Visit to Venus Part VI: Planet Venus has Dual Resonant frequencies – 221.23 HZ & 409.1 HZ – Venus Visitor Author Prof Raymond Keller WATCH ON ExopoliticsTV WATCH ON NEWSINSIDEOUT VENUS RESONANT FREQUENCIES 221.23 Hz – Digital Tuning Fork – Cosmic Octave Venus (409.1 Hz) Meet the Venusians – We […]
Jesus Christ as Ascended Master sponsored Valiant Thor’s mission from Venus meeting Ike & Russian leaders to prevent Earth nuclear weapons: Venus Visitor Dr. Raymond Keller & Contactee Robert Potter
Jesus Christ as Ascended Master sponsored Valiant Thor’s mission from Venus meeting Ike & Russian leaders to prevent Earth nuclear weapons: Venus Visitor Dr. Raymond Keller & Contactee Robert Potter WATCH ON ExopoliticsTV WATCH ON NewsInsideOut WATCH ON NewsInsideOut Blog Meet the Venusians – We Are in Contact Mt Shasta Summer Conference […]
The Vast Venus Conspiracy: Venus is a Verdant Planet like Earth Part IV July 27, 2020: Raymond Keller & Robert Potter
The Vast Venus Conspiracy: Venus is a Verdant Planet like Earth Part IV July 27, 2020: Raymond Keller & Robert Potter WATCH ON EXOPOLITICSTV NEWSINSIDEOUT: NEWSINSIDEOUT BLOG: Author and Venus visitor Raymond Keller and Venus contactee Robert Potter describe the evolution of an advanced human society on Venus – now a “Paradise planet”. Venus […]
After a war on Venus between AI machines & humans, Venusians adopted a collective democracy, like a BeeHive: Raymond Keller & Robert Potter
After a war on Venus between AI machines & humans, Venusians adopted a collective democracy, like a BeeHive: Raymond Keller & Robert Potter WATCH ON EXOPOLITICSTV WATCH ON TRUETUBE.CO Author and Venus visitor Raymond Keller and Venus contactee Robert Potter describe the evolution of an advanced human society on Venus – now a “Paradise […]
Earth’s Moon is a Colony of Venus, and is on a positive Ascension Agenda: Venus Visitor Raymond Keller & Venus Contacted Robert Potter
Earth’s Moon is a Colony of Venus, and is on a positive Ascension Agenda: Venus Visitor Raymond Keller & Venus Contacted Robert Potter WATCH ON ExopoliticsTV WATCH ON TRUETUBE.CO In Part I of a multi-part Visit to Venus series, Author and Venus visitor Prof. Raymond Keller documents the startling development that the Earth’s […]
Introduction to The Cosmic Ray’s Excellent Venus Adventure: Prof Raymond Keller & Robert Potter
Introduction to The Cosmic Ray’s Excellent Venus Adventure: Prof Raymond Keller & Robert Potter WATCH ON ExopoliticsTV: WATCH ON TRUETUBE.CO: Meet the Venusians – We Are in Contact Mt Shasta Summer Conference 2020 August 25-30, 2020 Alfred Lambremont Webre Contact/News: The views expressed by […]
Venus & the Earth 5G Coronavirus ‘Pandemic”: Raymond Keller & Robert Potter
Venus & the Earth 5G Coronavirus ‘Pandemic”: Raymond Keller & Robert Potter WATCH ON TRUETUBE.CO: NEWSINSIDEOUT: In this Panel on Life on Venus, Venus visitor and author Raymond Keller and Venus contactee Robert Potter discuss the Venus perspective the current Earth 5G Coronavirus ‘Pandemic” [circa April 2, 2020], and continue a deep dive […]
Venus Rising: Venus Contactees & Walk-Ins; Venusians Nicola Tesla, Valiant Thor & Omnec Onec with Raymond Keller & Robert Potter
Venus Rising: Venus Contactees & Walk-Ins; Venusians Nicola Tesla, Valiant Thor & Omnec Onec with Raymond Keller & Robert Potter WATCH ON TRUETUBE.CO: ACCESS NEWSINSIDEOUT & LINKS: In this 2nd Panel on Life on Venus and the Venus series of books by author and Venus Visitor Raymond Keller and Venus contactee […]
Solar System Upgrade: Venus, Mars, Earth & A Positive Future with Alfred Lambremont Webre & Gary Leggiere
Solar System Upgrade: Venus, Mars, Earth & A Positive Future with Alfred Lambremont Webre & Gary Leggiere WATCH ON TRUETUBE.CO WATCH ON OmniverseTV: WATCH ON ExopoliticsTV: THE.MARTIAN.REVELATION-MP3: NEWSINSIDEOUT & LINKS: In this video documentary with Gary Leggiere, futurist Alfred Lambremont Webre (1) documents the Great Catastrophe and solar system nuclear […]
Robert Potter & Raymond Keller: Venus has an advanced Ascended civilization & there are no Earth government bases on Venus
Robert Potter & Raymond Keller: Venus has an advanced Ascended civilization & there are no Earth government bases on Venus WATCH ON TRUETUBE.CO: NEWSINSIDEOUT & LINKS: Robert Potter Promise Revealed VENUS RISING TRILOGY books by Raymond Keller In this initial Panel of a forthcoming ExopoliticsTV series on Venus and the Venusians, […]