By Jon Kelly
Vancouver, B.C. – An exclusive new video posted to YouTube on January 30, 2015, purports “American Sniper” Chris Kyle’s unconscious indications of heroin addiction and a criminal media enterprise surrounding publication of his autobiography. Clint Eastwood’s wildly successful 2014 film “American Sniper” celebrates the former U.S. Navy SEAL, America’s most lethal sniper, in a box office blood bath approaching $250M in ticket sales as of January 25. Critics including NBC’s Ayman Mohyeldin have cited the author as a “racist” who went on “killing sprees.” The evidently military-industrial-intoxicated nation’s stamina for junkie-on-a-gun war heroes struggling with inner demons remains untested by CIA-infested Hollywood.
The New York Times reported in 2014 that former Navy SEALs Jeffrey Reynolds and Mark Kennedy were found dead due to heart failures that a pathologist attributed to alcohol and heroin consumption. Pills, syringes and heroin were apparently found in their cabin aboard the cargo ship Maersk Alabama where the two were working contract anti-piracy maritime security while docked in the Seychelles. The synthesis of heroin from morphine (a derivative of the opium poppy) first occurred in 1874 Germany and was pitched to post-Civil War America as a cure for morphine addiction among surviving veterans.
Post-Taliban Afghanistan under the U.S.-led invasion of 2001 saw that nation resume its premier role as the world’s leading supplier of opium (export value $4B) serving as raw materials for (according to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crimes) a $55B global heroin market. A U.S. Labor Party Investigating Team authored “Dope, Inc., Britain’s War Against the U.S.” highlighting Asian drug-financing networks upon which the CIA learned to model their black budget funding. Congressional approval for black projects became redundant with monopoly control via military invasion over the world’s largest supply of raw materials for heroin production.
Gary Webb’s “Dark Alliance” series for the San Jose Mercury News highlighted CIA-backed cocaine smuggling into the United States where domestic sales funded Nicaraguan “Contras,” a group whose list of human rights violations (as cited by Americas Watch) furthers appearances that the Reagan administration was covertly backing the 1980s new-world version of ISIS. CIA entanglement is noted for deadly consequences within the literary community where the wife of deceased screenwriter Gary Devore cited numerous Hollywood people with CIA connections, including her husband, as was revealed earlier this month.
Gary Devore was found dead in 1998 inside of his car submerged underwater absent hands and a script he was to deliver that reportedly exposed sensitive facts concerning the U.S. invasion of Panama. Gary Webb died in 2004 of reported suicide involving two shots to the head with a .38 caliber handgun as well as a possible shotgun blast that reportedly made his face unrecognizable to at least one coroner’s office staffer. Yet so much death and dismemberment does not represent one percent of that personally wrought in Iraq by “American Sniper” Chris Kyle, credited with 160 kills.
While critics cite the former SEAL for writing about “savage” enemies the secret messages of Chris Kyle apparently utter a seeming laundry list of complaints concerning inner demons. The possibility of losing one’s personal voice in the course of co-authoring a national propaganda instrument that later explodes onto the big screen may have injured the sniper’s remaining ethical sensibilities concerning Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler’s pronunciation of war as a racket.
Death is present in the mind of the soldier instrumental in helping so many to their future incarnations. It is possible that the spectre of his own death occurred to Chris Kyle many times on the battlefield and that he learned to live with it in close quarters. While such pronunciations may have foreshadowing implications, it is the notion of dying inside while under pressure that appears most compelling. An emotional injury or death rendering resilience to feeling and compassion allowed the continuity of his “Terminator”-like battlefield prowess.
The SEAL demonstrates a measure of political sophistication when accidentally enunciating the existence of a political eye possessing somodite overtones. Joan Rivers publicly outed President Obama and First Lady Michelle as a gay President and his transvestite wife before she too met her demise. The Eye of Providence on the Reverse of the Great Seal of the United States transposes into the acronym CIA via transposition and substitution, where CIA->ACI-> All C-ing I->All-Seeing Eye. In doing so Chris Kyle is less likely referring to certain people as “assholes” while referencing the eye in reverse (although it remains a distinct possibility).
While lobbying for the further idolatry of fighting men and women Chris Kyle betrays cold and icy resolve in which the spectre of an abusive father-figure appears. Perhaps it is fear of one’s father and the unresolved traumas of family life that handicap this population into the role of psychological victimhood apparently so easily swayed by politicized real-life action figures whose grand pronouncements and mass media platforms numb finer sensitivities that define human character. It appears that in the absence of life-inspiring male cultural role-models, mythos surrounding the sniper renders a cold-blooded killer father-figure to a society exporting death.
Dragon-chasing activities climax the tension-filled transcript with forensic reference to pursuit of a fix through a dealer offering heroin packaged in wax folds. The reference is personal and compounded with details amplifying the listener’s sense that Chris Kyle was actively addicted. His scripted and oft-quoted “monkey on a gun” reference finds parallels in addiction’s monkey-on-your-back nature (idiomatic for a serious problem that will not go away). The SEAL evidently embodied institutional levels of violence and corruption fitting for hero status within a nation whose leadership was convicted in absentia by the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal.
In his final pronouncement of the study “American Sniper” Chris Kyle exudes his personal love of death as a value above and beyond the dignity of families and their homes. In perfect lock-step with a death-cult inspired leadership, Chris Kyle explains that merger into death is the goal of his life, his personal ambition and his hope for civilization. The mind becomes its object and in his pursuit of this goal death found Chris Kyle in the form of a fellow soldier.
U.S. Marine Corps veteran Eddie Ray Routh reportedly suffered from PTSD and killed the SEAL along with his companion at a shooting range in 2013. It is said that the funeral procession for Chris Kyle was more than 200 miles long.
The video subjects recordings of Chris Kyle’s spoken testimony to lossless digital mirror filtering whereby portions of the audio reveal apparently intelligible phrases encrypted backwards within his speech. It is a matter of public record that this innovative analytic procedure (popularized through late-night talk radio during the 1990’s) has revealed the signatures of unconscious sleep talking-like communications disclosing verifiably factual information characterized by military, forensic and clinical precision that anticipated details of the Iraq War, identified the BTK Killer, named Russian spy Anna Chapman’s accomplice and disclosed Edward Snowden’s UFOs.
The following partial transcript of “American Sniper” Chris Kyle’s interviews with Time, NewsmaxTV and CONAN highlights the secret messages detected within. It has been edited for clarity.
Kill the demons: “The first time of killing someone, you’re not even sure you can do it. I mean you think you can, but you never know until you’re actually put in that position and you do it, and then you’re double-thinking yourself, like can I really do this? Am I going to be OK? And then you’re asking your leadership, Am I clear and hot to be able to do this? Am I going to be in trouble? You know, this guy’s really bad. And then you’re worried when you get home, are the politicians going to hang you out to dry and put you on trial for murder?”
That book by mafia: “I’ve always been extremely jumpy when I’m asleep. And the reason your wife has to say your name before she gets back into bed? I will come up swinging. Depends on how tired. If I’m out cold then you can ring the doorbell and I’ll be asleep.”
Sure I’m dead: “Well one, it’s for the civilians cause I’m trying to raise awareness for the troops that when they deploy and go to war it’s not just them at war it’s also their family. Their family is having to go through all the hardships and the stresses. But also to raise awareness within the military that you’re not just going out there maybe sacrificing your own life. There’s also sacrifices still going on at home that, you know. You can serve in the military and have a good marriage but you just need to be aware of it so you can take those steps to take care of it.”
Obama’s nasty new Sodom: “It’s definitely either military or politically driven I mean they’re trying to increase their recruitment numbers and build on the SPECOPS forces, their size. But also any time something high profile goes down, no matter if it’s democrat or republican they want to put it out there so they can take credit for it to help to boost their support. But the guys aren’t super excited about always being in the political eye or the public eye but it’s going to happen.
No mercy. Feed off daddy fear: “It’s not even just war time. I don’t care if you served one year or if you did 35 years. You’ve served your country and you did an honorable job whether you were at peace or war. You put it out there and you were willing to sign that blank check up to and including your life. So these guys you know everyone’s starting to come out now and say thank you, especially in the airports, but I’m trying to get people to take it another step forward. Let’s show them things. And it’s just little random acts of kindness whether you want to mow their yard or babysit so they can go on a date or take a nap. Cook them a meal. If you just show them “Thank you,” it’ll blow them away and it means a whole lot more than “Thank you.””
The heroin chase. I connect up. See the wax: “Our optics and everything are so much more advanced than the guys had in even Vietnam. Which you got Carlos Hathcock who I think is the greatest sniper of all time. I have more kills but that doesn’t mean I’m better than he is. I was just put in a position where I had more opportunities. But I definitely cheated. I use a ballistic computer that tells me everything to do so I’m just a monkey on a gun.”
I love death: “If you’re inside the city then depends if you take an occupied house or unoccupied. If you take occupied then you have to take the family, feed them, make them go to the bathroom, all this other stuff. Let them do everything. You just can’t let them go outside. By nine o’clock in the morning they know you’re there. If it’s unoccupied then by the time you take your first shot they know where you are.”
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it is dis-heartening how many are blinded to the military. I appreciate your dedication to our “mess” of the world, trying to expose. thank you.
Chris Kyle was/is a fraud. When I saw his movie or rather the Clint Eastwood bomb of a movie I felt empty inside. That’s what happens to a normal person after they have been frauded. You feel empty inside. No, he is NOT dead. He is very much alive and well and running his mercenary company Craft International. He is actually a psycho bloodthursty SOB. Only a psycho gets happy when talking about how many people he has killed. He is also a coward. He is FAR from any hero of mine.