On May 24, 2017, the “Day Christ Consciousness begins to land on Earth”, Author reveals 1973 ET Encounter & Briefing Aboard UFO that led to 1977 Carter White House ET Study NewsInsideOut.com Peace Portal Arch, BLAINE, WA May 24, 2017 May 24, 2017 is a date termed the 64th Day of the Ninth Wave of […]
Eyewitness Judyth Vary Baker: Lee Harvey Oswald is patriot White Hat spy who died trying to save JFK
Eyewitness Judyth Vary Baker: Lee Harvey Oswald is patriot White Hat spy who died trying to save JFK NewsInsideOut.com By Alfred Lambremont Webre WATCH INTERVIEW You Tube: https://youtu.be/5qSjepq0N0s VANCOUVER, BC – In a dramatic first person interview, author and scientist Judyth Vary Baker recounts her intense and fateful eight months in New Orleans, LA with […]
BREAKING NEWS – Ole Dammegard: Probable cause evidence shows Jesse Jackson was key covert FBI operative responsible for April 4, 1968 Martin Luther King assassination.
BREAKING NEWS – Ole Dammegard: Probable cause evidence shows Jesse Jackson was key covert FBI operative responsible for April 4, 1968 Martin Luther King assassination. Jesse Jackson continued as a post-King, US “black leader”, including as 1984-88 Manchurian US Presidential candidate & 1991-1997 US Senator from DC, based on status as covert FBI asset at […]