World Premiere: Life on Mars, Moon & Celestial bodies: Author Timothy Cohen WATCH ON EXOPOLITICSTV: NEWSINSIDEOUT: References Prophecy House Author, researcher, and hermeneutics Timothy Cohen presents a 5-hour World Premiere of a stunning transformation of the Cosmogony of our solar system, based on the evidence of flash fossils of advanced biological Life on […]
Earth’s Moon is a Colony of Venus, and is on a positive Ascension Agenda: Venus Visitor Raymond Keller & Venus Contacted Robert Potter
Earth’s Moon is a Colony of Venus, and is on a positive Ascension Agenda: Venus Visitor Raymond Keller & Venus Contacted Robert Potter WATCH ON ExopoliticsTV WATCH ON TRUETUBE.CO In Part I of a multi-part Visit to Venus series, Author and Venus visitor Prof. Raymond Keller documents the startling development that the Earth’s […]
Andromeda Council: Earth is already on a positive timeline.
Andromeda Council: Earth is already on a positive timeline. By Alfred Lambremont Webre Andromeda Council: Earth is already on a positive timeline. By Alfred Lambremont Webre Peace Portal, BC-WA – In a December 18, 2019 letter by to Tolec of the Andromeda Council’s Joint Earth Council, the Andromeda Council’s representative was asked […]