Texas Secession: Resist invasion at border? In The Future, Will The USA Break Up Into Many Regions?
Watch on OmniversityTV: https://rumble.com/v46uhjk-texas-secession-resist-invasion-at-border-in-the-future-will-the-usa-break-.html
NewsInsideOut: https://newsinsideout.com/2024/01/texas-secession-resist-invasion-at-border-in-the-future-will-the-usa-break-up-into-many-regions/
The Governor of Texas is rejecting federal authority in Texas!
Gov. Abbot denying access of Border Patrol agents and federalized National Guardsmen to the border at Eagle Pass JAN 12, 2024
“In The Future, Will The United States Of America Break Up Into Many Regions?” – A Public Inquiry: Vol. I: June 2023 to June 2024 Kindle Edition
by Alfred Lambremont Webre (Author)
eBook & Paperback:
Download at Omniversity Books:
Texas is violating federal law, to resist invasion at the border!
Texas is using State Police and National Guardsmen to deny access of Border Patrol agents and federalized National Guardsmen to the border at Shelby Park, in Eagle Pass (see photo). Texas Gov. Abbott declared a disaster and is preventing the feds from trafficking illegal aliens from there.
Governor Abbott, for the first time, seems to knowingly be violating federal law to defend the sovereignty of his state. Fedgov has put Texas in a position where it must reject federal law to prevent invasion. That is, the federal law against hindering a fed in his official duties, a law being used against some J6’ers.
Texas Tribune quotes the governor’s spokesman as saying “Texas will continue to deploy Texas National Guard soldiers, DPS troopers, and more barriers, utilizing every tool and strategy to respond to President Biden’s ongoing border crisis.”
Expect fedgov to escalate until Abbott backs down. However, if public pressure or donor pressure is great enough, Abbott could stand his ground. DOJ today asked the Supreme Court to block Abbott’s action.
If neither side accepts the others’ sovereignty, the end result would eventually be Texas regaining its independence.
A poll found that Texas regular voters are 66% in favor of Texas independence, and only 7% of Americans think fedgov should attack a seceding state. Texas is ready to lead the red states out of the Union.
As far as I know, the last time a governor permanently ignored the ruling of a federal judge was before the War Between the States? We need to support governors who do. Nullification has a storied history, but it’s hardly known today. Weak “nullification” is getting around federal law (eg, marijuana law). Strong nullification is actually violating it.
The framers of the Constitution were clear that federal actions/laws not authorized by the Constitution have no authority. If governors obey judges who make the Constitution say whatever judges pretend it says, then fed judges are supreme, not the Constitution itself.
Fedgov could just back down and let citizens ignore unconstitutional federal actions and laws. They could, but they won’t, because that would unravel the vast majority of the authority it now claims, especially on spending.
Fedgov would rather the red states secede, than obey the Constitution as written. Yes, the ruling class sometimes does allow territory to slip out of its control, sometimes to maintain or improve control over its core areas. Since 1945, 87% of secessions have been peaceful (out of 134 secessions, according to Ryan Griffiths’ research reported on page 48 of his book Age of Secessions).
Theoretically, if governors reject unconstitutional laws, they would restore true federalism (states’ rights). But as long as the Left is in fedgov (forever), fedgov won’t resist the urge to enforce its will on things such as “trans rights” nationally. Twitter mobs demand it.
For this reason, the red states need their own army and their own country. You can help replace weak state lawmakers with those who have signed a pledge to favor Texas sovereignty. Texas primary elections are March 5 and several such candidates need your help. Just replacing a few members of the Texas House of Representatives might be enough to wrest control of the House from Democrat-supported Speaker of the House Dade Phelan.
The best way to finance the secession movement is to donate to the Texas Nationalist Movement, which will contribute to these candidates if it has money left over from its legal fight to use electronic signatures to force Texas independence (TEXIT) onto the state GOP ballot (this March, or both ballots March 2026).
We continue to update our other article on the status of the legal fight to get Texas independence (TEXIT) onto the state GOP ballot.
The Texas Nationalist Movement announced today that it has gathered 102,000 signatures – enough signatures to, according to Texas law, require the GOP to put a certain question onto the March 2024 Republican Party of Texas primary ballot. It’s a nonbinding question asking voters “Should the State of Texas reassert its status as an independent nation?”
[UPDATE 1/10/24: Matt Rinaldi, chairman of the Republican Party of Texas, has decided to reject TNM’s signatures. The TNM filed a lawsuit last night to force their question onto the ballot. The Supreme Court of Texas declined to consider the case on 1/10/12. Despite this, please read below about the importance of supporting candidates for the Texas Legislature who will let all Texans vote on the issue.]
[UPDATE 1/12/24: a hearing in Texas circuit court on this issue is scheduled for 1/18/24]
This is the first time Americans have voted on such a question since 1861, except Americans in US territories that weren’t states, such as Palau, Marshall Islands, and Micronesia, which peacefully withdrew from the US in 1994, 1986, and 1986.
Last year’s poll shows about 76% support for Texas independence among Texas Republican voters (and 59% of Dem voters), but Texas media will have a big impact on the vote because they often lie about the constitutionality of secession. Also, Texas has open primaries (any voter can vote any party’s ballot). It’s likely that the election results will favor Texas independence (TEXIT) in March, but you can help fund the Texas Nationalist Movement’s campaign to win the vote. You don’t have to be Texan to donate or become a member.
“In The Future, Will The United States Of America Break Up Into Many Regions?” – A Public Inquiry: Vol. I: June 2023 to June 2024 Kindle Edition
by Alfred Lambremont Webre(Author)
eBook & Paperback:
Download at Omniversity Books:
““In The Future, Will The United States Of America Break Up Into Many Regions?” A Public Inquiry, Vol. I: June 2023 to June 2024” is a new Book series from Futurist Alfred Lambremont Webre that publicly shares the proof, reality, and implications, if ultimately manifesting, of an apparent leak of classified Top Secret DARPA-CIA Project Pegasus quantum access time travel pre-identification information that “in the future, the United States of America would break up into many regions”. This leak was given to Alfred in January 1977 by Director Willis Harman when Alfred first joined the Center for the Study of Social Policy, the then Futurist unit at Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in Menlo Park, California. At the time, SRI’s Futurist unit had a contract with the Central Intelligence Agency to study “Alternative 50-year Futures of the United States of America”.
As Alfred has revealed in his book “The Chronogarchy”, about 50 personnel of DARPA-CIA Top Secret Project Pegasus time travel unit had met with him in 1971 at a non-disclosure location in New Jersey when Alfred was General Counsel and Assistant Administrator of the New York City Environmental Protection Administration under Mayor John Lindsay and Administrator Jerome Kretchmer.
In 1971, DARPA-CIA Top Secret Project Pegasus time travel unit had secretly time traveled a paperback version of Alfred’s iconic book, “Exopolitics: Politics, Government, and Law in the Universe” (UniverseBooks.com) from 2005 when it was first published back time to the year 1971. The time-traveled copy of Alfred’s paperback Book “Exopolitics” was witnessed in 1971 at DARPA-CIA time travel Headquarters by U.S. Chrononaut Andrew D. Basiago, JD, M. Phil [CANTAB], a fact whistleblower Basiago announced publicly in 2005.
“In The Future, Will The United States Of America Break Up Into Many Regions?” A Public Inquiry, Vol. I: June 2023 to June 2024” tracks how this Top Secret DARPA-CIA time travel leak given to Alfred in 1977 that the United States would break up into many regions may be manifesting, including:
The Chronogarchy – Analysis, Whistleblower & Inside Information on how the Chronogarchy is promoting the breaking apart of America. The Chronogarchy is an interdimensional hidden power structure monitoring the time-space of Earth as its domain of influence, operating as a secret government using quantum access Time Travel technologies to carry out its operations and mandates. Even going back to the late 19th century novels by Ingersoll Lockwood, such as “1900 or The Last President”.
Social & Political Polarization and Color Revolutions – How the dynamics of “Red” vs “Blue” vs. “Purple” states may accelerate the process of balkanization of the constitutional arrangement of States, such as the 2022 adoption by the Texas State Republican Party of a plank calling for the secession of Texas from the United States, and a recent poll showing that a plurality of Trump voters in Trump leaning states favor secession from the United States of America – “About 33% of Trump voters in so-called red states say they’d personally fare better if their state ‘became an independent country.”
2024 US Presidential Election – How perceived unequal Justice and politically motivated prosecutions of targeted US Presidential candidates leading up to and following the November 5, 2024 U.S. Presidential Election may lead to social polarization and destabilization of the American population and manifestation of the DARPA-CIA time travel-Chronovisor pre-identification in 1977 that “in the Future, the United States of America will break up into many regions.”
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