Tribunal Issues Cease & Desist Order For All Covid “Vaccination Boosters”
BLAINE, WASHINGTON, USA, October 12, 2022 / — Tribunal Issues Cease & Desist Order For All “Vaccination Boosters”
Tribunal Cease & Desist Order Classifies mRNA-Type “Vaccines”, whether “COVID-Related” Or Not, As Genetic Biowarfare, Genocide & Crimes Against Humanity Bioweapons
Download OCT 12 2022 – 2.0 TRIBUNAL CEASE&DESIST-WRITOFMANDAMUS – COVID BIOWEAPONS VAXX BOOSTERS—2.0-tribunal-ceasedesist-writofmandamus—covid-bioweapons-vaxx-boosters.pdf
Tribunal – Natural and Common Law Tribunal for Public Health and Justice
In a Nov. 29, 2020 Tribunal virtual Trial and Judgment, accessible at our Website:
The Tribunal ordered:
1. Emergency Injunctions stopping all 5G rollouts, all COVID 19 vaccinations, any and vaccinations, use of Aspartame in vaccinations and all consumer products, Lockdowns, Detentions, Concentration camps, and a planned Reset on grounds of immediate and irreparable harm from Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity being caused to humanity. One Pandemic expert estimated more than two billion adverse medical events, 70 million starvation deaths worldwide alone from Pandemic Social Control Methods, constituting genocide. Another Trial expert testified that RNA/DNA COVID vaccinations could cause irreparable damage to the human DNA genome worldwide, constituting Genocide and Crimes against Humanity.
2. Emergency Writs of Mandamus, clawing back Unjust Enrichment by Pandemic Profiteers. and Setting up a South Africa Style Pandemic Reconciliation Commission – For example: Unjust Enrichment during the Pandemic –
Jeff Bezos (Amazon)increase = $36.2 billion
Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook)increase = $30.1 billion
Elon Musk (Space X)increase = $14.1 billion
Sergey Steve Brin(Google)increase = $13.9 billion
Larry Page (Google)= $13.7 billion
Steve Ballmer (Microsoft)= $13.3 billion
MacKenzie Bezos (Amazon)= $12.6 billion
Michael Bloomberg (Bloomberg)= $12.1 billion
Bill Gates (Microsoft/BMGF)= $11.8 billion
Larry Ellison (Oracle)= $8.5 billion
Mark Zuckerberg – From March 18 to June 4 Zuckerberg increased his wealth 52% to over $83 billion, according to the report. CNBC
According to that report, the total net worth of America’s billionaires rose 15% during the two months, from $2.9 trillion to $3.4 trillion. FORBES
Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO of Amazon, was the biggest winner as his fortune grew by $36.2 billion to $202 billion between March 18 and June 4,
3. Imposed Incarceration Sentences without Parole for Pandemic Defendants, including:
5G Defendants and Perpetrators – 10 years incarceration
COVID Vaccination/Vaccination/Aspartame Perpetrators – 10 years incarceration
Pandemic Social Control and Disinformation Perpetrators – 10 years incarceration
Crimes regarding 2009-2020 Lockstep Depopulation 5G-vaccines-Pandemic Criminal Conspiracy:
Alfred Lambremont Webre
Natural and Common Law Tribunal for Public Health & Justice
+1 604-600-9203
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