Sébastien Martin: Directed energy, neurotech, scalar, pulsar, chemtrails, portal Extraterrestrial interdimensional weapons, AI & Archonic weapons, Reptilian weapons attacks and how Souls can ascend by creatively confronting these weapons, attacks & perpetrators WATCH on https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ExopoliticsTV/ Watch Webinar on ExopoliticsTV: https://www.bitchute.com/video/GqBUtGQC4HDE/ Watch Webinar on ExopoliticsTV https://gum.co/hqwNC FREE – ExopoliticsTV – [Enter $0 – You can also […]
Sébastien Martin: My multidimensional experiences, Why I am helping Starseeds & How I Discovered that a new civilization could arise from awareness of multidimensional reality
Sébastien Martin: My multidimensional experiences, Why I am helping Starseeds & How I Discovered that a new civilization could arise from awareness of multidimensional reality Webinar with Alfred Lambremont Webre ExopoliticsTV/NewsInsideOut.com WATCH WEBINAR with Sébastien Martin & Alfred Lambremont Webre on ExopoliticsTV Watch Webinar on ExopoliticsTV https://gum.co/mTSlX PEACE PORTAL DRIVE, Blaine, WA – Sebastien Martin […]