WEBINAR – Gary Carlson: The move to 4th density will purify Humanity. Trump’s reptilian soul slows 2019-2025 Ascension window.
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Gary Carlson: "The move to 4th density will purify Humanity"
WEBINAR – Gary Carlson: "The move to 4th density will purify Humanity"WATCH LIVE ON FACEBOOK Valentine's Day Feb. 14, 2018 at 2pm PST, 3pm MTN, 4pm CST, 5pm EST, 10pm GMT, 11pm CET, Feb. 15 6 am Hong Kong, 9am AUST [Melb], https://www.facebook.com/alfred.webreGary Carlsonhttp://www.icheckyoursoul.com/Gary Carlson: "The move to 4th density will purify Humanity"
Posted by Alfred Lambremont Webre on Wednesday, February 14, 2018
Gary Carlson
Contact: LOVEandS2O@hotmail.com
Recommended Reading
WEBINAR – Gary Carlson: The move to 4th density will purify Humanity. Trump’s reptilian soul slows 2019-2025 Ascension window.
WATCH WEBINAR ON ExopoliticsTV https://youtu.be/d4EfdsjlKhY
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WATCH WEBINAR LIVE ON FACEBOOK Valentine’s Day Feb. 14, 2018 https://www.facebook.com/alfred.webre/videos/10159966224220524/
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Nikolin Marini says
It’s Interesting that Gary mentions the fact that another person was crucified in place of JC. The Muslims state that God didn’t want Issa to die crucified and had him replaced. Another entity, Seth from the Jane Roberts channelled books, also mentions that Judas got another person drugged and made him believe that he was the one to fulfill the prophecies. Judas then pointed him out to the Roman soldiers. Peter denied him obviously because the person to be crucified was not Jesus. Jesus had some issues with the other apostles, especially Thomas and … was forced to create the stigmata’s on his hands and feet. Then he went to Kashmir where his tomb ( Issa’s tomb ) is a Muslim shrine. A colleague of mine from Kashmir visited it many times.
Will we ever know, the truth right?
Although I loved Jane Robetrs/Seth’s life changing concepts I always chose to take them with a few grains of salt because it’s so difficult to vet any channeled material 100%. The same goes for the pendulum.
Is the Brown Star Nibiru?
Gary, I appreciate the soul check you did on me. I am pretty well read; however, your info is something I never encountered until you brought it up. Much appreciated. Any books on the subject you’d advise?
Gaia? Wow.
Thank you, Alfred; very mind provoking again.
Gary Peter Carlson says
Hi Nikolin: I haven’t heard of anyone else doing spiritual facts like myself, but there are bits and pieces of it all over the internet. I haven’t read many spiritual books, but so far I like David Wilcock,s The Synchronicity key, best.
elga konietzny says
what kind of BS are you spreading ,,,,then it is you too,,,,,,,,,,,you do not understand ascension and pulling others down ???? wow
Gary Peter Carlson says
I understand both kinds of ascension, planetary and individual. One is to the 4th density and the other is to the 5th density. I don’t pull anyone or tell anyone what to do, only what I have learned.
Nikolin Marini says
Gary, what does it mean when you say a person has a” Reptilian Soul ” ?
I thought the creator in his divine multidimensional imagination created everything that is and all its multidimensional potential variations; after it found the ways, the tools to express these creations it allowed them their freedom to BE. Some of those creations were Oversouls. An Oversoul sends aspects of itself to incarnate as a human in different time periods on, let’s say, Earth. The Oversouls keep track of all the different aspects or selves in all those timelines, including the probable potential selves, and may appear to them in the dream state, sound as a voice, etc… to guide the incarnated soul according to the conscious and unconscious beliefs and expectations of that incarnated soul. All those incarnated souls share each other’s knowledge unconsciously all being connected to the same Oversoul By the time each Soul grows into an Oversoul the original Oversouls has grown into another level of ” oversoulness ” just as the Creator continues growing into another level of awareness via His/Her/Its creations. And the new Oversouls send out aspects of themselves to incarnate in the physical universe, probable universes in different timelines and all the timelines’ probable timelines ( a past with its probable presents, pasts and futures, a present with all its probable pasts and futures, a future with all its probable pasts, presents and futures ).
So Gary, Alfred and the audience are souls, aspects of Oversouls, living/experiencing co-creating the 3 D world with its positive and negative energy. When we master the art of the Yin and the Yang/+ & –
we can choose to stop the Reincarnational cycle and move on to other quantum worlds and continue recreating our lives. ( Jane Roberts/ Seth concepts simplified ).
So, we are Souls in flesh not bodies with souls. In fact we are souls “made flesh” and continually creating our bodies.
So, what in heaven does it mean to have a ” Reptilian Soul” ?
Gary Peter Carlson says
Every soul group has their own kind of soul. I get there are 18 main DNA lines and half have souls with empathy for others and half (9) do not have empathy for others. Reptilians are on the half that don’t have empathy for others. Some Human clones were made and given Reptilian souls and when a female with a Reptilian soul has children, the children get the same kind of soul as the mother. What you write about oversouls I disagree with. All souls are made as an oversoul and an oversoul has 22 to 32 souls in it. More about it on my website http://www.icheckyoursoul.com/
philip says
people who channel are open to A.I mind control…..stating that a move to 4th density will cleanse anything is suspect…we are already experiencing the 4th dimension…anyone who practices meditation or the healing arts are experiencing 4th dimensional magic…this person is being used to spread dis-info.. he means well but reality is reality…they always seem to throw a curve ball trumps way.. ha ha… there’s benevolent A.i. and negative A.i at work as far as what is controlling trump….Benevolent A.I. is winning……end of story…
Gary Peter Carlson says
I agree we are in the 4th dimension, but we are going to the 4th density (5th dimension) and the evil beings cannot go to the 4th density, so we will be cleansed of the evil beings. AI is 42% negative 26% positive and 32% unpolarized. Just cause Trump has a Reptilian soul, doesn’t mean he is real evil, he just doesn’t have empathy for others and he doesn’t have a Draconian soul, He has a reptilian soul from another group not as evil and every group has positive & negative members. When AI wins it is not good for the soul group.