WEBINAR: Mass ET abduction: Disappearance of 37 DC African-American youths correlates with UFO/ET overflights – Former Air Force One Engineer WATCH WEBINAR LIVE ON ExopoliticsTV https://youtu.be/6R2E7N73Mw0 WATCH WEBINAR LIVE ON OmniverseTV Streaming https://gum.co/rGynX WATCH WEBINAR LIVE ON FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/Alfred.Lambremont.Webre/videos/1864347833584812/ WASHINGTON, DC – Will Allen, a former White House, Air Force One and Marine […]
Air Force One officer: “Obama denies ETs exist. Photos prove ETs land on Capitol & in White House base.” ET Disclosure movement directed by Rockefeller/Jesuits for New World Order world government globalist power objectives
Air Force One officer: “Obama denies ETs exist. Photos prove ETs land on Capitol & in White House base” ET Disclosure movement directed by Rockefeller/Jesuits for New World Order world government globalist power objectives By Alfred Lambremont Webre NewsInsideOut.com WATCH ON YOU TUBE VANCOUVER, BC – U.S. President Barack Obama was publicly called out on […]