World Premiere: Life on Mars, Moon & Celestial bodies: Author Timothy Cohen WATCH ON EXOPOLITICSTV: NEWSINSIDEOUT: References Prophecy House Author, researcher, and hermeneutics Timothy Cohen presents a 5-hour World Premiere of a stunning transformation of the Cosmogony of our solar system, based on the evidence of flash fossils of advanced biological Life on […]
Sébastien Martin: My multidimensional experiences, Why I am helping Starseeds & How I Discovered that a new civilization could arise from awareness of multidimensional reality
Sébastien Martin: My multidimensional experiences, Why I am helping Starseeds & How I Discovered that a new civilization could arise from awareness of multidimensional reality Webinar with Alfred Lambremont Webre ExopoliticsTV/ WATCH WEBINAR with Sébastien Martin & Alfred Lambremont Webre on ExopoliticsTV Watch Webinar on ExopoliticsTV PEACE PORTAL DRIVE, Blaine, WA – Sebastien Martin […]
MARS Disclosure: The 3rd Wave Of Mars Explorers Go Public! Andy Basiago, Ken Johnston, Karen Christine Patrick, Bret Colin Sheppard
MARS Disclosure: The 3rd Wave Of Mars Explorers Go Public! Andy Basiago, Ken Johnston, Karen Christine Patrick, Bret Colin Sheppard WATCH WEBINAR ON ExopoliticsTV WATCH ON OmniverseTV Streaming WATCH ON FACEBOOK MARS DISCLOSURE WEBINAR: WHAT: The 3rd Wave Of Mars Explorers Go Public WHEN: On Saturday February 10, 2018 at 1pm […]
Exo-Economia: Dr. Alfred Webre – El dinero es una technologia extraterrestre para control planetario. Planetas avanzados viven sin dinero
Exo-Economia: Dr. Alfred Webre – El dinero es una technologia extraterrestre para control planetario. Planetas avanzados viven sin dinero VER EN YOU TUBE/WATCH ON YOU TUBE VANCOUVER, CANADA – El Dr. Alfred Lambremont Webre de nos muestra los nuevos billetes de oro 24 kilates, movimientos geopoliticos mundial, BRICS, patrón oro, Grecia, deuda, posible […]