Panel with Seven [UK], Author & Hermeneuticist Peter Kling & Futurist Alfred Lambremont Webre
PANEL: reporter Webre rebukes QAnon spin using article to justify John McCain “secret trial & execution”. Reporter invokes First Amendment & calls for American Constitutional Tribunal to investigate unconstitutional “soft military coup” in the US 2016 US Presidential election & oversee new Presidential election
U.S. Constitution – Amendment 1
Amendment 1 – Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
CAVEAT LECTOR: Evidence of a US “soft military coup” that unconstitutionally elevated Trump to POTUS in Nov. 2016 requires independent civilian Tribunal & Special US Presidential Election to restore US Constitutional integrity. See References below.
Disclaimer: This reporter is neither a Republican nor a Democrat and in the 2016 US Presidential Election supported independent candidate US Chrononaut & Mars Explorer Andrew D. Basiago for President. See
- There is mounting evidence that a US military faction unconstitutionally & unlawfully brought Donald J. Trump to power November 2016 in a “soft coup”.
- The war crimes state of Israel, so adjudged by the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal on which I served as Judge, committed two acts of aggressive war against the United States of America – One on November 22, 1963 by assassinating the duly elected US President John F. Kennedy and Two by planning, directing and carrying out an armed attack upon the territory of the United States of America on September 11, 2001.
- Now, in order to bolster public support for an unconstitutional and clandestine policy of reported secret military tribunals and trials to eliminate Deep State rivals and maintain their “soft coup”, the complex of nontransparent collaborating “soft coup” entities that include “QAnon” – as a propaganda arm of the US military “soft coup” are weaving a toxic mixture of public secret trials and executions reminiscent of the Bolshevik, Maoist, and Cuban Revolutions and substituting this for our constitutional order.
- In a latest gambit, “QAnon” – is claiming that a expose by former US Army Sgt Pattie Brassard & this reporter of an attempted false flag EMP strike by North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il on the US population led to the exposé, secret military trial & execution of “traitor” former Senator John McCain [R-AZ].
- rejects this meme-laden False anti-constitutional propaganda by “QAnon” or any of its representatives or any of the “soft coup” US military officers, soldiers or collaborators. Our article was evidence of bizarre behavior by the operators of a military satellite of the U.S. armed forces. Any “secret military Tribunal and execution” of a sitting US Senator John McCain, or any other U.S. citizen or resident is an unconstitutional and unlawful abuse of Executive power under the U.S. constitution and grounds for impeachment of any elected or appointed official that authorized or participated in such actions and of courts-martial for any U.S. military personnel that participated in such action.
- As an American reporter for, I urge & demand as a citizen of constitutional America that the US military that participated in an unconstitutional “soft coup” making Donald J. Trump POTUS in 2016 come forward to engage in a constructive Peace Talks Process with a People’s natural law tribunal American Constitutional War Crimes Tribunal including judges of Tribunals of Conscience under Natural & Constitutional Law as together we begin the process of restoring the constitutional rule of Law in America.
- American Constitutional War Crimes Tribunal
Please consider, understand, and innerstand that as public awareness of, and the news that a domestic military “soft coup” has occurred in America that has brought Donald J. Trump unconstitutionally to power spreads, the solution of an American Constitutional War Crimes Tribunal of Conscience is much preferable to demands and attempts for interventions in American political and constitutional process by external peacekeepers and other institutions.
- On Social Media, please “Like, Comment & Share” your support of our American Constitutional War Crimes Tribunal to direct the restored Republic of the united states of America to hold organic new elections and restore the united states of America under the original 1787 constitution, as amended for expansion of citizen Rights, liberty, social welfare & improvement, happiness, participation and equality.
- Thank you for open mindedly considering the American Constitutional War Crimes Tribunal as an approach to avoid both domestic civil war and foreign intervention in the affairs of America in resolving a deeply serious constitutional crisis which the American People had no role in creating
Peace Portal, WA-BC
OCTOBER 2, 2018
Signed s/ Judge Alfred Lambremont Webre JD, MEd
9/11 War Crimes Tribunal, sine die
EXHIBIT A – Did a NSA Lead Soft Coup D’etat Hand Donald Trump the Election?
EXHIBIT B – Breaking News: Israel did 9/11; Assassinated JFK & RFK, all as a seamless war crimes policy.
EXHIBIT C – 9/11 Deconstruction by Christopher Bollyn -Israel Likud performed 9/11 crime of aggressive war & continues coverup to present day – [including with intentional participation of POTUS Donald J. Trump, Ed]
- EXHIBIT D – “Q” – Lodestar and the 1/Billion coincidence – Exhibit D claims that article exposed Sen John McCain as “Traitor to US” and justified his secret military trial and executin [ED]
EXHIBIT E – White Hat Pattie L. Brassard: Claim NK EMP satellite orbiting over USA is “Psyop to try & start WWIII”
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
EXHIBIT F – Evidence DARPA-CIA had pre-identified Trump as a future US President
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
EXHIBIT G – My 1970s meeting with DARPA’s Project Pegasus secret time travel program
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
EXHIBIT H – How Intelligence Legend & Manchurian candidate Barack Hussein Obama was created
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
EXHIBIT I – Sinister force targeting multidimensionally interested journalists, filmmakers, and a 2016 US Presidential candidate with DEW directed energy weapons, causing blindness & paralysis
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
EXHIBIT J – QAnon is US Military Intelligence that recruited Trump for President to prevent Coup D’etat
EXHIBIT K – Wikipedia Q Anon
EXHIBIT L – How The Military Defeated Trump’s Insurgency
EXHIBIT M – Simon Parkes-Kerry Cassidy: Solar observatories SETI experiment contacting ET outside solar system shut down by Trump-Solar Warden-SSP-FBI to prevent (1) ET Disclosure & (2) China from monitoring experiment (3) Trump Admn ordered FBI to shut down Disclosure that advanced ET craft were modulating light of Sun to elevate human consciousness because Trump “wants to disclose 9/11 & Gold heist First and it is too early for ET Disclosure” (4) QAnon is “4 men + an AI computer”
EXHIBIT N: QAnon & Dr. Michael Salla both are an Intelligence Psyop of the Deep State to suppress independent Patriots in a post Jade Helm Trump Chronogarchy Time Travel Shadow Government World
By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
EXHIBIT O. Today’s Insight on PPAI-Predatory, pathogenic, AI Artificial Intelligence: The PPAI is supporting the Draco-Orion-Anunnaki 4D-Shadow government-Deep State Matrix, including AI social media like Facebook AI! SEE: AI – Sentient Invading Predatory AI Artificial Intelligence – Articles & Independent Panels
Inteligencia Artificial AI Consciente Artículos y Paneles Independientes
by/por Alfred Lambremont Webre
EXHIBIT P TrueTube Exclusive – PART II Ole Dammegard: Is Donald J. Trump a conscious participant in the False Flag industry operations like Las Vegas & the “Orange Man” – The Soul-Less Signs of Death
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
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EXHIBIT Q Souls [like Trump’s] will destroy Earth as Tiamat [Asteroid Belt] & Mars unless Spiritually Awakened
WATCH PART I OF WEBINAR WITH James McCarty, Transcriber, Law of One, L/L Research
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PART I – Law of One: Donald J. Trump’s unilateral abrogation of the multilateral Iran denuclearization agreement means that Incarnate Souls on Earth [like Trump’s?] that destroyed planets Tiamat [Asteroid Belt] & Mars will make Earth a nuclear void unless these Souls Spiritually awaken or are removed from power.
NOTE: It is the historical and established policy of under the First Amendment to the Constitution of the united states of America as adopted in 1787 to report and preserve the truth and nothing but the truth based on witness evidence and legal documentation
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