You are here: Home / 5G / GRAND JURY EVIDENCE: Revealing the evidence for world domination [87 page PDF]: The evidence is presented during six Grand Jury legal proceedings, that each last about six hours.
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‘Attorneys General’ is the correct spelling of the plural. If we are to convince people who function at a level above 4th grade, we all need to watch our grammar and spelling. I also suggest that you stick to politics and economics, as the editors’ discernment regarding 5D and ‘ascension’ seems lacking. Earth’s counterpart on 5D is Tara, and it exploded eons ago. No one is going there. It is a fact and could be used as a basic determinant of the truth or falsity of an assertion by people who tune in to higher dimensions and may be having difficulty sorting. They may wish to question the identity and qualifications of their sources, even if they are non-physical.