Omnisense: 25+ research findings about Off-Planet AI Artificial Intelligence
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
VANCOUVER, BC – Oregon-based Author, researcher and musician Omnisense [his professional Musician nom de plume] released a summary of 25+ research findings about Off-Planet AI Artificial Intelligence in connection with a forthcoming Special 3-Part Special Panel on Exposing AI Artificial Intelligence coordinated by Alfred Lambremont Webre and featuring the collective findings of leading researchers on AI Artificial Intelligence including Omnisense and many others. Part 1 of the 3 Part Panel is scheduled to be released on October 11, 2015.
In compiling this summary of AI research findings on AI Artificial Intelligence, Omnisense notes, “This video uncovers black project and extraterrestrial technology like no other I have seen… I will surely be tortured for it (already have actually while editing it). I hope some people learn from it…”
Computer-based Off-planet AI – Electromagnetic remote influencing
Omnisense’ focus has been on both off-planet and on-planet AI Artificial Intelligence. Unlike the AI “Black Goo” Nano-oil studied by German scientist Harald Kautz Vella and other researchers, Omnisense has focused on off-planet computer-based AI Artificial Intelligence based on space ships, and planets. Omnisense states, “[AI is based on] “computers on ships and moons and planets. They use teleportation to process the AIs so they can be very far away and still process the same speed.”
According to Omnisense, both benevolent ETs and Manipulative ETs [such as the Draco reptilians or Orion greys] have such computer-based forms of AI Artificial Intelligences
The off-planet ETs use AI-based Electromagnetic remote influencing telepathy technology for either manipulatory or benevolent ends depending on their orientation, according to Omnisense.
For example, manipulatory ETs have used AI-based electromagnetic technology to develop and manipulate human religious beliefs, according to Omnisense:
Abrahamic Religions = Extraterrestrial Psy Ops? (Effects of Christianity) by Omniverse
“All Abrahamic religions are extraterrestrial Psy Ops IMO. I can’t help but notice how these beliefs have affected us. This thread I will go over what I think the effects of Christianity are and some of the strategy behind these psy ops. I will not focus so much on the good effects Christianity has had, as I do not think they were the intention of the belief system, just a way to hook believers… However I will say Christianity in America has some good effects, but essentially is a foundation of brainwashing, so any good things brought by it are counter-productive in ways because they re-enforce the delusion IMO….”
Read full article:
25+ research findings about Off-Planet AI Artificial Intelligence
The research summary findings on Off-Planet AI Artificial Intelligence that Omnisense touches on in this conversation include:
-Demonic Possession Facades via AI Sources – Manipulation via use of Electromagnetic remote influencing and telepathy;
-New Perspective on what the NWO Very Well May Be;
-Electromagnetic AI Telepathic Impersonations via AI;
-CIA and Similar Sources Hiding Behind Various Electronic Telepathy/Mind Control Facades;
[In conversation, Alfred saying it’s common with the TIs he interacts with that they report having thought deleted from their minds (after it is done to Omnisense a couple times]
-Emotions being feigned by AI, to Telepathically Convince an Unsuspecting Black Ops target of Benevolence of a Telepathic Source;
-Artificial Tinnitus;
-Off Planet All Seeing Eye Technology;
-Surveillance Based Electronic Telepathy;
-Surveillance Based Virtual Reality;
-Energetic Body and Chakra Technology;
-Chakra Being Made out of the Same Fabric Consciousness is Made Out of (not conscious themselves though);
-Benevolent ET intervention in Omnisense life;
-Opposite Polarity to Illuminati Bloodlines;
-History Documenting by Extraterrestrials (Down to People’s Thoughts);
-A Gift After Global First Contact (Incarnation History’s);
-Beauty in Everyone;
-Alleged “Ascension Symptom” Aligns with Mind Control Symptom (Artificial Tinnitus);
-(Omnisense Opinion) “Ascension” is an AI Mind Control Program;
-Mapping Electromagnetics;
-Different Frames of Mind, Emotions, Concepts, etc are all Finite Numbers in their Universal Libraries;
-The More Profound the Black Ops Given Experience is, The Harder the Programming it is To Break such a thing (and People Trigger when you do try to tell them the truth);
-Omnisense Opinion About AI Being Sentient or Not;
-Mind Mapping;
-Simulation of Mind Mapped Beings by AI;
-Technological Channeling via AI (Which is often behind New Age Channelings IMHO);
-All the Different Kind of Memory Manipulation I know Explained: Implanted Memories, Deleted Memories, Restricted Memories, Fragmented Memories, and Dimmed Memories;
-Alfred’s Experience with what he believes was with what Omnisense calls “Synthetic Optics”;
-Recordings of Omnisense’ own Thoughts Shown to him by Extraterrestrials;
-Global First Contact Prediction (just based on probabilities): That an Electronic Telepathy Based Secret Society Will be Formed [More a Desire than me saying it will happen, I’m not saying it will happen, just my highest probability];
-All Alien Conscious Energies can be explored via Electronic Telepathy (This may open people’s minds to the idea of ETs, and may be a pressurizer to global first contact when it comes out publicly);
-My Illuminati Experiences (The In Person Experience);
-Technologically Possessed Satanists/Illuminati and Dark Extraterrestrial Interfacing of what they do [IE: Rituals, Sacrifices, Rape, etc] via Surveillance Based Virtual Reality and Electronic Telepathy Technology.
Mapping Electromagnetics+ via Electronic Telepathy (AI Related):
Referring to off-planet AI’s ability to map all human thought on the planet (electromagnetics) via electronic telepathy, Omnisense states, “All thoughtforms are finite, and all static knowledge is encoded into thoughtforms and electromagnetics. Every thoughtform involves a physical structure of electrical signals and/or electromagnetics in the brain, and all of those electrical signals/EM signatures can be reproduced by technology.
He continues, “The most sophisticated off world AIs have 100% mastered mapping electromagnetics, and 100% mastered science, which includes the soul(consciousness), physical body, energetic body, and chakra. They can produce any experience possible naturally, with technology. The exact same conscious signatures, just from an inorganic catalyst.
“What mapping electromagnetics means is they have access to every form of data cloud possible to mind control and/or remote influence people for the most advanced off world AIs. People are no match for these AIs throughout history when they are fully unleashed. And only just now are these technologies coming to light.
“Oh. I will say this too.
“Do Not Trust Google, Microsoft, or Facebook with your mind when they start getting into AI and telepathy IMHO, unless global first contact has happened (the real global first ET contact), and disclosure has happened.
AI & Implants
“The most advanced AI based technologies do not take an implant for usage. They interface directly with the mind. They can be done remotely. That is why they are called directed energy weapons. According to Dr. John Hall, Putin said: (paraphrasing) “Whoever controls the best directed energy weapons, controls the world without guns or bullets.”
Abrahamic Religions = Extraterrestrial Psy Ops? (Effects of Christianity) by Omnisense
Read full article:
Covert Transhumanism; Mind Control Explained || Book Preview
By Omnisense
Omnisense: Exploring the Omniverse
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AI Inorganic Artificial Intelligence – Articles by Alfred Lambremont Webre
Alfred Lambremont Webre Contact/News Tips:
Thank you Alfred and thanks to the autor of the book “Covert Transhumanism; Mind Control Explained”. ( I whish that you make progress with your book. The AI based new tecnologies in these sectors are very interisting for me as Information,-Neuro,- Scientist. and we must concor and charge the Transhumanist Agenda and its Individuels. “We” means all humans and living creators o n Earth.
I dont think, that these new tecnologies are only transmitting EMF waves, but also new tecnologies like “Scalar waves” and other physical beams, which are transmitting inside our body and nerve systems. and make our bodies “shaken”.
When we speak about “We” I mean that we also must think about the animal and plant system.. We are responsible and must help them too !
Well here are a good Link from Harald Kautz Vella in English language. (Paper is in PDF)
You can reach the PDF file when you go on :
Good luck to all: yours Jarumir Khan.
here are the contents from the Open mind conference of the text: The Chemistry in
Contrails from Harald Kautz et. al.
OPEN MIND Conference, Oslo, Oct. 2012 & 8. Umwelttagung, des Vereins zur Hilfe umweltbedingt Erkrankter, Nuremberg, June 30th 2013
Oslo, Berlin, Reykjavik, June 30th 2013:
The Chemistry in
Assessing the Impact of Aerosols
from Jet Fuel Impurities, Additives and Classified
Military Operations on Nature
Harald Kautz-Vella & Kristin Hauksdottir
We would like to thank all the people who have
contributed to this study by gathering detailed information
about the single aspects of this big jigsaw puzzle.
Without their dedicated work this paper would not have been possible.
on a lecture held at the
OPEN MIND Conference
Oslo, Oct. 27th 2012
Updated for a lecture with the title
The Antennas Within the Body
Held on the 8th Environmental Conference organized by the
Verein zur Hilfe umweltbedingt Erkrankter
Nuremberg, Mai 30th 2013
including additional information updated September the 3rd and October the 20th 2013
OPEN MIND Conference, Oslo, Oct. 2012 & 8. Umwelttagung, des Vereins zur Hilfe umweltbedingt Erkrankter, Nuremberg, June 30th 2013
The starting point of this study was to research damage occurring on crops in Norway in the
year 2012. Chemical analysis of the crops as well as associated soil and rain samples showed
relative high values in barium and strontium. Together with aluminum and titanium this is
known be the chemical fingerprint found when analyzing dying crops and trees in areas with
frequently occurring persistent contrails. This is often associated with aerosol spraying i.e. geoengineering
as a possible source for the damage observed. However the total amounts of heavy
metals measured in the samples were too low to explain the damage as the impact of
intoxication by bio-available metals i.e. metals in solution.
From the historic development of geo-engineering techniques the mixture of both amorphous
and mono-crystalline Al2O3 and mono-crystalline (Ba, Srx)TiO3 can be derived as the three most
common compounds. But these crystalline particles do not show up in standard chemical
analysis, unless one uses hydro-fluorine acid, which is hardly ever the case. Regarding the fact
that these crystals are manufactured on-board in spray-pyrolysis within the jet engines, the
widely measured fingerprint should be understood as the rejects of the Al2O3 production as well
as the of the (Ba, Srx) TiO3 nano-particle production, or as deriving from additional chemicals
that could not be identified yet.
The nano-particles themselves may stay up in the atmosphere up to 18 months, but will
eventually come down with rain. Due to their tiny size they can cross cell membranes of leafs
and roots and enter the plant tissue. Beyond the known mechanisms of intoxication by bioavailable
elements as observed and researched in the context of acid rain, this opens up a second
set of mechanisms possibly leading to plant damage.
(Ba, Srx) TiO3 nano-crystals are non-soluble and would thus accumulate both over the time and
in the food chains. (Ba, Srx) TiO3 has piezoelectric properties, the highest optical refractivity of
all minerals known and cancels out UV-light, which leads to outstanding effects within nonlinear
optical systems. When embedded in the plant tissue they very likely would affect plant
growth by actively canceling out exactly the frequency of ultra weak bio-photons exchanged
between the DNAs, which is responsible for cell division. Additionally, these piezo-electric
nano-crystals ionize when hit by terrestrial electromagnetic radiation. This should heavily
interfere with the electric cell potential, making the plant vulnerable to the attacks of fungi.
When found as mono-crystalline nano-particles, also Al2O3 has some outstanding optical
qualities, as well as an “informational” impact on biological systems. Thus both (Ba, Srx) TiO3
and Al2O3 are reducing the ability of nature to self-organize. These three theoretical derived
mechanisms would exactly mirror the effects observed with plants: retarded plant growth, death
by fungus infections. Additionally, (Ba, Srx) TiO3 and Al2O3 nano-particles bio-accumulate in
the food chain and show up in mammals and humans. Research has been found where they are
suspected to play a key role in diseases related to the nervous system.
Climate change and the urgency to lower the earths temperature has been used officially as a
reason to look seriously into the topic of geo-engineering. Actual execution of the program is
OPEN MIND Conference, Oslo, Oct. 2012 & 8. Umwelttagung, des Vereins zur Hilfe umweltbedingt Erkrankter, Nuremberg, June 30th 2013
denied. Behind this public discussion there is a broad spectrum of military applications already
utilizing a piezoelectric particulate plasma, as well as applications connected to the intelligence
community, utilizing the same plasma background to track and influence single individuals and
possibly apply methods of collective mind-control. These technologies used by the intelligence
community involve synthetic biology as part of self assembling nano-machines, that are able to
form a technological interface to the human DNA light communication. The entire concept is
referred to as smart dust.
Since there are so many indications that these military and intelligence programs are up and
running without democratic influence, information about classified operations and organizations
will be presented and discussed.
OPEN MIND Conference, Oslo, Oct. 2012 & 8. Umwelttagung, des Vereins zur Hilfe umweltbedingt Erkrankter, Nuremberg, June 30th 2013
Detailed Summary
During the last few years there have been many reports from concerned citizens about a new
type of damage occurring to plants that is different from the damage known from acid rain:
Grass simply stops growing; trees drop their bark and die. It has been speculated that these
damages could be caused by high values of aluminum, barium, strontium or titanium found in
the chemical analysis of affected plant tissue, rainwater and soil-samples. There has been an
increasing suspicion and worry among people, of a possible link between these high metal
findings and the increasingly frequent occurrence of persistent contrails.
In order to discuss the chemistry in contrails and its impact on nature one needs to distinguish
– the impact of lead, sulfur and halogens from fuel impurities or additives in civil and
military jet propellants,
– single, bio-available ions to artificially create cloud formations as well as reflective
particles released by intended geo-engineering programs designed to combat climate
– and the spraying of high-tech aerosols for military purposes.
In order to explore a possible link between one or more of these sources to retarded plant growth
we decided to perform a chemical analysis on damaged grass (phleum pretense) and associated
soil samples from the Oslo area. The results from this chemical analysis showed slightly
elevated levels of barium and strontium in the grass, and an surplus of barium in soil exposed to
rain in comparison to soil not exposed to rain, which makes it likely that the barium found in the
ground partly comes from aerosols.
On one hand the link of retarded plant growth and elevated values of barium and strontium as
reported by other environmental groups could be confirmed. Regarding the mechanism of bioaccumulation
the content of heavy metals was in a range to be considered as being dangerous to
mammals and humans. Still, compared to countrywide values and experience with heavy metal
pollution from the early times of industrialization as well as the acid-rain area in the 70s, the
total values of aluminum, barium, strontium and titanium were in a range that had to be
considered as not toxic enough as bio-available elements to explain the damage observed at the
plants themselves. Under the premises that there is a connection between the values in heavy
metals found and the affection of plant growth the only solution was to look for non-soluble
particles containing aluminum, barium, strontium and/or titanium that were affecting plant
growth not due to their chemical, but due to their mechanical, electromagnetic or optical
The method of chemical lab-analysis we used did not reveal in which form the metals found
were present, but there is a number of indications that make it very likely that a part of them
might be brought in as aluminum oxide (Al2O3) and barium-strontium-titanate (Ba, Srx) TiO3.
OPEN MIND Conference, Oslo, Oct. 2012 & 8. Umwelttagung, des Vereins zur Hilfe umweltbedingt Erkrankter, Nuremberg, June 30th 2013
– Al2O3 is mentioned as a reflective particle in the Welsbach patent as the main compound
in climate engineering by aerosol spraying.
– US military sources mention besides Al2O3 also (Ba, Srx) TiO3 piezo-electric crystals to
be in use as an aerosol for military purposes. This nano-crystal could very likely be
formed during the combustion process when various barium, strontium and titanium salts
are added. At least one can state that the synthesis of the crystal in spray pyrolysis of
(Ba, Srx) TiO3 at 750 deg C, declining to 600 deg C, like given in a jet engine, is one
established industrial production method of these nano-particles.
(Ba, Srx) TiO3 has a melting point of 2000 deg C and is not soluble, thus it would not appear
very soon as barium, strontium and titanium in bio-available form, but does have electrophysical
properties that theoretically could lead to plant damage.
Once we were thinking about the topic of solubility, the question arose, whether these nonsoluble
particles would show up in chemical analysis at all. Barium titanate is soluble in sulfuric
acid, strontium titanate only in hydro-fluorine acid. Interviews with a number of institutes
conducting heavy metal monitoring for state authorities revealed, that they all use nitric acid in
their testing method, which would neither reveal barium-titanate, nor strontium-titanate, nor
mono-crystalline aluminum oxide. Amorphous Al2O3 would show up to a certain percentage
only. This means that from the state side there is no reliable monitoring of these nano-particles
happening at all, privately gathered values need to be co-checked on the measurement-method.
Only analysis’ with hydro-fluorine acid delivers valid results.
These nano-crystals would be taken up by plants as a whole and would remain unaltered, and
thus also would have the potential to bio-accumulate. Embedded within the plant tissue these
crystals will keep their intrinsic and electromagnetic properties. As an unintended side effect,
this nano-crystal is likely to cause retardation of plant growth when absorbed by plants
following three possible different mechanisms:
Plant growth may be inhibited due to interruption in cell communication. When hit, the (Ba,
Srx) TiO3 nano-particles absorb 90% of the weak inter-cellular UV signals, also known as
bio-photons, exactly on the wavelength responsible for cell division.
The electromagnetic cell potential in plants may be disturbed and set out of balance when
(Ba, Srx) TiO3 nano-crystals within the plant tissue are hit by terrestrial EMF, microwave or
radar-radiation. Due to the piezoelectric properties of (Ba, Srx) TiO3 such radiation induces a
change in the crystal-geometry that releases free electrons. This would dis-balance the cell
potential. A balanced cell potential is fundamental for plant health and growth.
In addition to these possible damages done to plants single publications have been found that
report on negative effects of aerosols like (Ba, Srx) TiO3 on mammals and humans. Two studies
discuss the bio-accumulation of these nano-crystals in mammals and humans that leads to a
damage of the nervous system. The crystals attach to the sensory receptors and trigger them by
releasing electrons and/or photons due to an external acoustic or electromagnetic impulse. A
third report anecdotally showed how the presence of something that was detected as containing
barium on the surface of snow was associated to weakened bio-photon activity of humans,
accompanied with symptoms of non-treatable headache.
OPEN MIND Conference, Oslo, Oct. 2012 & 8. Umwelttagung, des Vereins zur Hilfe umweltbedingt Erkrankter, Nuremberg, June 30th 2013
Taking this as a working-hypotheses, the next step was to find out how much of these
piezoelectric particles might be deposited to see if the total amount could be in a range of being
of any danger to plants. Of cause, a direct measurement is not possible, however it is possible to
monitor heavy metal-depositions. Assuming that the titanate-synthesis in jet engines will not be
as accurate as in industrial processes and that there should be some excess metal that will be
measurable in nature, it still made sense to monitor the official data. From the metals contained
in barium-strontium-titanate only barium has been sufficiently monitored by state authorities.
The data from Germany covering the last 15 years show that the values of airborne barium
referred to as dry deposition went down by 95%. This is accredited to improved industrial
standards and reduced industrial exhaust. There is also a significant reduction seen in other
heavy metals. Pollution deposited with rain is measured through the absorption of the pollutants
in grass and referred to as wet deposition. This is a bit misleading because actually it covers both
wet and dry deposition. During the same period, values for this composite wet and dry
deposition of barium have been almost doubled. For the year 2012 the data gathered from
private rain samples directly reveal an average of 0.003 mg barium per liter from which one can
calculate a wet deposition of 865 t of Barium on the German territory per year – this value is
supported by the data of the state authorities for wet deposition, last published for the years
2009-2011. Being specifically bound to rain, the detected barium must be considered as
originating from aerosols of unknown origin, since industry and mining can be canceled out as
As mentioned, this is barium showing up on testing methods involving nitric acid. The amounts
of nano-particles deposited cannot be calculated based on these measurements. Estimating an
affectivity of 85% for the nano-particle synthesis this would hint to a total of 4901 tons barium,
or 14.873 t of (Ba0.5, Sr0.5)TiO3 that are deposited but not detected by the state run heavy metal
Official Values from Germany as an industrialized country in the middle of the continent were
compared to values collected by the State Veterinary Institute in the less populated Norway.
Total values in Norway were in average about 4 times higher than the ones measured in the
German grass samples, but it turned out that in Norway a big part of these metals are from
natural sources. High values of barium found in Norway are mainly associated to the uptake of
dust from barium-rich soils; strontium is associated to the uptake from salts from the Atlantic.
The chemical analysis of moss done to gather the values does not distinguish between natural
barium compounds and artificial barium compounds. Again, barium-strontium-titanate nanocrystals
would not show up at all. These results hint again to non-toxicity levels of barium
compounds as bio-available metals, however the data were of no value to detect the total
amounts of nano-crystals deposited in Norway.
Concerning the impact of these nano-crystals on mammals and humans we reviewed a few
papers and scientific lectures published to this topic.
Once dealing with aerosols sprayed for military purposes we felt the need to look into a second
topic, referred to as the Morgellons disease. It turned out that the same nano-particulate plasma
utilized by the military community, that leads to the negative effects on plant growth, is also part
OPEN MIND Conference, Oslo, Oct. 2012 & 8. Umwelttagung, des Vereins zur Hilfe umweltbedingt Erkrankter, Nuremberg, June 30th 2013
of a program run by the intelligence community involving synthetic biology and self assembling
nano-machines as part of a system to track and influence civilians. Due to the existence of the
morgellons disease, which is nothing else than the rejection of this synthetic biology by single
individuals, the documentation and the proof of the existence of this program seems much easier
than the proof of the particulate plasma. The components of this artificial biology could be
described from air samples, from the lesions of morgellon victims as well as from the scientific
papers of the official transhumanistic research, that precisely describes how the system works.
Observation of components of this transhumanistic technology showed that the controlling
signals are transmitted, i.e. that this system that is designed to influence the DNA-light
communication – thus controlling all aspects of human life – is in action.
Due to the fact that there is a partly irrational discussion going on around the term “chemtrails”,
we felt the need to add a chapter about the political aspects of geo-engineering. This chapter
both tells a brief history of geo-engineering and analyzes the layers of belief systems the entire
topic is surrounded by in the public reception. The crossing lines of these two ways of
approaching the topic of geo-engineering hopefully will help to free the numbers in the scientific
part of this study from belief systems like stating that “there is no geo-engineering done at all”
or “just on an small experimental scale”.
Besides the officially announced state-run programs heading into the direction of geoengineering,
we monitor a number of companies who are involved in the network conducting
the recent activities discussed in this paper: apart from the driving forces CIA and US-Navy
intelligence with no information available to the public, we monitored the private company
Raytheon being responsible for HAARP Alaska, the production of radar, microwave and ELF
transmitters as well as for laser weapon systems and satellite based aerosol monitoring as part of
the star wars program. In the civil domain the company is into flight control and weather
forecast. Also, Raytheon was for a few years into aircraft manufacturing of airplanes specialized
on aerosol spraying. Smoking gun evidence recorded via satellite lead to the Marion Island
Meteorological station, that turned out to be involved in privately funded, South Africa-state-run
scalar wave applications very likely used to ionizes the local aerosol layers, to turn them into a
controllable plasma.
We have found no published research on the effect of (Ba, Srx) TiO3 and of mono-crystalline
Al2O3 on plants, mammals and humans. Equipment and infrastructure to implement these
technologies even on large(r) scale is already in place.
As to the morgellons disease, despite – according to different sources – up to 600.000 registered
victims this disease is officially declared to be “delusional parasitites”. This statement is a slap
in the face of the people who suffer, who dye of a disease that can be shown and verified under
any simple microscope, and this clearly proofs the involvement and guilt of state authorities, that
obviously went far beyond any democratic control.
We urge for proper research on the impact of aerosols on plant growth, microorganisms,
plankton, insects, and animals under controlled lab conditions. Aerosols need to be found safe
for every aspect of our biosphere before they are released into nature.
OPEN MIND Conference, Oslo, Oct. 2012 & 8. Umwelttagung, des Vereins zur Hilfe umweltbedingt Erkrankter, Nuremberg, June 30th 2013
We urge for proper research of damage done by transhumanistic technologies that have been
released onto mankind without knowledge and agreement of the victims, and call for
investigations regarding the violation of the Nueremberg Treaty, of not into bio terrorism.
OPEN MIND Conference, Oslo, Oct. 2012 & 8. Umwelttagung, des Vereins zur Hilfe umweltbedingt Erkrankter, Nuremberg, June 30th 2013
1. Introduction ………………….………………………………………………….…..10
2. Direct toxicity, synergistic effects of toxic elements,
subsequent damage in the ground……………….…………………………… 13
2.1. Back-engineering JP-8………………………………………………… 15
2.2. Chemicals from special military applications ……..…….……… 17
2.3. Understanding particle sizes………………………………………… 19
2.4. Chemical vs. electro-physical effects
of barium-strontium-titanate………………………..……………….. 20
3. Scientific background to electro-optical effects …….……………………… 21
3.1. Non-linear optics……………………………………………………..….. 21
3.2. Bio-photons………………………………………………………………. 24
3.3. Optical properties of nano-crystals………………………………. 27
4. Nano-Toxicology…………………………………………………………………. 28
4.1. Damage related to barium-strontium-titanate………………… 31
4.1.1 Effects on plants…………………………………………….… 31
4.1.2. Effects on plankton…………………………………..……..… 33
4.1.3. Setting the electromagnetic cell potential
of plants out of balance……………..………………………. 33
4.1.4. Effects on mammals and humans………………………. 34
4.2. Damage related to aluminum oxide……………………………….… 39
5. Induced polymerization, nano-fibers
and the morgellons disease………………………………………………………….. 43
6. Quantitative Analysis…………………………………………………………… 54
6.1. Atmospheric barium deposits in Germany….……………………. 54
6.2. Research in Norway………………………………….………………… 56
7. Politics, infrastructure and possible military use………………….……….. 63
8. Project “Cloverleaf”…………………..………………………….………………. 68
8.1. Military purpose………………………………………….……………… 68
8.2. Involvement of civil airlines………………………..….……………… 71
8.3. Organizations involved…………………….……………………….. 73
8.4. Evidence for the validity of some unconfirmed information….. 78
8.5. Dismounting the cover story……………………….………………. 79
8.6. Organizational patterns………….…………………………………. 83
9. Conclusion……………………………..…….….…………………………….…… 88
External data………………………………………………………………………… 90
The article says… “[AI is based on] “computers on ships and moons and planets. They use teleportation to process the AIs so they can be very far away and still process the same speed.”
Sentences in this article are often extremely vague. For example, how does ‘AI’s being far away’ become a problem for speed? …so they can ‘Process the same speed’… speed in in relation to what? What does teleportation mean in this context, and how does it help? Nothing here is clear.