“America needs a Fresh Start in 2024”: NewsInsideOut’s Greer & Webre Endorse RFKJr for President! Boulder, Colorado – Sunday December 3, 2023 – “America needs a Fresh Start in 2024”: NewsInsideOut’s Patty Greer & Alfred Lambremont Webre Endorse RFKJr for President! [14:05] Odysee: https://odysee.com/@TrueTube:9d/%E2%80%9CAmerica-needs-a-Fresh-Start-in-2024%E2%80%9D–NewsInsideOut%E2%80%99s-Greer—Webre-Endorse-RFKJr-for-President!:7 Rumble: https://rumble.com/v3zh232-america-needs-a-fresh-start-in-2024-newsinsideouts-greer-and-webre-endorse-.html OmniversityTV: https://youtu.be/TOlSh0bNAxM Contact Email: Exopolitics@exopolitics.com NewsInsideOut Report: https://newsinsideout.com/2023/12/america-needs-a-fresh-start-in-2024-newsinsideouts-greer-webre-endorse-rfkjr-for-president/
International Tribunal Issues Cease & Desist Order banning Canada’s MAiD “Medical Assistance in Dying” Program
International Tribunal Issues Cease & Desist Order banning Canada’s MAiD “Medical Assistance in Dying” Program With a Preamble noting Canada’s descent into Fascism, International Tribunal Issues Cease & Desist Order banning Canada’s MAiD “Medical Assistance in Dying” Program, as Genocide, Crimes Against Humanity, and Euthanasia for Disabled People. ACCESS FULL ORDER AT TRIBUNAL WEBSITE: https://exopolitics.blogs.com/files/tribunal-maid-medical-assistance-in-dying-cease-desist-order—writ-of-mandamus—october-5-2023.pdf […]
Judge Ana Toledo shares evidence USG, DOJ, FBI, Space Force is a genocidal global MKULTRA machine
Judge Ana Toledo shares evidence USG, DOJ, FBI, Space Force is a genocidal global MKULTRA machine WATCH on Rumble: https://rumble.com/v37wpvw-judge-ana-toledo-shares-evidence-usg-doj-fbi-space-force-is-a-genocidal-glo.html WATCH on New Tube: https://newtube.app/TrueTube/MbtfzfA NewsInsideOut.com Full Report: https://newsinsideout.com/2023/08/judge-ana-toledo-shares-evidence-usg-doj-fbi-space-force-is-a-genocidal-global-mkultra-machine/ Judge Ana Toledo, JD, MS is a Tribunal Judge of the Tribunal of Conscience: Natural and Common Law Tribunal for Public Health and Justice. Judge Ana is […]
INTERNATIONAL TRIBUNAL ISSUES CEASE & DESIST ORDER AGAINST WHO & 194 member nations carrying out genocide & crimes against humanity through fraudulent “WHO Pandemic Treaty + International Health Regulations + Codex Alimentarius”
INTERNATIONAL TRIBUNAL ISSUES CEASE & DESIST ORDER AGAINST WHO & 194 member nations carrying out genocide & crimes against humanity through fraudulent “WHO Pandemic Treaty + International Health Regulations + Codex Alimentarius” NEWSINSIDEOUT: https://newsinsideout.com/2023/02/international-tribunal-issues-cease-desist-order-against-genocider-criminal-conspiracy-of-who-194-member-nations-carrying-out-genocide-crimes-against-humanity-through-fraudulent-who-pandemic/ GENEVA, SWITZERLAND -On February 26, 2023 an International Tribunal lawfully carried out Service of Process of a Cease & Desist Order Against […]
COVID AS BIOWEAPON – Part 3: with Klanmother Karen MacDonald & Scientist Pamela Richardson
COVID AS BIOWEAPON – Part 3: with Klanmother Karen MacDonald & Scientist Pamela Richardson WATCH ON BRIGHTEON: https://www.brighteon.com/72405ba2-24cf-436f-81de-cebf7b30dbfc WATCH ON NEW TUBE: https://newtube.app/TrueTube/DXedmR1 WATCH ON RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/v26yu3e-covid-as-bioweapon-part-3-with-klanmother-karen-macdonald-and-scientist-pam.html ACCESS FULL ARTICLE ON NEWSINSIDEOUT: https://newsinsideout.com/2023/01/covid-as-bioweapon-part-3-with-klanmother-karen-macdonald-scientist-pamela-richardson/
International Tribunal enforces against Canada and United States officials for intentional Pandemic genocide.
International Tribunal enforces against Canada and United States officials for intentional Pandemic genocide. INTERVIEW with Tribunal Judge Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, CERT Public Health [17 mins] NEWSINSIDEOUT: https://newsinsideout.com/2022/11/international-tribunal-enforces-against-canada-and-united-states-officials-for-intentional-pandemic-genocide/ WATCH ON RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/v1ufkn8-international-tribunal-enforces-against-canada-and-united-for-intentional-p.html WATCH ON ODYSEE: https://odysee.com/@TrueTube:9d/TRIBUNAL:b8 WATCH ON BRIGHTEON: https://www.brighteon.com/cb59ba25-f5c4-4dce-91ea-94cb12129864 Judgment of the Tribunal in the matter of Genocidal Technologies Pandemic On the Indictment: Genocide & Crimes against […]
Our Positive Human Future: Alfred Lambremont Webre & Ted Mahr
Our Positive Human Future: Alfred Lambremont Webre & Ted Mahr WATCH ON RUMBLE https://rumble.com/v1txp1u-our-positive-human-future-alfred-lambremont-webre-and-ted-mahr.html WATCH ON ODYSEE: https://odysee.com/@TrueTube:9d/positivehumanfuture:d WATCH ON BRIGHTEON: https://www.brighteon.com/1ffe5373-c100-4245-b465-6c80b39d6838 NEWSINSIDEOUT: https://newsinsideout.com/2022/11/our-positive-human-future-alfred-lambremont-webre-ted-mahr/ References: PRESS RELEASE: 2 new books expose Trump as a “Wannabe AntiChrist”, and a Time Travel Wrecking Ball in a 100-year Chronogarchy plot to break apart America “Alfred in the Future, the United States […]
Soul Analysis of November 2022 US Midterm elections Results: Gary Peter Carlson & Alfred Lambremont Webre
Soul Analysis of November 2022 US Midterm elections Results: Gary Peter Carlson & Alfred Lambremont Webre WATCH on ExopoliticsTV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQwu9D52caQ WATCH on Omniversity: https://www.facebook.com/Omniversity.us/videos/644684740531796/ WATCH on Twitter: https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1BRJjZajnapJw NEWSINSIDEOUT: https://newsinsideout.com/2022/11/soul-analysis-of-november-2022-us-midterm-elections-results-gary-peter-carlson-alfred-lambremont-webre/ References http://www.icheckyoursoul.com PRESS RELEASE: 2 new books expose Trump as a “Wannabe AntiChrist”, and a Time Travel Wrecking Ball in a 100-year Chronogarchy plot to break apart America “Alfred […]
Hypothesis Pelosi Attacker DePape: Chronogarchy Deep State supporting Trump fits the scientific profile of using remote Directed Energy Weapons [DEW] on MKULTRA victim & QANON Election Denier David DePape to teleguide mind-controlled DePape into Early Morning “Where’s Nancy” MKULTRA remote DEW-fueled Attack on Pelosi Home and Husband Paul Pelosi.
Hypothesis Pelosi Attacker DePape: Chronogarchy Deep State supporting Trump fits the scientific profile of using remote Directed Energy Weapons [DEW] on MKULTRA victim & QANON Election Denier David DePape to teleguide mind-controlled DePape into Early Morning “Where’s Nancy” MKULTRA remote DEW-fueled Attack on Pelosi Home and Husband Paul Pelosi. Purpose of this DEW Psyops Attack: […]
War Crimes, Genocide, Crimes against Humanity – Iraq, Afghanistan, 9/11 War on Terror, Genocidal Technologies Pandemic: Law & Tribunals of Conscience
War Crimes, Genocide, Crimes against Humanity – Iraq, Afghanistan, 9/11 War on Terror, Genocidal Technologies Pandemic: Law & Tribunals of Conscience NEWSINSIDEOUT: https://newsinsideout.com/2022/10/war-crimes-genocide-crimes-against-humanity-iraq-afghanistan-9-11-war-on-terror-genocidal-technologies-pandemic-law-tribunals-of-conscience/ Hi! As you asked about my history of serving as a Judge on 3 Tribunals of Conscience over the years, here is a record of my experience. As you know, Private Tribunals of Conscience Their History […]