By Jon Kelly
Vancouver, BC – Exclusive new video published to YouTube on March 24, 2016, purports to reveal how Mossad was named by a second witness to Tuesday’s explosions at Brussels’ Zaventem airport. Mossad, the Israeli Secret Intelligence Service or ISIS (according to a CBS News national correspondent), is said by alternative news sources to have played a role in this week’s state-sponsored for-profit false flag terrorism in which two Belgian government officials were said to have tendered their resignations but were urged to stay on under conditions described as a “time of war.”
One witness, “Alexandre,” a self-described Belgium-born American resident whose identity could not be further verified at the time of this report, told France 24 of events both during and immediately after two explosions took place within the departures area of Zaventem airport in a televised interview aired March 22, 2016. According to one etymology and history source, “Alexander” was “another name of the hero Paris” in Greek mythology. Allegations of links between operatives behind this week’s attacks in Brussels and the Paris attacks of 2015 are now emerging within mainstream coverage of events.
During an August 5, 1990, interview with CSPAN, current CBS News national correspondent Dan Raviv explained how his English-language styling of the Hebrew term “Mossad” was resolved through conversations with an Israeli prime minister’s spokesperson during research for the best-selling “Every Prince a Spy: The Complete History of Israel’s Intelligence Community” co-authored by journalist Yossi Melman. The Harvard graduate stated then how the term “Israeli Secret Intelligence Service” was offered, concluding that if such a term were to have an acronym it would appear as the letters “ISIS”.
This week’s reports that ISIS claimed responsibility for explosions that killed a reported 31 and injured hundreds in Brussels may be better understood when lensed through such a historic lexical precedent established twenty-six years prior. Readers can watch this portion of the Dan Raviv interview at 23:12 on the CSPAN video library timeline hosted at the public service provider’s website.
The Irish Times has reported how Belgian “Interior minister Jan Jambon and justice minister Koen Geens tendered their resignations to prime minister Charles Michel, who asked them to stay on.” The Flemish nationalist leader was said to have invoked a “time of war” in his response, urging the two to not “leave the field.” In a recent op-ed for RT, UK-based Australian journalist John Pilger explained his theory of how a “world war” of propaganda, lies and distractions manipulated by an “invisible government” has already begun. That ongoing information warfare between belligerent parties has been taking place for decades is not a new idea within the alternative news community.
Analysis of the apparent covert insider spycraft information-laden appearance of “Alexandre” on France 24 follows earlier coverage of BBC witness “James Firkin” whose capacity for revelatory disclosure concerning CIA participation in the 2016 Brussels bombings suggests a swarm of multiple foreign intelligence agency underground operatives conspiring around the de facto capital of the European Union. Their weighty statements combined with objectionably questionable unverified identities suggests evidence of mainstream media Operation Mockingbird-like collusion that promotes individuals in crisis-actor roles as mainstream pseudo-vox populi spokespeople framing current events within emergent police state-identity political contexts.
The presence of previously unreported forensic information concerning secret messages encrypted within Zaventem Airport explosions witness “Alexandre”’s testimony to France 24 was detected while monitoring mirror-filtered renderings of the witness statements. The audio soundtrack was loaded in the edit bay of a digital audio workstation then subjected to mirror-filtering and time-expansion in preparation for a detailed auditory study. The conduct of this procedure was informed by best practices refined through repeatedly providing military, forensic and medical-grade intelligence that had been successfully vetted through practical real-world feedback over nearly 20 years of unmatched research and reporting. coverage has described how the same procedure publicly revealed details of the Iraq War, identified the BTK Killer, named Russian spy Anna Chapman’s accomplice and uncovered the UFOs and ETs in Edward Snowden’s NSA cache weeks, months and years before such information became widely-accepted public knowledge. Below is a partial transcript of the witnesses’ statements from March 22, 2016, preceded by the secret messages encrypted backwards therein with emphasis added.
My blows. Beneath: Mossad: “You always have the debate between the traditional airport security and the one that’s used in Israeli airports which is much heightened. But moreover, the problem that you will face is the flow of people. Hundreds and thousands of people every day that you have to check once, twice and then a third time before they board the airplane. Yeah, if it has to be done it has to be done. Sure. But how practical is it going to be? And how much will it cost? Is it doable? That is something that’s well beyond my paygrade.”
My mole hits. Have a skull: “As for the atmosphere, there’s no atmosphere anymore. To be precise people are just in shock. Stay home and try, I think, they try their best to follow the instructions of the authorities. As for the deployment of the police and military it’s very intense in all of Brussels because Brussels of course has a lot of potential targets; with the European authorities, with NATO, with embassies and stuff like that.
You’re still in my CIA: Yeah, heightened security clearly. You see military trucks, you see soldiers, you see police officers, canine units. That’s about it and people are in shock. The attack at the airport was absolutely horrifying. I cannot even imagine what people who were in that metro station went through.
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if it is true, the world would have to know who is real terrorist…..
If you are going to continue to post in English I suggest you find an Editor capable of turning your almost-indecipherable constructs into something English speakers can understand without struggling.
I do not mean to insult you but rather, I want your message spread far and wide.
And that ain’t gonna happen until you make your message a lot easier to decipher for English speakers and readers..