Exopolítica Omniversal: exponiendo la bandera falsa de Observatorios Solares-Solar Warden con Alfred Lambremont Webre y Miguel Alejandro Castillo [Chile] Ver en TrueTube.co: https://youtu.be/R9YASPwkPek Omniversal Exopolitics: Exposing the Solar Observatories-Solar Warden False Flag with Alfred Lambremont Webre & Miguel Alejandro Castillo [Chile – in Spanish] En esta entrevista introductoria sobre Exopolítica Omniversal con el periodista […]
Integrating Ascension & Life on Mars Disclosure: Laura Eisenhower & Alfred Lambremont Webre – #NewsEvolution@TrueTube.co
Integrating Ascension & Life on Mars Disclosure: Laura Eisenhower & Alfred Lambremont Webre – #NewsEvolution@TrueTube.co WATCH ON NewsEvolution@TrueTube.co: https://youtu.be/FKXCuDLOwsc PART I: Ascension Update with Laura Eisenhower, Cosmologist, Target of Mars Colony Abduction Attempt PART II. “It’s time for MARS & Mars Explorers to sue for Life on Mars Disclosure in US Federal Court!” “It’s time […]