Conference: Out of Australia’s Steven & Evan Strong share an Aboriginal world-changing Pleiadian prophecy for Dec. 21, 2020 WATCH ON ExopoliticsTV WATCH ON TRUETUBE.CO: Australia’s Steven and Evan Strong share an Aboriginal prophecy of a world-changing Pleiadian event on December 21, 2020 that will require the conscious Ascension energies of over 100,000 fellow […]
Kendra Jonas & Alfred Webre: Emergence of Femina Universalis New ET-Human Hybrid as homo sapiens obsoletes and mirrors evolutionary obsolescence of Neanderthal man when homo sapiens emerged.
Kendra Jonas & Alfred Webre: Emergence of Femina Universalis New ET-Human Hybrid as homo sapiens obsoletes and mirrors evolutionary obsolescence of Neanderthal man when homo sapiens emerged. WATCH Webinar Now on ExopoliticsTV Watch on ExopoliticsTV You Tube [Supported by Advertising] Watch on ExopoliticsTV Gumroad [Supported by Your Donations] ExopoliticsTV – [Free Enter $0 […]
David Wilcock: Descendants of Giant species are the High Cabal and hidden controllers of humanity, can appear as Homo Capensis
David Wilcock: Descendants of Giant species are the High Cabal and hidden controllers of humanity, can appear as Homo Capensis By Alfred Lambremont Webre VANCOUVER, BC – Using whistleblower testimony from classified programs within the Black Budget U.S. Secret Space program ultimately paid for by the U.S. people, author David Wilcock recently released a […]
Is Homo Capensis, the Big Brain Conehead, Earth’s High Cabal & Covert Controller?
Is Homo Capensis, the Big Brain Conehead, Earth’s High Cabal & Covert Controller? By Alfred Lambremont Webre WATCH ON YOU TUBE VANCOUVER, BC – In an impassioned interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre on and with a public plea, neurologist Dr. Edward Spencer has posed a public question of whether Homo Capensis, Big-Brain Conehead […]