Peter Kling: Christ may return in 2020 after Oct. 2017 CERN Awake triggers Antichrist interdimensional war & up to 1/3 humanity perish
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
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VANCOUVER, BC – Author & hermeneuticist Peter Kling applies Biblical prophecy to geopolitics and current events and concludes in this NewsInsideOut interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre that “the time line favors 2019-2020 for the return of Christ as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords along with the Armies of Heaven.
“Our interview covers all this and the possibility that we are in a “replay” of World War I. In 2014 the General Assembly of the UN declared World War on Extremism, and it was at this time I predicted that 2017 would find the USA being sucked into a world war. Right on time, on April 6th 2017, the 100th anniversary of the USA entering WW 1, US President Donald J. Trump gave the US Navy the order to open fire on Syria, just as Woodrow Wilson gave the order for the US Navy to fire on Germany exactly 100 years early to the day.
Peter Kling continues, “October 31st, 2017 will be the 500th year anniversary of the Reformation against the Roman Catholic Church. Concurrently, what we have happening in September 2017 is the CERN Awake Project starting on the 18th.
“This is what many believe will open a star gate to Tartarus to release the Watchers, the fathers of the Nephilim, I can not say that this is the case, but there must be a reason that the CERN logo is 666 and the mascot is Shiva.
Peter Kling states, “This could be the start of the fulfillment of Revelation 9 which could tie into an ‘Alien’ invasion via Project Blue Beam, but this will be much more than a hologram. There are direct connections to opening the Pit, in Revelation 9 and the 8th King that brings an end to Religion in Revelation 17. The 8th King ascends out of the Pit or Abyss, rules for “one Hour” and goes off into destruction. It is during that “Hour” that it destroys Religion. Revelation 9 states there is a “King” over the Alien plague of locusts, it is Apollyon. By the time we get to the end of Revelation 9 we are fully involved in a war between interdimensionals that kills 1/3 of the population of Earth.
“If those days were not cut short, no one would be left standing.
“The arrival of Christ along with the Armies of Heaven establish the end of the system of Evil and the beginning of the New Earth.”
Peter Kling is establishing an off-grid spiritual healing center that viewers can support and visit.
Support Peter Kling: Homestead Spiritual Healing Center
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Alfred Lambremont Webre Contact/News:
Edith Gibbs says
Dear Peter and Alfred,
Just to let you guys know. I follow every program
. I would love to have more broadcasts with Peter. I love all the other shows too.
You may remember I was in touch with you some years ago Alfred about being a targeted individual. Well things got much worse over the years but I hung in there and I am sure I am coming out of that period. It is not completely over but much improved.
I will subscribe when I can my bank accounts were cleared of my money and other interfer
ences occurred in my life. I recently lost my kitty cat Dusty, I think it was old age she was fifteen.
When I get back on my feet I will try to get Peter’s book.
Keep up the good work.
Edith Gibbs
heartdaughter says
AstroTime says
The 666 was revealed here:
The actual Return of Christ here: