By Jon Kelly
Vancouver, BC – Exclusive new video published to YouTube on July 8, 2012, purports to reveal evidence of globalist intervention behind a sniper incident during a Black Lives Matter protest in Dallas, Texas, in which five police officers are reported dead. Dallas Police Chief David Brown spoke to reporters during a press conference held earlier this morning when he denied any democracy-changing implications of the so-called ambush. Meanwhile, one alleged shooter was said to have been executed at the scene by police using a robot as a VBIED, the first use of such a device in the history of American justice.
The sound of high-powered weapons fire ended a Black Lives Matter protest last night held in memory of the most recent shooting victims from police violence taking place across the country. Social media video posts showed crowds scattering as police and other first-responders rushed into danger. Some of the video depicted police being shot or lying injured on the pavement.
Protesters had earlier paid peaceful tribute to the memories of Philando Castile and Alton Sterling, African-American men apparently shot in execution-style encounters with police earlier this week. Those deaths were observed by President Obama in remarks broadcast from the NATO summit held in Warsaw, Poland. The shooting deaths of police officers in Dallas would appear to offer cannon fodder for political theater in Warsaw during the three-day summit, a perspective seriously underlined by the police chief’s sleep talking-like remarks.
By invoking NATO in such a manner the chief offers perspective concerning questions related to Gladio-like state-sponsored terrorism occurring domestically. One source describes a role for the CIA in NATO Operation Gladio post-WW2 anti-communist operations and domestic terrorism in Italy during the 1970s. A parallel CIA Phoenix Program oversaw identifying and “neutralizing” (via infiltration, capture, terrorism, torture, and assassination) the infrastructure of domestic governments in Southeast Asia during the Vietnam War.
Previous NewsInsideOut 2016 coverage of international violence and unrest identified Mossad and CIA in Brussels, the political assassination of LaVoy Finicum in Oregon, the CIA Phoenix Program in Maidan, CIA intervention in Canadian national politics, San Bernardino links to the Boston Marathon bombing and more. Agency names, acronyms and metonyms were then offered freely by involuntary disclosures on the part of numerous influential parties involved.
The presence of previously unreported forensic information concerning secret messages encrypted within Dallas Police Chief David Brown’s remarks to the press was detected while monitoring mirror-filtered renderings of those statements. The audio soundtrack was loaded in the edit bay of a digital audio workstation then subjected to mirror-filtering and time-expansion in preparation for a detailed auditory study. The conduct of this procedure was informed by best practices refined through repeatedly providing military, forensic and medical-grade intelligence that had been successfully vetted through practical real-world feedback over nearly 20 years of unmatched research and reporting. coverage has described how the same procedure publicly revealed details of the Iraq War, identified the BTK Killer, named Russian spy Anna Chapman’s accomplice and uncovered the UFOs and ETs in Edward Snowden’s NSA cache weeks, months and years before such information became widely-accepted public knowledge.
Below is a partial transcript of Dallas Police Chief David Brown’s remarks to the press from July 8, 2016, preceded by the secret messages encrypted backwards therein with emphasis added.
It was NATO: “Again I just want to expand on the mayor’s comments. Police officers are guardians of this great democracy. The freedom to protest, the freedom of speech, the freedom for expression; all freedoms we fight for with our lives. It’s what makes us who we are as Americans. We risk our lives for those rights. We won’t militarize our policing standards but we will do it in a much safer way every time, like we chose to do it this time. We had an adequate amount of officers at this scene. We were blocking traffic and doing all the things to protect people’s right to protest and their free speech. We are not going to let a coward who would ambush police officers change our democracy.”
Note to Chief Brown: The 1990s are over. The Atlantic wrote in 2013 that “Secrecy Has Already Corroded Our Democracy in Real Ways. The renewal of the Patriot Act is a case study in how opaque policy and law destroy a people’s ability to self-govern.”
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