Visual Fraud Evidence – “Exopolitics Institute” photograph on its current website on August 7, 2022 at of early Hawaii-based Exopolitics Conference, showing historical Exopolitics founder Alfred Lambremont Webre [4th seated from left] and misleadingly titled, “Advisory Board The Advisory Board comprises the world’s leading scholars on the study of extraterrestrial life and its social, political and technological implications” fraudulently showing Exopolitics founder Webre as “Advisory Board” member, when in fact (1) Webre was historically Exopolitics Institute co-founder with others before institutional fraud was surreptitiously committed in Hawaii by Deep State operative Michael Salla [at lectern in photo] to appoint himself Director and Founder, a criminal offense under Hawaii law, and (2) Exopolitics founder Webre was summarily “expelled” via email list from Exopolitics Institute by rogue director Michael Salla after Exopolitics founder Webre publicly exposed an Exopolitics research fraud by Michael Salla.
Deep State “Exopolitics Institute” unlawfully plagiarized & voted out Exopolitics founder Alfred Lambremont Webre, calling Webre’s 2000-12 Exopolitics, Time Travel & Mars Colony reporting “Crazy” as directed by Deep State – Yet 20+ years later in 2022 lionizes Webre’s Early Whistleblower Time Travel & Mars Truth reporting in more hypocritical Deep State-driven interviews
JANUARY 27, 2011 – Deep State Operative Michael Salla [after being exposed] “My experience with Andy Basiago from the time I first met him in 2006, is that he is also a mind control victim, and is currently tasked to manipulate and handle Webre by cleverly massaging Alfred’s fragile personality by claiming that he, Webre, would single handedly lead an exopolitics revolution on planet Earth.”
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Statement on Alfred Webre and his role in Exopolitics January 27, 2011. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.
On Jan 25, Alfred Webre wrote about an incident that took place on the Exopolitics Institute discussion list where his posting privileges were suspended due to him violating forum posting guidelines. In retaliation for the suspension, he wrote an article claiming that he was being blocked for exposing my faulty research and Mars gatekeeping. In a fit of pique, Webre also chose to disassociate himself from the Exopolitics Institute on the spurious grounds that it is a commercial enterprise. As has been the case with Mr Webre in the past, he gives no evidence for any of his claims. He simply makes a series of claims and links them together to make a case he declares to be self-evident. First, how did the incident begin on the Institute discussion list which led to Webre’s suspension and his allegation of “Mars gatekeeping”? On January 18, Webre posted the following email: Hi All – I just had a very wierd interaction a former member of this “That’s because you are not keeping up with the literature, like you just Well, frankly, Webre got more than he bargained for. A litany of criticisms were then raised by Exopolitics Institute members about the sensationalist style of his Examiner articles, his self-promotional writing, use of blurry NASA images to prove “conclusively” the existence of intelligent life on Mars including dinosaurs, etc. I offered some tempered criticisms of his support of Andy Basiago’s interpretations of NASA images of life on Mars. I said that nearly two years ago, in a conversation with Basiago and Webre, I pointed out the need for at least three independent image experts to confirm Basiago’s claims. I pointed out the ridiculous nature of some Basiago’s image analyses, especially that concerning living Plesiosaurs on the surface of Mars. With regard to the Plesiosaurs on Mars thesis, this is what Webre wrote on Jan 23:
With regard to the Mars Plesiosaur, please note that there is independent whistleblower testimony on record by persons who have been on Mars and who have personally seen and confronted Plesiosaurs on the surface of Mars. I asked for clarification on the “independent whistleblower testimony.” In what appeared to be an attempt to cut short debate, Webre responded by inviting me to attend a Roundtable Discussion of Life on Mars in Kona Hawaii in June 2011. Presumably, I and others would have to wait until then to learn more. This is how I replied on Jan 24: Alfred, when I spoke with you and Andy Basiago about his interpretations of Mars images almost two years ago, I said I would be supportive if you could find three image experts who could corroborate his findings. I mentioned Richard Hoagland as an example, and Basiago declined but I was told that you and he would endeavor to find others. In an earlier email in this exchange, you mentioned Andrew R. Stec, and Lewis B. Rhinehart. All I could find about Stec is a webpage where he sells mars image posters for exorbitant prices. I have not been able to find anything about Rhinehart other than a mention on him as author/contributor on two articles on Basiago’s website. So far, neither of the two names you have given qualifies as an image expert despite their interest in Basiago’s Mars research. After all this time, it appears that Basiago & you have still not found credible image analysis experts to verify his work, even though there are many in the field who I’m sure would be willing to give an opinion, e.g., Mike Bara, Jim Dilettoso, etc. So far, the only credible image analyst to comment on your work with Basiago has been Hoagland, who has dismissed it as nonsense. In response to the lack of image analysis verification, you cite audience polls where participants vote that an image may look like a plesiosaur, etc., as support of Basiago’s interpretations. As Neil Gould pointed out, there are many natural rock formations that look like living animals from a distance, but up close, they turn out to be rock formations. So polling audiences is a very weak way of substantiating Basiago’s image interpretations, but that appears to be the best you have after all this time. Also, you mentioned some whistleblowers that have seen plesiosaurs on Mars. Can you please elaborate and give links, etc. This would indeed be independent corroboration if it does come from independent whistleblowers. So far, you have not responded to my request for names and links to support your claim. So at this stage, unless you or Basiago can satisfactorily respond to the above points, I want nothing to do with Basiago and do not want to be associated with him in any way. He has built an elaborate house of cards that is based on little more than his interpretations of select Mars images, and a few like minded researchers that agree with him even though none have any reliable background in image analysis. Basiago’s papers are little more than ego driven sensationalism where he portrays himself as the discoverer of life on Mars. Something that, as I pointed out to him in our conversation two years ago, dismisses the work of earlier pioneers such as Van Flandern, etc. Your uncritical support of Basiago has brought nothing but acrimony in the exopolitics field, and led to your writing and good judgement being compromised by Basiago’s sensationalism. So thank you for your offer to appear with you and Basiago on a life on Mars panel in Kona, Hawaii, but at this stage I have to decline. Aloha Michael Finally, in response to my repeated requests to reveal the “independent whistleblower testimony” that Webre claimed supported Basiago’s interpretation of images showing the existence of plesiosaurs on Mars, this is what he wrote on Jan 24: Martian Plesiosaur – Andrew D. Basiago has publicly stated he has been on So Webre finally revealed that the “independent whistleblower testimony” supporting Basiago’s interpretation of Mars Rover images of living plesiosaurs on Mars was none other than Basiago himself. So my argument that Basiago had built an elaborate house of cards to support his sensationalist claims on life on Mars was proving to be accurate. Problem was that Webre had bought into it and was not taking kindly to pointed criticisms of his support of Basiago, and the flaws in Basiago’s intepretations. Then in a clear attempt to deflect criticism by the time honored method of throwing mud at your opponent when your arguments begin falling apart, on Jan 25, Webre wrote: “I happened just now to be researching the issues of ET disclosure, specifically the issue of disclosure as a Zero Sum Game. Serendipitously, I came across the following article…” Essentially, Webre was claiming that he had “just discovered” an August 2009 article critical of my research, along with other articles with pointed personal attacks stemming from my research on secret meetings at the UN on UFOs and ET life. One of the guidelines of the Exopolitics Institute discussion list has been that members would not post articles that were overly critical or contained personal attacks of other members. This guideline has been in place for several years and Webre was familiar with it. Basically, Webre had openly violated the posting guidelines, and his posting privileges were immediately suspended, and his behavior referred to the Board of Directors for further disciplinary action. Well that’s the back story to the incident that Webre describes in his Jan 25 article. So in finishing, let me offer my frank assessment of Alfred Webre since he and I are no longer directly associated in any way. I want to begin by saying that I have always admired Webre for the principled stand he took in 1977 when he refused pressure to have him abandon his research interests in extraterrestrial communications that the Carter White House had taken an interest in. That took guts, and Alfred paid a very heavy price. At the time he was a futurist with the Stanford Research Institute and his promising career came to a crashing halt. He had to flee the country to escape the electronic mind control that was being used against him. Unfortunately, Webre shows many of the classic symptoms of a mind control victim. Brilliant and deeply insightful at times, but also with an unsteady, unbalanced, narcissistic personality that is easily provoked, and with a huge chip on his shoulders. I understand his anger, after all who wouldn’t be if your career was destroyed decades ago by unseen powers that used hidden technological resources to undermine you. My experience with Andy Basiago from the time I first met him in 2006, is that he is also a mind control victim, and is currently tasked to manipulate and handle Webre by cleverly massaging Alfred’s fragile personality by claiming that he, Webre, would single handedly lead an exopolitics revolution on planet Earth. Alfred Webre exopolitics writing is a mish mash of profound insights together with unsubstantiated claims, and non-sequitors that leave one feeling bewildered after reading one of his exopolitics Examiner article dumps. Always eager to promote himself as the Founder or Father of exopolitics, in fact Webre is a marginal and controversial figure in the network of exopolitics researchers and activists that has formed around the world. Webre’s writing and behavior is seen as too bizarre and controversial for most credible exopolitics researchers to use; and who distance themselves and their national organizations from Webre. When this was clearly pointed out to Webre in a dialogue he initiated himself on Jan 18, in the Exopolitics Institute’s discussion list, the final result was all too predictable. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. © Copyright 2011. Michael E. Salla. Permission is granted to include extracts of this article on websites and email lists with a link to the original. This article is copyright © and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists without author’s permission. For permission please contact: |
Life on Mars:
Discovery of life on Mars by Andrew D. Basiago chosen #1 UFO story of 2008
by Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
The discovery of life on Mars by Andrew D. Basiago has been chosen as the #1 UFO story of 2008.
Mars Anomaly Research Society (MARS)
Life on Mars: Early Publications of MARS – Mars Anomaly Research Society 2008-2009
By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD MEd
Chairman, Advisory Committee, 2009 – Present
The Discovery of Life on Mars: Uncovering a NASA Cover-up
The Annals of the Mars Anomaly Research Society (MARS), 2008 – Date
MARS – Press Release, Life discovered on Mars, 12/28/08 (PDF) – 12-28-08—press-release—life-discovered-on-mars—12-28-08-1.pdf
MARS – Press Release – PR Web Newswire, 12/30/08 (PDF) – 12-30-08—press-release—pr-web-newswire—12-30-08-1.pdf
MARS – Press Release – Spanish Edition, 1/1/09 (PDF) – 1-1-09—press-release—spanish-edition—1-1-09.pdf
Andrew D. Basiago, Letter to the National Geographic Society, 12/12/08 (PDF) – 12-12-08—andrew-d.-basiago—letter-to-the-ngs—12-12-08.pdf
Andrew D. Basiago, The Discovery of Life on Mars, 12/12/08 (PDF) – 12-12-08—andrew-d.-basiago—the-discovery-of-life-on-mars—12-12-08.pdf
The Photograph that contains Evidence of Life on Mars (JPEG) – NASA – PIA10214 – Spirit’s West Valley Panorama
About the Discoverer – Andrew D. Basiago (PDF) – 12-28-08—about-the-discoverer—andrew-d.-basiago—12-28-08.pdf
About the Discovery – A Dispatch from the Discoverer (PDF) – 12-28-08—about-the-discovery—a-dispatch-from-the-discoverer.pdf
The Discovery – Fifty Firsts in Science (PDF) – 12-30-08—the-discovery—fifty-firsts-in-science—12-30-08.pdf
The Discoverers – Milestones in the Discovery of Life on Mars (PDF) – 2-12-09—milestones-in-the-discovery-of-life-on-mars—2-12-09.pdf
MARS appoints Chairman – Alfred Lambremont Webre (PDF) – 12-28-08—mars-appoints-board-chairman—12-28-08.pdf
MARS President edited Breakthrough Work on Exopolitics – Exopolitics – Universe Books – 2005
MARS President edited Definitive History of The Fatima Incident – The Fatima Trilogy – Anomalist Books – 2007—fatima-trilogy—anomalist-books—2007.pdf
Quotable Quotes – Andrew D. Basiago (PDF) – 8-4-09—quotable-quotes—andrew-d.-basiago—8-4-09.pdf
Quotable Quotes – Alfred Lambremont Webre (PDF) – 12-28-08—quotable-quotes—alfred-lambremont-webre—12-28-08.pdf – The Discovery of Life on Mars with Andrew D. Basiago – Hosted by Alfred Lambremont Webre – 1-5-09—the-discovery-of-life-on-mars-with-andrew-d.-basiago—1-5-09.pdf – The Discovery of Life on Mars with Andrew D. Basiago – Hosted by Alfred Lambremont Webre – 1-5-09—co-op-radio—the-discovery-of-life-on-mars—1-5-09.mp3
New Discovery – Bee Statue on Mars has the Head of a Man (PDF) – 1-1-09—andrew-d.-basiago—bee-statue-on-mars—1-1-09-2.pdf
MARS publishes Detail of NASA Photo of Humanoid on Mars (PDF) – 1-2-09—andrew-d.-basiago—humanoid-being-on-mars—1-2-09-1.pdf
MARS accuses Universe Today of distorting Mars Evidence (PDF) – 1-3-09—universe-today-accused-of-distorting-mars-evidence—1-3-09.pdf
Andrew D. Basiago – The Beings on the Edge are a Statue (PDF) – 1-5-09—andrew-d.-basiago—the-beings-on-the-edge-are-a-statue—1-5-09-1.pdf
MARS President answers Questions Posed (PDF) – 1-7-09—mars-president-answers-questions-posed—1-7-09.pdf
How to Find Humanoid Being in The Rock Enclosure (PDF) – 1-7-09—how-to-find-humanoid-being-in-the-rock-enclosure—1-7-09-1.pdf
Humanoid Beings on Mars might be Very Small (PDF) – 1-7-09—humanoid-beings-on-mars-might-be-very-small—1-7-09-3.pdf
Andrew D. Basiago – A Letter to an Aspiring Anomalist (PDF) – 1-8-09—andrew-d.-basiago—a-letter-to-an-aspiring-anomalist—1-8-09.pdf
New Discovery – Water found on Mars in Photo from Spirit (PDF) – 1-12-09—andrew-d.-basiago—water-found-on-mars—1-12-09.pdf
City Development Patterns in the Hale Crater of Mars (PDF) – 1-28-09—city-patterns-in-the-hale-crater-of-mars—1-28-09-1.pdf
Three New Animals found on Mars in Second Photo from Rover Spirit (PDF) – 3-12-09—andrew-d.-basiago—three-new-animals-found-on-mars—3-12-09.pdf
Reptoid Predation of Humanoids on Mars found in Two NASA Photos (PDF) – 4-12-09—andrew-d.-basiago—reptoid-predation-found-on-mars—4-12-09.pdf
The Discovery of Life on Mars is #1 UFO Story of 2008 (PDF) – 5-11-09—the-discovery-of-life-on-mars-1-ufo-story-2008—5-11-09.pdf – Discovery of Life on Mars by Andrew D. Basiago chosen #1 UFO Story of 2008 – 5-11-09
The Discoverer of Life on Mars defends Discovery (PDF) – 5-12-09—the-discoverer-of-life-on-mars-defends-discovery—5-12-09.pdf – Exopolitics: Barbara Hand Clow on The Discovery of Life on Mars – 5-22-09–life-on-Mars-Financial-collapse–galactic-matrix-by-Alfred-Webre
MARS takes Its Case to the American People (PDF) – 6-14-09—mars-takes-its-case-to-the-american-people—6-14-09-1.pdf
MARS Lo Divulga al Mundo – Hay Vida en Marte (PDF) – 6-14-09—mars-lo-divulga-al-mundo—hay-vida-en-marte—6-14-09.pdf – MARS takes Its Case for Life on Mars to the American People – 6-14-09
Humanoids killed by Serpents fill Ravine West of Home Plate Plateau (PDF) – 6-25-09—andrew-d.-basiago—humanoids-killed-by-serpents—6-25-09-2.pdf
MARS publishes Evidence of Dead Humans on Mars (PDF) – 6-25-09—mars-publishes-evidence-of-dead-humans-on-mars—6-25-09-1.pdf
Spanish Edition of Iconic Treatise Exopolitics is published (PDF) – 6-26-09—spanish-edition-of-iconic-treatise-exopolitics-published—6-26-09-1.pdf
New Discovery – Ancient Terraforms found in the Ruell Vallis of Mars (PDF) – 7-20-09—andrew-d.-basiago—ancient-terraforms-found-in-reull-vallis—7-20-09-3.pdf
Humanoid-Reptoid Images found in Terraforms within the Ruell Vallis (PDF) – 7-25-09—andrew-d.-basiago—humanoid-reptoid-images-in-ruell-vallis—7-25-09-1.pdf – A “New Cydonia” of Ancient Extraterrestrial Monuments found on Mars – 8-6-09
The Barking Dog Monument found at the Ruell Vallis might be a Dragon (PDF) – 8-8-09—andrew-d.-basiago—the-barking-dog-might-be-a-dragon—8-8-09-1.pdf
Faces abound at the New Cydonia (PDF) – 8-9-09—andrew-d.-basiago—faces-abound-at-the-new-cydonia—8-9-09-1.pdf
The Face of a Birdman revealed in Orb Crater atop Barking Dog in Ruell Vallis of Mars (PDF) – 8-17-09—andrew-d.-basiago—the-face-of-a-birdman-revealed-in-orb-crater—8-17-09-1.pdf
New Discovery – Birdman Face in Ruell Vallis of Mars – Purple Version (PDF) – 8-17-09—andrew-d.-basiago—new-discovery—birdman-face-in-ruell-vallis—purple—8-17-09-1.pdf
New Discovery – Birdman Face in Ruell Vallis of Mars – Blue Version (PDF) – 8-17-09—andrew-d.-basiago—new-discovery—birdman-face-in-ruell-vallis—blue—8-17-09-1.pdf
New Discovery – Robot Statue in Ruell Vallis of Mars (PDF) – 8-17-09—andrew-d.-basiago—new-discovery—robot-statue-in-ruell-vallis—8-17-09-1.pdf
New Discovery – Demon Statue in Ruell Vallis of Mars (PDF) – 8-17-09—andrew-d.-basiago—new-discovery—demon-statue-in-ruell-vallis—8-17-09-1.pdf
Jessica Mystic Productions – YouTube – A Conversation with Andrew D. Basiago (PDF) – 8-31-09—jessica-mystic—youtube—a-conversation-with-andrew-d.-basiago—8-31-09.pdf
Speckled Gremlin spotted on Mars in Mars Exploration Rover Spirit Image (PDF) – 9-1-09—andrew-d.-basiago—speckled-gremlin-spotted-on-mars-in-spirit-image—9-1-09.pdf
New Discovery – Speckled Gremlin found by MARS within Feet of NASA Mars Exploration Rover Spirit (PDF) – 9-1-09—ross-curley—new-discovery—the-speckled-gremlin—9-1-09-1.pdf
NASA Mars Exploration Rover Spirit – Day 2012 – Time Series Analysis establishes that Life exists on Mars (PDF) – 9-1-09—time-series-analysis-establishes-that-life-exists-on-mars—9-1-09-1.pdf
Edward Long of Information Farm praises Conversation with Andy (PDF) – 9-9-09—edward-long-of-information-farm-praises-conversation-with-andy—9-9-09-2.pdf
Alfred L. Webre le dice a La Vanguardia que Marte esta habitado por humanoides (Spanish) (PDF) – 9-10-09—webre—la-vanguardia—marte-esta-habitado-por-humanoides-en-espanol—9-10-09.pdf
Alfred L. Webre tells La Vanguardia that Mars is inhabited by humanoids (English) (PDF) – 9-10-09—webre—la-vanguardia—mars-is-inhabited-by-humans-in-english—9-10-09.pdf
EXAMINER: Two Whistleblowers independently report teleporting to Mars and meeting Martian Extraterrestrials – 9-10-09
New Discovery – MARS identifies Transitional Phase of Inter-Dimensional Being (PDF) – 9-10-09—andrew-d.-basiago—new-discovery—mars-ids-transitional-phase-of-id—9-10-09-1.pdf
MARS publishes Color-Enhanced Image of Speckled Gremlin discovered on Mars (PDF) – 9-11-09—mars-publishes-color-enhanced-image-of-speckled-gremlin—9-11-09-1.pdf
The Face of a Pharaoh found on a Stone on Mars in NASA Spirit Image (PDF) – 9-12-09—andrew-d.-basiago—the-face-of-a-pharaoh-found-on-a-stone—9-12-09-1.pdf
New Discovery – The Face of a Pharaoh found on a Stone on Mars (PDF) – 9-12-09—new-discovery—the-face-of-a-pharaoh-found-on-a-stone-on-mars—9-12-09-1.pdf
The Phantom Sphinx on Mars defies Ready Classification (PDF) – 9-14-09—andrew-d.-basiago—the-phantom-sphinx—9-14-09-1.pdf
Andrew D. Basiago: “Get ahead in Life. Retrieve One on the Moon!” (PDF) – 9-16-09—andrew-d.-basiago—get-ahead-in-life.-retrieve-one-on-the-moon—9-16-09.pdf
Clif High of Half-Past Human identifies Andy as Planetary Whistle-Blower predicted by ALTA (PDF) – 9-18-09—clif-high-identifies-andy-as-planetary-whistleblower-predicted-by-alta—9-18-09-1.pdf
Andy interviewed about Mars Findings on Russian TV (PDF) – 10-2-09—andy-interviewed-about-mars-findings-on-russian-tv—10-2-09.pdf
My 1970s meeting with DARPA’s Project Pegasus secret time travel program
Time Travel and Political Control [2011]
by Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
NOTE: This article is part of a continuing series on quantum access and other exotic technologies that have been developed by black budget military and intelligence projects and applied to date principally for weapons uses, rather than for the benefit of humanity, who in the end have paid with public funds for their original development. This article originally appeared in Veritas Magazine, Australia.
The U.S. government has had Tesla-based quantum access time travel technology for over 40 years. Time travel technology has been weaponised with its principal impacts to date being for the sequestration in time loops of secret military installations, such as U.S. secret bases on Mars, political control of the human population, political surveillance, and attempted imposition of a catastrophic timeline on humanity by withholding or manipulating information about future events.
I Confirmation of U.S.’ use of Tesla-based time travel technology
Two independent whistleblowers from the U.S. national security state have come forward with congruent, sophisticated, and extensive insider accounts of their experiences with Tesla-based time travel technology developed by the U.S. Department of Defense.
Mars colony eyewitness Michael Relfe is a whistleblower and a former member of the U.S. armed forces who, in 1976, was recruited as a permanent member of the secret Mars colony. In 1976 (Earth time), he teleported to the Mars colony and spent 20 years as a permanent member of its staff. In 1996 (Mars time), Mr Relfe was time-travelled via teleportation and age-regressed 20 years, landing back at a U.S. military base in 1976 (Earth time). He then served six years in the U.S. military on Earth before being honourably discharged in 1982.
In a two-volume book, The Mars Records, authored by his wife, Stephanie Relfe, B.Sc., Mr Relfe describes the two types of individuals at the secret Mars colony:
“To clarify: Remember there are two kinds of people that I remember.
“1. People visiting Mars temporarily (politicians, etc.) – They travel to and from Mars by jump gate. They visit for a few weeks and return. They are not time travelled back. They are VIP’s. They are OFF LIMITS!!
“2. Permanent staff – They spend 20 years’ duty cycle. At the end of their duty cycle, they are age reversed and time shot back to their space-time origin point. They are sent back with memories blocked. They are sent back to complete their destiny on Earth.” (Vol. 2, p. 204)
Four independent whistleblower witnesses, including Michael Relfe, have confirmed the existence of one or more U.S. secret bases on Mars, as forward strategic military bases for occupation or defence of the solar system. These whistleblower witnesses include, besides Michael Relfe, former U.S. Army Command Sgt. Major Robert Dean, former participant in DARPA’s Project Pegasus Andrew D. Basiago and former U.S. Department of Defense scientist Arthur Neumann.
Andrew D. Basiago is a former participant in DARPA Project Pegasus (1968-72) that developed Tesla-based quantum teleportation and time travel in the time space hologram, initiating the U.S. program of time-space Chrononauts.
According to Mr Basiago, the U.S. government already had a fully operational teleportation capability in 1967-68, and by 1969-70, was actively training a cadre of gifted and talented American schoolchildren, including himself, to become America’s first generation of “chrononauts” or time-space explorers.
This training, he said, culminated in 1981, when, as a 19-year-old, he teleported to Mars, first by himself after being prepared for the trip by CIA officer Courtney M. Hunt, and then a second time in the company of Hunt. Both trips, Mr Basiago said, were made via a “jump room” located at a CIA facility in El Segundo, CA. The apparent purpose of the trips to Mars was to familiarise him with Mars because the CIA knew of his destiny pertaining to publicly establishing the fact that Mars is an inhabited planet and deemed it important that he visit Mars and experience its conditions first-hand.
Mr Basiago’s involvement in advanced U.S. time-space research as a child, as well as Courtney M. Hunt’s identity as a career CIA officer, have been confirmed by Dr. Jean Maria Arrigo, an ethicist who works closely with U.S. military and intelligence agencies, and by U.S. Army Captain Ernest Garcia, whose storied career in U.S. intelligence included both serving as a guard on the Dead Sea Scroll expeditions of Israeli archaeologist Yigal Yadin and as the Army security attaché to Project Pegasus.
Remote sensing in the time-space continuum
Mr Basiago has revealed that between 1969 and 1972, as a child participant in Project Pegasus, he both viewed past and future events through a device known as a “chronovisor” and teleported back and forth across the country in vortal tunnels opened in time-space via Tesla-based teleporters located at the Curtiss-Wright Aeronautical Company facility in Wood Ridge, NJ and the Sandia National Laboratory in Sandia, NM.
A chronovisor is a device that uses a screen or holographic template to locate and display scenes from the past or future in the time-space hologram. The chronovisor was originally developed by two Vatican scientists in conjunction with Enrico Fermi and later refined by DARPA scientists.
DARPA had, he explains, five reasons for involving American schoolchildren in such new, dangerous, and experimental activities:
1. First, the Department of Defense wanted to test the mental and physical effects of teleportation on children.
2. Second, Project Pegasus needed to use children because the holograms created by the chronovisors would collapse when adults stood within them.
3. Third, the children were tabula rasa (of the mind that has not yet gained impressions of experience) and would tend to see things during the time probes that adults would tend to miss.
4. Fourth, the children were trainees who upon growing up would serve in a covert time-space program under DARPA that would operate in tandem with the overt space program under NASA.
5. Lastly, the program sponsors found that after moving between time lines, adult time travellers were often becoming insane, and it was hoped that by working with gifted and talented children from childhood, the U.S. government might create an adult cadre of “chrononauts” capable of dealing with the psychological effects of time travel.
In contrast to the chronovisor probes, in which a form of virtual time travel was achieved, the teleporters developed by Project Pegasus allowed for physical teleportation to distant locations, sometimes with an adjustment forward or backward in time of days, weeks, months, or years. According to Mr Basiago, by 1972, the U.S. government was using “quantum displacement” of this kind to both send people forward several years in time to store sensitive military secrets in the future and backward several years in time to provide the government with intelligence about future events.
II The weaponisation of time travel
DARPA’s Project Pegasus (1968-73) under which the U.S. government program of quantum access Tesla-based teleportation and time travel was developed was historically under the control of then-U.S. President Richard M. Nixon’s cabinet member Donald H. Rumsfeld. According to Mr Basiago’s whistleblower testimony, Donald H. Rumsfeld, the sitting U.S. Secretary of Defence on September 11, 2001, was the defence attaché to Project Pegasus during the early 1970’s, when Mr Rumsfeld was officially serving as a counsellor to President Nixon and member of his Board of Wage and Price Stabilisation.
Mr Rumsfeld approached his Project Pegasus responsibilities with the intent to weaponise teleportation and time travel to the U.S. government’s advantage. He has been quoted as stating in Project Pegasus meetings at the time that the chief mission of teleportation was to deliver troops to the appropriate place in the battlefield.
Sequestration of secret U.S. military bases
It is clear from Michael Relfe’s two books on his 20 years at the secret U.S. base on Mars that U.S. time travel was principally used to the hide the presence of U.S. secret military installations on Mars from the public so that the installations remained accessible only to time scientists of the U.S. DoD.
Mr Relfe was recruited into the U.S. armed forces and time travel/teleported to Mars in 1976. Only individuals with access to secret time science records or technology of the U.S. Department of Defense could prove the existence of the U.S. secret Mars base from Michael Relfe’s conventional U.S. service records.
Time travel and political control of the human population
Time travel pre-identification and secret training of U.S. Presidents
On a November 11, 2009 Coast to Coast AM radio program, Mr Basiago publicly stated that DARPA’S Project Pegasus program involving time travel was identifying future persons of interest, including those who would serve as U.S. president, and then informing such persons of their destinies. Mr Basiago stated that in the early 1970s, in the company of his late father, Raymond F. Basiago, an engineer for The Ralph M. Parsons Company who worked on classified aerospace projects was present at a lunch in Albuquerque, New Mexico at which (then) future U.S. Presidents George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush were guests shortly after they were informed that both would one day serve as President.
He also stated that in the early 1970s, the DARPA program, Project Pegasus, had identified future Presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton utilising time travel technology. Mr Basiago met (then) future President Barack Obama in Los Angeles, CA in 1982 Mr while attending UCLA. Mr Obama, then a student at Columbia University, was visiting former classmates at Occidental College in Los Angeles. A statement was made by the ally of Mr Obama in the anti-apartheid movement which revealed that Mr Obama, then age 20, already knew that he would one day be the President.
Project Pegasus time travel was also used for political surveillance of future societal change agents.
Mr Basiago revealed that the reason Project Pegasus was able to identify Mr Carter, who was the then Governor of George, in 1971, as a future U.S. President, is that the program was in possession of a copy of Exopolitics: Politics, Government and Law in the Universe by Alfred Lambremont Webre—a book that this reporter would not write until 1999 and would not be published as a library book until 2005, but which bears a quote on its front pages of a statement made by President Jimmy Carter.
According to him, Mr Webre’s book Exopolitics was, among other written works, physically retrieved from the future by Project Pegasus and brought back in time to 1971 or a prior time. At that time, 1971, Mr Webre was General Counsel of the New York City Environmental Protection Administration and had been placed under time travel surveillance by the U.S. government.
Mr Basiago has also stated that Project Pegasus identified Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, the great granddaughter of U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower, as a his future ally.
Thus, there is historical precedent for the covert political surveillance, via remote sensing in time, of a person of interest like Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, great-granddaughter of U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Time travel and 9/11
Mr Basiago has publicly stated how in 1971 he viewed moving images of the attack on the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001 that had been obtained from the future and brought back to the early 1970’s.
He has described how while serving in Project Pegasus, he viewed moving images of 9/11 at the secured U.S. defence-technical facility where they were processed after being retrieved from the future (at the Aerojet Corporation facility that once stood at the corner of Bullock Avenue and Leroy Place in Socorro, New Mexico).
In all likelihood, Mr Rumsfeld, as the defence attaché to Project Pegasus, would have known about and possibly had control over the data about 9/11 derived via “quantum access” and brought it back to the early 1970’s for analysis by the DARPA research and development program under his administrative authority.
Mr Basiago’s eyewitness account that Secretary Rumsfeld and others knew about 9/11 decades in advance because data about it was gathered via DARPA’s secret time travel program unlocks several of the more enigmatic facts in the 9/11 literature and may be the key to society’s unravelling of the ultimate accountability for the false flag operation that took place on September 11, 2001.
Time travel and natural catastrophe
A chronovisor probe in the early 1970s by DARPA’s Project Pegasus chose an archetypal target in Washington, DC. Project Pegasus chose to view the U.S. Supreme Court building in 2013 via chronovisor and Project Pegasus participant and Mr Basiago “found that the Supreme Court building was under 100 feet of stagnant water”..
A Farsight Institute remote viewing study of natural catastrophe targeted the archetypal target right across from the U.S. Supreme Court Building—the U.S. Capitol building—in 2013.
In all, 39% of the remote viewer reports viewed the U.S. Capitol in ruins alongside deep water.
Mr Basiago has also stated that “that because the chronovisors did not identify absolute, deterministic futures but rather alternate futures in the “multi-verse,” this catastrophic vision of Washington, DC might be from an alternative time line that does not materialise on our time line.”
Results showed that 29% of Farsight remote viewers targeting the U.S. Capitol in 2013 did not see a Washington, DC devastated by natural catastrophe.
Here, then, we have the 2012-13 catastrophic and 2012-13 non-catastrophic futures side by side. DARPA’s Project Pegasus chronovisor technology for probing future events in the time-space hologram was state-of-the-art in the early 1970s. Project Pegasus itself was under the policy oversight of Donald H. Rumsfeld as a Nixon cabinet member. It may have been that Presidential-level decisions were made in the early 1970s to commence underground shelter preparations, on the basis of Project Pegasus and other time-travel intelligence about the 2012-13 catastrophic timeline.
It is reasonable to speculate whether the U.S. and other governments and elites may have made a fundamental miscalculation and wrong conclusion in assuming that a 2012-13 cataclysmic timeline will be the actual future, when in fact it was an alternative future that would not materialise as the actual deterministic future in 2012-13.
It is also reasonable to speculate that the governments and political and financial elites have made a colossal moral error in creating safe underground bases for themselves, while making plans to leave an unwitting humanity on the surface to be ‘depopulated’ by a combination of giant solar flares, meteors from space, and a Mad Max scenario playing out—all of which is a future that does not materialise.
In a July 7, 2010 presentation, Dr. Courtney Brown of the Farsight Institute stated there are anomalies that suggest the U.S. government and elites are heavily invested in covertly preparing for the 2012-13 catastrophic timeline, while keeping the bulk of the human population in the dark.
These anomalies, such as rapid expansion of deep underground military bases to accommodate all U.S. government, military and police forces, and political and financial elites, suggest that they have accepted that the 2012-13 catastrophic future is the most probable future, and are feverishly completing underground facilities on Earth (as well as secret bases on Mars).
Societal impact of chronovision and teleportation
Basiago’s Pegasus revelations establish that a secret, advanced U.S. time-space program emerged 40 years ago. For four decades, this program has used esoteric technologies involving chronovision and teleportation to perform “remote sensing in time” of past and future events. For the past three decades, teleportation has also been used to send individuals from Earth to strategic U.S. bases on Mars. He is adamant that these technologies be revealed so that their positive and negative aspects can be debated and their positive aspects used to the advantage of humanity.
Chronovision, he said, could be used to create an international network of virtual museums in which images from the past would be shown to enlighten and educate the public. Misapplied, such technology could also be used to create a Fascist society based on 24-hour surveillance of individuals by government, which may have been portended by the DARPA project called “Total Information Awareness” that President George W. Bush established and placed under Admiral John Poindexter.
Teleportation is a second quantum access technology developed with public funds that the public is being denied the full benefits of. Teleportation could be used, Basiago said, to move people and goods more quickly and efficiently around the globe, without the pollution caused by planes, trains, and automobiles or the negative land use effects from airports, railroad tracks, and highways. Yet, if it is not declassified, teleportation will remain what it has been for 40 years, that is, a weapon for use only by the U.S. military, to have the option to put troops precisely where they are needed on battlefields.
“I take my responsibilities as a planetary whistleblower very seriously,” Basiago said.
“This is a truth campaign for positive human development on this planet. The people of this planet have a right to a true telling of the natural history of the solar system that we inhabit. This includes the truth that Mars is an inhabited planet and also that the United States’ secret space program has already sent individuals from this planet to the Red Planet. If we are to achieve a sustainable human future on this planet, we must demand that the US government reveal the teleportation that has been used to reach Mars so that it can now be used to revolutionise human transport on Earth. The people of this planet have a right to inhabit a future global society in which all human beings enjoy the life-advantaging benefits of all of the technologies that all of human ingenuity has ever produced. In both of these cases, whether a treaty protecting Mars or a global network of teleports results, the truth shall set us free.”
1. Web Bot: Andrew Basiago is predicted “planetary level” whistleblower for Mars life and time travel
2. The Mars Records by Stephanie Relfe, B.Sc.
3. Second whistleblower emerges to confirm reality of time travel
4. Basiago and Eisenhower reveal “Marsgate” and make case for “Alternative 4”
5. Secret DARPA time travel program may hold key to understanding the deep politics of 9/11
Later reedited as “Exopolitics: Politics, Government, And Law In The Universe”
by Alfred Lambremont Webre
from UniverseBooks Website
recovered through ArchiveBibalex Website
Spanish version
A New Science For A Positive Human Future
VANCOUVER, B.C. – The “Origin of ‘Exopolitics'” has multiple meanings. This Internet colloquy between Dr. Michael Salla, author of “Exopolitics: Political Implications of the Extraterrestrial Presence” (Dandelion Books, 2004), and Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, author of “Exopolitics: Politics, Government and Law in the Universe” (Universebooks 2005), illustrates a common ground: “Exopolitics has been a branch of human knowledge since time immemorial, albeit in different guises.”
Please feel free to comment on this colloquy at the end of this article.
Thank you.
From: “Ecologynews”
Date: Sat Jan 29, 2005 7:29 pm
Subject: RE: Origin of “Exopolitics”
Hi List – There was an ongoing discussion over on ufodiscussion as to the origin of “Exopolitics.”
I hope to put some context on the discussion there with this post, with the open question:
“We can leave for future discussion the larger question: “Exopolitics has been a branch of human knowledge since time immemorial, albeit in different guises.”
BTW, I have signed the Petition to the U.S. Senate and urge everyone here to do so as well, and to pass the Petition onto your friends and networks.
From: “Ecologynews” Date: Sat Jan 29, 2005 7:16 pm
Subject: Origin of “Exopolitics”
Hi List – Jeane Manning asked me last week what my relationship with Dr. Michael Salla was, and I humourously replied, “Oh, Michael’s one of my students.” Jeane, who is the author of “The Coming Energy Revolution,” and co-author of “Angels Don’t Play this HAARP” with Dr. Nick Begich was inteviewing me for a forthcoming article on Exopolitics for the April 2005 issue of Atlantis Rising (she has taken over the column formerly written by the late Eugene Mallove). Jeane’s question – what are the origins of “Exopolitics” – is an interesting one now that this “New Kid On the Block” is acquiring reality in the world.
There is a very narrow, technical answer to that question of the origin of “Exopolitics”, and broader approach to the history of our human understanding of how a Universe inhabited by intellegent civilizations might be organized. Exopolitics has been a branch of human knowledge since time immemorial, albeit in different guises.
The “narrow issue” of the origin of Exopolitics is this: My book, Exopolitics: A Decade of Contact, first publicly defined the formal field of Exopolitics (the dynamics and study of law, governance and politics in the Universe). The publication of Exopolitics in the year 1999-2000 set into motion a number of subsequent milestones, as the formal field of Exopolitics developed. This followed with my vists to the 2000 Bay Area UFO Conference, my Exopolitics presentation at the 2000 ET Town Hall organized by Steve Bassett at Santa Clara, CA.
ET Town Hall Toes Party Line By The Electric Warrior October 17, 2000
and subsequent my 2000 Exopolitics article in UFO Magazine.
You can read an adaptation of the 2000 UFO Magazine Article at:
Towards a Decade of Contact: Preparing for re-integration into Universe society by Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
One of the first Exopolitics milestones was the subsequent development of the work of Dr. Michael Salla at, and his subsequent book, –“Exopolitics: Political Implications of the Extraterrestrial Presence” (Dandelion Books, 2004). Michael published his first paper on Exopolitics, “The Need for Exopolitics: Implications of Extraterrestrial Conspiracy Theories for Policy Makers & Global Peace,” on Published January 20, 2003, about 18 months after I first published my book Exopolitics: A Decade of Contact, and cites my book in footnote (39) “Alfred Lambremont Webre, Exopolitics: A Decade of Contact (Universe Books, 1999). His book is available online at”
Michael Salla and I first met face to face on July 22, 2004 at the Space For Progress Forum, held in the House Caucus Room of the U.S. House of Representatives, where I was a panalist presenting on the Space Preservation Treaty to ban space-based weapons. Michael was then on faculty at American University, and I contacted him and invited him to the Forum, where we spoke and then met the next day in an intense enjoyable 3 hour collegial discussion at a Starbuck’s in Chevy Chase, MD.
Michael’s website is
Mine is
This does not mean that Michael’s approach to Exopolitics is the same as mine, any more than two political scientists or two social scientists need have the same approach to an issue.
The Exopolitics model that my book defines is: “Exopolitics, as a discipline for understanding Universe society through its politics and government, may turn our dominant view of the Universe upside down. Exopolitics posits that the truest conception of our earthly circumstance may be that we are on an isolated planet in the midst of a populated, evolving, highly organized inter-planetary, inter-galactic, multi-dimensional Universe society.”
Another milestone in the development of the field of Exopolitics was the First Exopolitics Conference, held in Washington, D.C. on April 17-18, 2004. Organizer Stephen Bassett called me in 2003 to ask my permission to use the term ”Exopolitics,” as the Conference he stated was inspired by my book 1999-2000 book Exopolitics [That is how Steve and I first met at the 2000 Bay Area UFO Conference – over Exopolitics]. Steve invite me to be a keynote speaker at the Conference. I declined for then legislative/political reasons, and gave the Conference my blessing, and the rest is history.
Now you may ask, why was I not front and centre and in the public eye with Exopolitics in the years 2001-2005? That is a fair question. The last public event I organized in 2001 was a joint Conference by the Institute for Cooperation in Space and the Disclosure Project (Dr. Steven Greer; Dr. Carol Rosin; and myself were the Speakers) to a capacity crowd at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, B.C. on September 9, 2001! Both Carol and myself are Disclosure Project witnesses.
Subsequent to that, I became deeply engaged in the effort to have the U.S. Congress pass the Space Preservation Act, and the judgment (both by U.S. Representatives and NGOs involved) was to separate the issues of disclosure and space-weaponization, at least in the arena of the U.S. Congress, for the time being.
Consequently, I passed on Steve Bassett’s invitation to be a keynote speaker at Exopolitics Conference I.
I have accepted to be a Speaker at Exopolitics Conference II, and am continuing the work for the Space Preservation Treaty to ban space-based weapons on an explicitly Exopolitical basis wherever the perceptual “framework” of the audience is receptive.
Our Campaign is at:
The 2005 EXOPOLITICS is a whole evolution beyond the original 1999-2000 online Exopolitics, and I sincerely hope you all will take an interest and read the book.
We can leave for future discussion the larger question: “Exopolitics has been a branch of human knowledge since time immemorial, albeit in different guises.”
Warm regards, Alfred Lambremont Webre
Vancouver, BC Politics, Government and Law in the Universe
From: “Dr Michael Salla” <>
Date: Sun Jan 30, 2005 8:52 am
Subject: Re: Origin of “Exopolitics”
Aloha Alfred, it’s good to hear from you and thanks for clarifying some of the background of exopolitics. It’s funny how others view the origins of these terms and assume that there’s grandstanding and ego over who coined and first used such terms such as exopolitics. I had a look at the UFOdiscussion list and was surprised to hear that some were reflecting that I was somehow grandstanding in the use of the term and presenting it as my own which is definitely not the case.
Nevertheless, such discussion over the term exopolitics is a good sign since it means that the term is starting to grow in importance and is being more widely used. That may mean that it will soon burst into the mainstream which will be good news for those of us that first took the initiative to put our reputations on the line to promote exopolitics. I’m sure at some point there’ll be debate over the origin of the term as though that was as important as what the term stands for which after all is the critical question here. As you point out, exopolitics has been happening since time immemorial so we are just putting old wine in a new bottle when it comes to coining terms like `exopolitics’.
Let me say at the outset that when I decided to write about the political implications of what I had decided was an extraterrestrial presence that was not disclosed to the general public, I began to look for an appropriate term to use. Some of the terms such as ufology and exobiology where inappropriate, and terms such as ‘galactic politics’, ‘interplanetary politics’, etc., looked clumsy. Since exobiology was widely used and accepted as the correct term for discussion of life that had an extraterrestrial origin, I thought that exopolitics would also be suitable social science term for what I had in mind.
When I did a search for the term ‘exopolitics’, I found Exopolitics: A Decade of Contact on the web as an ebook that was approximately 22,000 words in length and divided into two parts, and published under the rubric of Universebooks which appeared to be a site created for your work (
Now due to its length there might be some debate whether “Exopolitics: Decade of Contact (1999)” was `a book’, `an ebook’, `a monograph’, `a treatise’, etc.; and whether my Exopolitics: Political Implications of the Extraterrestrial Presence (Dandelion Books, 2004) was the `first book’ or `first published hard copy book’ on exopolitics.
I’ll let others debate all that but what I can conclusively say is that as far as I could discover, you were the first to start using the term `exopolitics’, and that your forthcoming book Politics, Government, and Law in the Universe (Universebooks, 2005) will be a very important contribution to this emerging field of exopolitics. I’m looking forward to getting a copy and seeing your thoughts on how this field of exopolitics can be understood and developed.
In peace and friendship Michael S.
02:01 PM | Permalink
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Tracked on October 03, 2005 at 11:06 AM
[Bracketed materials are excerpts from Michael Salla‘s letter to Andrew D. Basiago]
SALLA: <I have never called you a liar Andy.>
BASIAGO: True, but you have repeatedly attacked my public statements as untrue, despite the fact that from the beginning they have all been true and you have no evidence that they have not been true.
SALLA: <I think you are, without knowing it, still in a program where you are downloaded information to disseminate to others for an undisclosed agenda.>
BASIAGO: This is a mere supposition on your part. You have no factual basis to allege this theory of my case. I was a participant in two historic programs, DARPA’s Project Pegasus, about which I have retrieved and communicated hundreds of facts, and the CIA’s Mars visitation program, for which I have already proffered one participant and for which I will soon be proffering a second participant. I am simply sharing what happened to me.
SALLA: <You have ingratiated yourself with Alfred who has lost all reason and backed you to the point of discrediting himself in the wider exopolitics community.>
BASIAGO: You have no basis to make a judgment about the nature of my friendship with Alfred. I have never ingratiated myself with anybody. You don’t know me. Alfred and I are profound friends, strategic allies, and creative collaborators. Your assertion that you can characterize a friendship is highly presumptuous.
When you talk about Alfred discrediting himself in the exopolitics community, I ask: Is this the Michael Salla who presented at [James] Gilliland’s in 2006 about creating nature parks for human-ET interaction and then went on Coast to Coast AM and admitted that ET behavior has been characterized, for the most part, by stealth? Whose wife presented a lecture about swimming with the dolphins as a way to “channel ET”? In comparison, Alfred has had the intelligence to recognize the significance of my experiences and has had the integrity to support my Truth Campaign.
SALLA: <Anyone who, like you, has been through trauma based mind control deserves support and sympathy.>
BASIAGO: Well, that’s great, Michael. Problem is, I have never been through “trauma based mind control.” Why do you insinuate that I have? I told you that I was subjected to efforts to make us comply with the secrecy regime and to not talk about what happened. Your allegation of TBMC is unfounded and is an academic conceit that you have superimposed over the facts of my case. In fact, you have been too academically unprincipled to explore the facts of my case. You have made a snap judgment.
SALLA: <Uncritically accepting what such individuals have to say carries many risks as I have pointed out for others such as Dan Burisch, Charles Hall, etc.>
BASIAGO: In point of fact, you, who purports to be an historian of UFO history, have totally missed the boat by not examining my claims and realizing that my experiences reveal a whole new chapter in the US government’s covert response to the ET situation. In Project Pegasus, I was even trained in the ASTART alphabet for ET-human communication and you haven’t even interviewed me. Along the way, you have made it your business to defame a respected colleague (Alfred) and a key whistle blower (Andy). So, I have to ask. Who are you working for? The truth? The intelligence community? Which is it?
SALLA: <It’s only when Alfred began uncritically supporting your claims that he lost all support and credibility.>
BASIAGO: Alfred has supported many people with different allegations and experiences and unlike you hasn’t superimposed a misinformed judgment over them. I will leave it to him to make his judgments as to whose experiences he reports. I can say that he has sought not so much to be understood as to understand. That’s why his work has been groundbreaking and revolutionary and yours has been pedestrian and sterile. It’s almost like you’re a gatekeeper for what the CIA wants to release about the ET situation. I think that at this point the balance of the equities indicates that you are an operative. If you are not, then I would urge you to do some soul-searching and acknowledge that your egotism has caused you to fail to comprehend that I am a key whistle blower from within the postwar US defense community that was dealing with how to respond to perceived threats posed by the ETs and the Soviets. Having said all that, I forgive you, just as I forgive everybody who fails to comprehend what I experienced.
Avy121 says