Sunday, March 24, 2019, Vancouver, BC – releases list of Open & Pending Pedocriminal Investigations for further international investigation, prosecution, and trial by competent International Common Law Tribunal.
By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
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Open & Pending Pedocriminal Investigations
46. Investigator: CIA, Pope John Paul II, Bush Sr. & Bush Jr., Bill/Hillary Clinton do ritual child sacrifice, drink human blood. The Transhumanist Agenda is the core driver of global pedophile, child sacrifice and child-trafficking networks
45. Kevin Annett: ITCCS Common law Sheriffs, Oathkeepers will arrest convicted child trafficking Pope Bergoglio during Sept. 2015 USA visit
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
44. Kevin Annett: Pope meets secretly with Russian, Dutch diplomats on BRICS bank & Dutch Queen coverup
43. Alfred Webre: Citizen’s war crimes Tribunal, International Statute, Comprehensive enforcement to end Transhumanist Agenda
42. Kevin Annett: 12 Mile Club-Vancouver & Bangkok world’s top child trafficking cities. Archbishop, Chief Judge, United Church in 9th Circle child offshore sacrifices in yachts
41. Kevin Annett: Witnesses identify Canada PM Harper Cabinet Minister Denis Lebel in 2/22/14 Ninth Circle child sacrifice next to Jesuit headquarters in Rome
40.Kevin Annett (ITCCS.ORG): Pope Francis, Vatican join with China, Putin for world currency & power
39. Kevin Annett: ITCCS shifts focus to confront rising tyranny, police state emerges in Canada, Vatican funds new Asian “world bank”
38. Kevin Annett: Euro Police join ITCCS take down of Satanic networks in Ndrangheta, Vatican, Monarchies, Cargill Corp.
37. Kevin Annett: Common law court to prosecute Dutch crown Satanic child murders; Republic of England founded as Republic of Scotland sought
36. Kevin Annett: UK & Ireland attempt arrest to stop ITCCS action on 800 sacrificed babies, and on Pope and UK Queen child Genocide and Satanic sacrifice verdicts
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35. Kevin Annett: ITCCS takes down Satanic child sacrifice. Exposes Cargill, Sinclair Oil execs, Montreal Bishop & McGill University
34. Kevin Annett: Child genocide guilty verdicts for Pope Francis, Jesuit General, Archbishop Canterbury. Republic of Kanata announced
Vancouver, BC — In an ExopoliticsTV interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, ITCCS field Secretary Kevin Annett announced the final verdict of the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels, convicting Pope Francis, Jesuit General General “guilty as charged of aiding and abetting Crimes against Humanity, including murder and human trafficking, and of personal involvement in those crimes.” The Final Judgment of the Common Law Court is below, along with an exclusive report by Kevin Annett on “Who’s really behind child trafficking? Following the big money across the globe.”
Republic of Kanata: The Winnipeg Proclamation of Independence establishing the Federated Republic of Kanata and Articles of the Constitution of The Federated Republic of Kanata
In his interview, Kevin Annett also discussed Constitutional Convention planned for October 27-31, 2014 in Winnipeg, Manitoba to establish the Republic of Kanata as one positive outgrowth of the ongoing Common Law Court of Justice trials and verdicts against the Crown of England, Roman Catholic and Anglican Churches, and Government of Canada.
33. Kevin Annett: Child genocide guilty verdicts for Pope Francis, Jesuit General, Archbishop Canterbury. Republic of Kanata announced
Republic of Kanata: The Winnipeg Proclamation of Independence and Articles of the Constitution of The Federated Republic of Kanata
32. Kevin Annett: Witnesses 800 Irish children slaughtered; Dutch Prince, Prime Minister, Soros hunting children.
31. Kevin Annett: Pope Francis, Vatican, Jesuits create public acts and media statements covertly responding to the Common Law Court trial
VANCOUVER, BC — In a wide-ranging interview with Joshua JD Lemmens of and Alfred Lambremont Webre of ExopoliticsTV, Kevin Annett, field Secretary of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State, discusses how Pope Francis, the Vatican, and the Jesuit hierarchy create public acts and media statements covertly responding to the Common Law Court trial in which they are defendants.
30. Kevin Annett: Pope Francis, Vatican, Jesuits create public acts and media statements covertly responding to the Common Law Court trial
29. Kevin Annett: Vatican rumors Pope Bergoglio’s bad health and resignation to avoid Satanic 9th circle murder evidence
28. Kevin Annett: Common law sheriffs training to arrest UK Monarch, Popes Ratzinger & Bergoglio, seize Church property
27. Kevin Annett: Eye witnesses to Pope Bergoglio rape teens, kill & eat babies in Satanic Ninth Circle ritual
Papacy and Vatican exorcised and abolished; Replaced by new spiritual gathering of free humanity
26. Kevin Annett: Official confirmation of indigenous genocide affirms Republic of Kanata; Pope and Vatican’s coverup of child genocide now public (Alfred Lambremont Webre off-camera)
25. Kevin Annett — Evidence Ratzinger is acting Pope; “Pope” Francis is PR front; Pope & Cardinals are a Satanic Coven
24. Kevin Annett: Brussels child genocide trial will disestablish Pope Francis, Jesuits, Vatican, and Roman Catholic Church
23. Kevin Annett: Brussels trial of Pope, UK Queen for genocide. USA Prosecution for chemtrails, fraudulent financial foreclosures
22. UK MP: Queen may derail March 2014 Brussels trial with Pope by arresting Kevin Annett for sedition
21. UK MP: Queen may derail March 2014 Brussels trial with Pope by arresting Kevin Annett for sedition
10. Kevin Annett: Former Argentine official to testify against Pope Bergoglio’s child trafficking under Junta in Argentina
19. Kevin Annett: Pope Bergoglio flaunts UN deadline on child trafficking as 30 child skeletons discovered at B.C. native residential school
Kevin Annett (ITCCS.ORG): Pope Francis, Vatican join with China, Putin for world currency & power
Kevin Annett: Vatican, a criminal organization, is spiritually disestablished
18. Kevin Annett: Roman Cathoic Church is declared a Transnational Criminal Organization
International Arrest Warrant to be issued against Pope Francis /Jorge Bergoglio for Inciting Criminality and Treason
A Global Media Advisory from The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) — Central Office
On July 11, Pope Francis formally and publicly incited criminal behaviour among all Roman Catholics by prohibiting the reporting of child abuse within his church, and threatening excommunication against those who speak about such abuse.
By his action, the Bishop of Rome, Jorge Bergoglio, faces arrest and indictment as the head of a Criminal Organization, under terms of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Criminal Organizations (2000).
“Pope Francis is telling every Catholic in the world to break the laws of their own country and give aid and comfort to child rapists. That’s not simply a grossly immoral act but a war crime, since he’s attacking the laws and sovereignty of other nations, and threatening the safety of their people” commented George Dufort, the Belgian-based Secretary of the International Common Law Court of Justice, which successfully prosecuted former Pope Benedict and other Vatican officials last February.
In response to Bergoglio’s statement, the ITCCS has today released the following plan of action to its affiliates in twenty one countries, including Italy:
1. The ITCCS Central Office has applied for a Bench Warrant from the Prosecutor’s Office of the International Common Law Court of Justice, for the immediate arrest of Jorge Bergoglio and his associates on a charge of high treason, war crimes and a criminal conspiracy against humanity and the Law of Nations. Jorge Bergoglio and his associates are to be immediately detained and brought to public trial for these crimes, under the auspices and authority of the Law of Nations and The International Common Law Court of Justice.
2. On Sunday, August 4, 2013, a Global Proclamation will be issued, declaring the Roman Catholic Church to be a Transnational Criminal Organization under the law, and ordering its active disestablishment, including by seizing its funds and property, and arresting its officers and clergy: actions authorized against criminal bodies by the aforementioned United Nations Convention.
3. Members and clergy of the Roman Catholic Church are hereby ordered to refrain from funding or participating in the Church of Rome, on pain of arrest as associates of a Criminal Organization. The public is encouraged to assist in the seizure of Roman Catholic church wealth and property in accordance with international law.
This Statement is issued in twelve languages and will be enacted in twenty one countries, including in Italy and at the Vatican as part of the International Convergence and Reclamation planned for September 20-22, 2013 in Genoa and Rome.
Issued by ITCCS Central, Brussels
11 July, 2013
17. Kevin Annett: Roman Catholic Church is declared a Transnational Criminal Organization
16. Rev. Kevin Annett: End to secular power of Papacy is solution to war crimes of Vatican
15. Kevin Annett: Satanic torturers include Bilderberger founder Prince Bernhard, UK Royal Family member
14. Kevin Annett: Pope Francis, Queen Elizabeth arrest warrants; USA Bishop breaks with Vatican
13. Rev. Kevin Annett – International Common Law Court of Justice
12. UN, Iran highlight Harper government coverup of genocide of Canada’s Indigenous: Rev. Kevin Annett
11. Rev. Kevin Annett: ITCCS de jure Common Law Courts and the Republic of Kanata
Towards a Genuine Legal Attack on Genocidal and Criminal Institutions: A Statement regarding the Bowman-ITCCS Lawsuit against Church and State
10. Rev Kevin Annett: Historic Federal Lawsuit against Vatican, UK Queen, Big Pharma et al.
UPDATE: Towards a Genuine Legal Attack on Genocidal and Criminal Institutions: A Statement regarding the Bowman-ITCCS Lawsuit against Church and State
Issued by the Council of Elders of The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS International Office)
Brussels, Belgium
9 pm GMT , Tuesday, July 17, 2012 (youtube posting to follow)
The Council of Elders of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) has unanimously decided to withdraw from the alleged lawsuit in the Federal Court of Canada (FCC) brought by Jason Bowman on behalf of our Tribunal and our representative, Rev. Kevin Annett – Eagle Strong Voice.
This withdrawal includes Rev. Annett, and is effective immediately, as of 9 pm GMT or 4 pm Eastern Standard Time.
We have terminated our involvement in this alleged lawsuit after learning from FCC officials in Toronto, Canada that no such case has in fact been filed with them by Mr. Bowman.
This decision of our ITCCS Council arises from our resolve to bring about a genuine, competent and effective legal assault on the Crown and the Vatican, and other institutions, for Crimes against Humanity.
Our nine-nation Tribunal represents the hopes and efforts of thousands of victims of crimes by Church and State to bring these institutions to trial and ultimate dis-establishment for their ongoing Crimes against Humanity. Our first obligation is to these victims, and we will let nothing and no-one impede their goal of genuine recovery and justice.
Our Tribunal has decided to withdraw from the Jason Bowman action for three reasons:
1. The failure of Mr. Bowman to file the case in the Federal Court of Canada (FCC) or to exercise proper care and professional diligence, after his public announcement of the case at a press conference held by Mr. Bowman in Toronto on July 4, 2012;
2. Mr. Bowman’s failure to respond to our concerns or to communicate his reasons for not filing the case, or to explain his strategy or actions either to our Tribunal or to his co-plaintiff, Rev. Kevin Annett, and
3. The fact that to proceed with a case in the Federal Court of Canada is to operate within a court that is not of competent jurisdiction to address the matter of crimes against humanity by the Crown itself.
9.VIDEO: Rev. Kevin Annett – Public Declaration to the Vatican/The Republic of Kanata (Canada)
In this video interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, Rev. Kevin Annett, Acting Secretary of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State – – discusses a public declaration to Pope Ratzinger and the Vatican stating that unless specific actions are taken by the Pope and the Vatican by September 15, 2012, “every known Roman Catholic priest or official who has harmed a child or protected those who have will be publicly named by our network, and will be publicly arrested and expelled from their churches.”
The Declaration continues, “This decision is made under the common law right of citizenship arrest of those who endanger children when established authorities refuse to protect the community.
Such direct action to protect our children will be accompanied by ongoing occupations and seizures of Roman Catholic Church property commencing globally on September 15, 2012.
These measures are being taken because of the refusal by you and your church hierarchy to do justice to your victims and abide by the law and morality; and specifically, because of your refusal to agree to these ten measures, issued to you on May 4, 2012 by our Tribunal:
1. Issue full reparations to survivors
2. Surrender the remains of those who died for a proper burial.
3. Return all land and wealth taken from church victims
4. Surrender all evidence and perpetrators of crimes against children
5. Annul Crimen Sollicitationis and all Vatican policies that protect child rapists
6. Expel and defrock all child raping priests and those who protect them, including the pope
7. Agree to the licensing of all clergy as public servants
8. Withdraw from all tax exemptions, concordats and privileges
9. Annul the status of the Vatican as a state and abolish Rome’s authority over its congregations
10. Redistribute the wealth of the Vatican Bank to church victims and the community, as Christ commands
Update on Genocide of First Nation Children at Brandford, Ontario
Rev. Annett also provides and update on the continuing search and discovery of evidence of child genocide at the residential school at Brandford, Ontario, where an infiltration and disruption effort by the Government of Canada was successfully deconstructed and defeated.
The Republic of Kanata (Canada)
The separation and disaffiliation of Canada from the UK Monarchy is necessary, states Rev. Annett, because of the leading role that UK Monarchs, including Elizabeth Windsor, have taken in implementing the aboriginal genocide and in retarding true democracy in Canada. He cited polls that showed that 68% of Canadians were in favor of establishing a republic of Canada. Rev. Annett discusses the practical steps that are now undertaken to establish a Republic of Kanata (Canada), including upcoming public meetings in Vancouver, BC and other locations in Canada.
8. Kevin Annett: Canada, UK Queen, Vatican coverup genocide of First Nations children
7. Mass genocide of Mohawk children by UK Queen and Vatican uncovered in Canada-Rev Kevin Annett
6. UPDATE: UK Tribunal to try Pope Ratzinger and Queen Elizabeth Windsor for child genocide
5. Indict Bilderberger, BC Attorney General, CFRO-FM: coverup for Elizabeth Windsor
Tribunal to indict Vancouver Bilderberger Jim Pattison, B.C. Attorney General lawyer, RCMP, CFRO-FM staff for aiding coverup of Aboriginal child genocide by Elizabeth Windsor, Head of State of Canada, and by Vatican
By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
4. Kevin Annett: Defendant Jesuit Superior General announces resignation; Vatican rumors Pope Bergoglio’s bad health and resignation to avoid Satanic 9th circle murder evidence
3. Nobel Prize nominee Kevin Annett: Common law court actions against Vatican to open in Italy as Satanic abuse torturers include Bilderberger founder Prince Bernhard, UK Royal Family member
2. Kevin Annett: Child genocide guilty verdicts for Pope Francis, Jesuit General, Archbishop Canterbury. Republic of Kanata announced
1. UK MP: Queen may derail March 2014 Brussels trial with Pope by arresting Kevin Annett for sedition
Alfred Lambremont Webre Contact/News:
The views expressed by guests are their own.
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Many of the links in this article take us nowhere. Broken links!
The criminal rings of paedophiles keep on doing what they are doing.
If the “International Common Law Tribunal” exists, it is obvious that it has no power at all. We have heard all this news for years, and nothing has happened, or maybe it has, but we are completely unaware of it. The information, if it arrives, is completely untrustworthy!
If there are GOOD GUYS on this planet, they are not very visible. We only see the BAD GUYS of our governments, police, military complexes, pharmaceuticals, weapons builders, BANKS etc doing their “business” as usual. It is practically impossible to know if there are actually GOOD SOULS / GOOD GUYS or not on this prison planet. The chemtrail spraying continues daily, without stop, and NO POLITICIAN ever speaks about this criminal issue! The same with fluoridation, GMOs, etc..
The world is ruled by CRIMINALS and they control the JUSTICE SYSTEM and they have become the MINISTRY OF TRUTH. So, to speak “the truth” in a world ruled by criminals is not only a “criminal action” (according to the Ministry of Truth!) but also it is utterly pointless, worthless and meaningless.
People should stop bringing babies into THIS prison. That’s the only way to collapse the MATRIX of EVIL. It is NOT by unplugging ourselves from the Ministry of Truth that THIS EVIL CONDITION will end! The only way of killing a PARASITE is by depriving IT of ITS FOOD!
But, unfortunately, NOTHING will ever change because we have infinite FAITH in a “saviour”!
FAITH is the source of energy for the continuation of EVIL!
I see it in a way, like this listener. From a legal point of view, we do not have the means to do something about this despotism.
We also had problems with Kevin Annett, whose court on the homepage was a fake. After all, you yourself admitted that you had problems with Kevin Annet. I don’t want to repeat it all. If there are still judges and prosecutors within this Western Despotie of the NWO who are able to act, please inform me. That would reassure me somehow. We live in some kind of madhouse. Your Jarumir Khan
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