FLAT EARTH REVISITED by Emily Windsor Cragg SPACE NEWS WEEKLY #7 3.15.2019 WATCH ON TRUETUBE.CO When you look at all the factors involved, I think this Hegelian Dialectic–back and forth–is a cover-up for something else. The punch line is at the end, in the final wrap up. If it doesn’t surprise you and make you […]
Emily Windsor Cragg: ETs ask: Why do humans believe Earth is a spinning ball in space? Earth is actually a Toroid. SPACE NEWS WEEKLY#5
Emily Windsor Cragg: ETs ask: Why do humans believe Earth is a spinning ball in space? Earth is actually a Toroid. SPACE NEWS WEEKLY#5 WATCH ON TrueTube.co: ACCESS FULL NEWSINSIDEOUT REPORT Emily Windsor Cragg: ETs ask: Why do humans believe Earth is a spinning ball in space? Earth is actually a Toroid. SPACE NEWS WEEKLY#5 […]
Emily Windsor Cragg: YHVH is directing me to come to the UK and seek the UK Crown
Emily Windsor Cragg: YHVH is directing me to come to the UK and seek the UK Crown By Alfred Lambremont Webre NewsInsideOut.com WATCH INTERVIEW ON YOU TUBE VANCOUVER, BC – In a wide-ranging April 17, 2015 interview with NewsInsideOut.com’s Alfred Lambremont Webre, UK King Edward VIII daughter, Emily Windsor Cragg declares that “YHVH is directing […]