Panel with Seven [UK], Author & Hermeneuticist Peter Kling & Futurist Alfred Lambremont Webre PANEL: reporter Webre rebukes QAnon spin using article to justify John McCain “secret trial & execution”. Reporter invokes First Amendment & calls for American Constitutional Tribunal to investigate unconstitutional “soft military coup” in the US 2016 US Presidential election […]
Are USMC Capt. Randy Cramer’s ss Mars Defense Force memories his own?
Are USMC Capt. Randy Cramer’s ss Mars Defense Force memories his own? By Alfred Lambremont Webre WATCH RELATED INTERVIEW ON YOU TUBE VANCOUVER, BC – This reporter on May 26, 2015 published the following report in the Project Pegasus group on Facebook regarding USMC Capt. Randy Cramer ss in response to comments by […]