[Interview Starts at 3:21] Positive Earth Timeline vs AI DNA re-Branding: Acurda Melchizedek & Alfred Lambremont Webre WATCH ON RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/v14ikzp-global-dna-series-acurda-melchizedek-and-alfred-lambremont-webre.html NEWSINSIDEOUT: https://newsinsideout.com/2022/05/global-dna-series-acurda-melchizedek-alfred-lambremont-webre/ References Acurda Melchizedek https://livingyourdna.com/ Alfred Lambremont Webre – Omniversity.info https://www.Omniversity.info
ZOOM ROOM RETREAT: 12th Dimensional DNA-Activating God Consciousness with Kimberly Meredith
12th Dimensional DNA-Activating God Consciousness Enjoy this Quantum Conversation with Kimberly Meredith, who channels DNA-Activating God Consciousness. She does a complete 5th Dimension activation on every person with a special message from the angels. She channels lessons on 3rd to 5th Dimensions and embracing the miracles. Kimberly Is a Medical Intuitive, Trance Channeler, Surgical Hands […]
Mary Rodwell & Maree Batchelor, MD – The New Human: “95% chance that 50% of humans will activate New Earth, as 50% of current humanity opt to stay on 3D Earth”
Mary Rodwell & Maree Batchelor, MD – The New Human: “95% chance that 50% of humans will activate New Earth, as 50% of current humanity opt to stay on 3D Earth” NewsInsideOut.com By Alfred Lambremont Webre WATCH INTERVIEW ON ExopoliticsTV You Tube: https://youtu.be/SzMNKMHhinY PEACE PORTAL DRIVE, Blaine, WA – In an interview with Alfred Lambremont […]
Resetting Earth’s Organic timeline & blocking parasitic timelines for 3rd density God Code DNA Healing & 5th density Ascension: Pattie L. Brassard & Karen MacDonald
Resetting Earth’s Organic timeline & blocking parasitic timelines for 3rd density God Code DNA Healing & 5th density Ascension: Pattie L. Brassard & Karen MacDonald NewsInsideOut.com By Alfred Lambremont Webre WATCH INTERVIEW ON ExopoliticsTV You Tube: https://youtu.be/R49N8KBgk5o VANCOUVER, BC – In this interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, Pattie L. Brassard & Karen MacDonald explore a […]
Now declassified & available online at MindTech-Enterprises.com! Russian Quantum Leap technology enhances RNA, DNA & health, cures diseases (e.g. diabetes, cancer 2), stops Bio-hacking/TI targeting
Now declassified & available online at MindTech-Enterprises.com! Russian Quantum Leap technology enhances RNA, DNA & health, cures diseases (e.g. diabetes, cancer 2), stops Bio-hacking/TI targeting NewsInsideOut.com By Alfred Lambremont Webre WATCH QUANTUM LEAP PANEL INTERVIEW You Tube https://youtu.be/caM8m207rvo Watch Russian Television RT Interview with Magnus Olsson [Seen by 13 million persons] Mind Control – Remote […]