My name is Alfred Lambremont Webre of Vancouver, BC. I am making an Evidentiary Statement today February 20, 2022 linking Justin Trudeau to the Chronogarchy, the hidden time travel government. WATCH ON FACEBOOK WATCH ON TWITTER WATCH ON TWITCH My name is Alfred Lambremont Webre of Vancouver, BC. I am making an […]
Trudeau, Poster Boy for the Chronogarchy, the hidden quantum access time travel AI Transhumanist government, triggers the predicted 2022 timeline split between the Soulless AI Transhumanist timeline, and Original Earth’s Divine Soul Incarnation Timeline
Trudeau, Poster Boy for the Chronogarchy, the hidden quantum access time travel AI Transhumanist government, triggers the predicted 2022 timeline split between the Soulless AI Transhumanist timeline, and Original Earth’s Divine Soul Incarnation Timeline By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, CERT Public Health Author, Timelines of the Chronogarchy ( Vancouver, BC – Justin Trudeau, […]