-Governments-Schools-Wars for Transhumanist Agenda By Alfred Lambremont Webre WATCH ON YOU TUBE VANCOUVER, BC – In a March 2, 2015 interview with New Zealand host Vinny Eastwood, Alfred Lambremont Webre reiterated the conclusions of a study of worldwide pedophile and ritual child sacrifice networks. The […]
Leuren Moret: Putin Plan-HAARP the Fukushima radiation out of Russia. BRICS saves world from $collapse
Part III – Leuren Moret-Putin Plan-HAARP the Fukushima radiation out of Russia; BRICS saves world financial system from $collapse. Obama/Jesuits-Attempt to Kill world with HAARP Fukushima polar vortex and planned $financial collapse By Alfred Lambremont Webre WATCH ON YOU TUBE VANCOUVER. BC – In Part III of a Special 3-Part program, independent scientist […]
Common law Sheriffs will arrest pedo Pope during Sept. 2015 USA visit
Kevin Annett: ITCCS Common law Sheriffs, Oathkeepers will arrest convicted child trafficking Pope Bergoglio during Sept. 2015 USA visit By Alfred Lambremont Webre WATCH ON YOU TUBE WATCH ON YOU TUBE VANCOUVER, BC – Kevin Annett, North American field secretary for the International Tribunal for Crimes of Church and State, stated in a […]