Futurist Alfred Lambremont Webre shares his iconic books EXOPOLITICS, THE OMNIVERSE, and JOURNEY at the UFOlogy World Congress, Barcelona Sept. 8, 2019 Yahoo News reports on futurist Alfred Lambremont Webre’s Initiative to be an Earth representative to the regional Galactic Governance Council BARCELONA, CATALUNYA – In a tour de force article following the September 6-8, […]
FAQ – QUESTION Why is weather warfare Hurricane Dorian occurring at this time?
QUESTION Why is weather warfare Hurricane Dorian occurring at this time? ANSWER Hurricane Dorian as a weather warfare DEW directed energy Weapons event & associated DEW driven mass shootings are timed by the Chronogarchy to overwhelm the public mind and airwaves with catastrophic and fearful memes, specifically to block the Barcelona-based public presentations and interviews […]
PREGUNTA ¿Por qué está ocurriendo la guerra climática por el huracán Dorian en este momento?
PREGUNTA ¿Por qué está ocurriendo la guerra climática por el huracán Dorian en este momento? RESPUESTA El huracán Dorian como una guerra climática El evento de armas de energía dirigida por DEW y los tiroteos masivos asociados a DEW son cronometrados por la Chronogarchy para abrumar la mente pública y las ondas con memes catastróficos […]
We Are Love: THE UFOLOGY WORLD CONGRESS 2019 Barcelona – Dr. Michio Kaku, Drs. Hurtak, Alfred Lambremont Webre, Nick Pope, Jaime Maussan, EI Light, y Mas! 6,7 y 8 de septiembre de 2019 – “Expandiendo la conciencia colectiva centrada en el amor”
We Are Love: THE UFOLOGY WORLD CONGRESS 2019 Barcelona – Dr. Michio Kaku, Drs. Hurtak, Alfred Lambremont Webre, Nick Pope, Jaime Maussan, EI Light, y Mas! 6, 7 y 8 de septiembre de 2019 – “Expandiendo la conciencia colectiva centrada en el amor” VEA: We Are Love: THE UFOLOGY WORLD CONGRESS 2019 [2:22] https://youtu.be/Cab6jK4UVK0 6,7 […]
We Are Love: The UFOLOGY WORLD CONGRESS 2019 Barcelona – Dr. Michio Kaku, Drs. Hurtak, Alfred Lambremont Webre, Nick Pope, Jaime Maussan, EI Light, & Mas! September 6,7&8, 2019 – “Expanding the collective consciousness centered in Love”
We Are Love: The UFOLOGY WORLD CONGRESS 2019 Barcelona – Dr. Micho Kaku, Drs. Hurtak, Alfred Lambremont Webre, Nick Pope, Jaime Maussan, EI Light, & Mas! September 6,7&8, 2019 – “Expanding the collective consciousness centered in Love” WATCH: WE ARE LOVE – THE UFOLOGY WORLD CONGRESS 2019 [2:22] 6th,7th and 8th September – Convention […]