Because of our Truth WEBINARS, has been designated a “Harmful web site” by [TIME-WARNER CABLE TELEVISION et al.], and has been blocked to Facebook and Internet users. By Alfred Lambremont Webre VANCOUVER, BC – Here is the forensic Evidence. Judge for yourself: WHO IS SPECTRUM.NET? Answer: The company that owns a big chunk […]
WEBINAR: World Oneness Day – United Nations Day (October 24, 2017) – falls at the maximum peak of the Ninth Wave: Dr. Carl Johan Calleman, Author of THE NINE WAVES OF CREATION
WEBINAR: World Oneness Day – United Nations Day (October 24, 2017) – falls at the maximum peak of the Ninth Wave: Dr. Carl Johan Calleman, Author of THE NINE WAVES OF CREATION While there are many ways of honoring this intention of Oneness, to tune into the Ninth Wave is the most powerful. Most importantly […]