Sébastien Martin: Directed energy, neurotech, scalar, pulsar, chemtrails, portal Extraterrestrial interdimensional weapons, AI & Archonic weapons, Reptilian weapons attacks and how Souls can ascend by creatively confronting these weapons, attacks & perpetrators WATCH on https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ExopoliticsTV/ Watch Webinar on ExopoliticsTV: https://www.bitchute.com/video/GqBUtGQC4HDE/ Watch Webinar on ExopoliticsTV https://gum.co/hqwNC FREE – ExopoliticsTV – [Enter $0 – You can also […]
Information Kit for banning Chemtrails by your City Council, Provincial or State Legislature, National Parliament or Congress, International/Regional Organization [United Nations/European Union]
Information Kit for banning Chemtrails by your City Council, Provincial or State Legislature, National Parliament or Congress, International/Regional Organization [United Nations/European Union] Please ask your Legislative representatives to adapt and adopt and enforce the Model Statute. Adopt & Enforce the Model Statute to save the Earth and Humanity at the Local, Municipal, State, Provincial, National, […]
Alex Hunter: MayDay! Halt Chemtrails and save Earth & humanity
By Alfred Lambremont Webre NewsInsideOut.com WATCH INTERVIEW ON YOU TUBE VANCOUVER, BC – Alex Hunter is a Vancouver activist known as “Captain Chemtrail” because of his command of the full range of the covert technology of chemtrails to terraform Earth and humanity into a remote controlled species commanded by a Controller Matrix and in turn […]
Advertising Standards Canada, citing Harper government and environmentalist David Suzuki, concludes chemtrails are an “unscientific theory” and bans anti-chemtrails advertisements from Toronto subways
Advertising Standards Canada, citing Harper government and environmentalist David Suzuki, concludes chemtrails are an “unscientific theory” and bans anti-chemtrails advertisements from Toronto subways By Alfred Lambremont Webre NewsInsideOut.com WATCH ON YOU TUBE VANCOUVER, BC – Advertising Standards Canada, citing the Harper government and environmentalist David Suzuki, concludes that chemtrails are an “unscientific theory” and bans […]
Canadian Banker whistleblower Marcia Pavlis: Morgellons was released by US government as a bioweapon
Canadian Banker whistleblower Marcia Pavlis: Morgellons was released by US government as a bioweapon By Alfred Lambremont Webre NewsInsideOut.com WATCH ON YOU TUBE VANCOUVER, BC – Just days after a report by the New York Times that iconic Canadian singer Joni Mitchell has been hospitalized with Morgellons, another Canadian woman, Canadian banker whistleblower Marcia Pavlis, […]
PART II – Leuren Moret: Jesuit Depopulation Plan=Radiation + GMOs + Vaccines + GeoEngineering + Wars + $Collapse + Transhumanist Agenda
PART II – Leuren Moret: Jesuit Depopulation Plan=Radiation + GMOs + Vaccines + HAARP/Chemtrails GeoEngineering + Wars + $Collapse + Transhumanist Agenda [Robotization/ImplantsNeural control/Gangstalking] By Alfred Lambremont Webre NewsInsideOut.com WATCH ON YOU TUBE VANCOUVER. BC – In Part II of a Special 3-Part program, independent scientist Leuren Moret, MA, PhD ABD, confirms that U.S. […]
Fukushima polar vortex radiation in USA exceeds 2-3 times for evacuation
PART I – Leuren Moret: Fukushima radiation from HAARP nuclear polar vortexes exceeds 2-3 times limits mandating immediate evacuation of USA By Alfred Lambremont Webre NewsInsideOut.com WATCH ON YOU TUBE VANCOUVER. BC – In Part I of a Special 3-Part program, independent scientist Leuren Moret, MA, PhD ABD, confirms that U.S. Government and Jesuit controlled […]