Visual Fraud Evidence – “Exopolitics Institute” photograph on its current website on August 7, 2022 at of early Hawaii-based Exopolitics Conference, showing historical Exopolitics founder Alfred Lambremont Webre [4th seated from left] and misleadingly titled, “Advisory Board The Advisory Board comprises the world’s leading scholars on the study of extraterrestrial life and its social, political […]
Meditation Music: Matthew Kocel performs breathwork with conch and singing bowl
By Jon Kelly Vancouver, BC – An exclusive new video published to YouTube on November 8, 2015, offers viewers front-row access to meditation music from Matthew Kocel’s Sunday performance on conch and crystal singing bowl at Morningstar Transformations. Featuring narration by Emotional Alchemist Laurie Morningstar, this video encourages audiences to breathe deeply while they […]
‘Emotional Alchemy with Laurie Morningstar’ debuts in new trailer
By Jon Kelly Vancouver, BC – An exclusive new trailer published to YouTube on October 27, 2015, offers an inside look at Canadian alternative wellness practitioner Laurie Morningstar’s debut feature “Emotional Alchemy with Laurie Morningstar” (2015) now available as streaming on-demand video. At 75 minutes viewers journey through language and its role in deeper […]
Live UFO contact night vision skywatch in Vancouver with Jon Kelly
By Jon Kelly Vancouver, BC – An exclusive new video published to YouTube on June 29, 2015, features Emotional Alchemist Laurie Morningstar discussing a live UFO Contact night vision skywatch event taking place in Greater Vancouver this summer.’s Jon Kelly will lead “Journey to Inner Space 2015,” a two-hour in-depth presentation covering his […]
‘Everybody’s a healer’ at Emotional Alchemy Summer Solstice 2015
By Jon Kelly Kelowna, BC – An exclusive new three-part video series (Parts I, II, III) published to YouTube on June 25, 2015, explores the work of Emotional Alchemist Laurie Morningstar including a Summer Solstice celebration inside of a pyramid, spiritual experiences while Lakota Sun Dancing plus an Entering the Sacred Heart meditation exercise […]