By Jon Kelly
Vancouver, BC – Exclusive new video published to social media on January 20, 2017, predicts a dark dystopian high-tech militarized future for America based upon expert analysis and interpretation of secret messages encrypted backwards in the inaugural address of President Donald J. Trump. The Capitol building in Washington, D.C., was the scene for today’s inauguration of the 45th President of the United States. Secret messages detected in the president’s remarks point to plans for (or the existence of) a military moon base. More disturbing findings suggest the president embodies some of the worst of Roman excesses and compare him with CIA Jonestown cult leader Jim Jones.
UPDATE: The New York Times reported January 2, 2020, how U.S. President Donald Trump ordered the drone missile strike assassination of Iranian Quds Force General Qassim Suleimani in Baghdad.’s earlier 2017 inaugural address coverage identified sleep talking-like remarks concerning “A war. Missile must smash your brain.” as documented in the report below. The Times confirmed on January 4 that “Soleimani had been in Trump’s sights since the beginning of the administration.” The drone strike against Qassim Suleimani offers a tell that the U.S. and Iran are now at war (that the strike occurs in a state of war) indicated by results from a granular audio speech synthesis study reported nearly three years earlier. Twitteratti note President Trump previously cited war with Iran as a ploy for domestic political gain. Drone Wars critics see this administration’s key role in increased operational frequency and scope of civilian casualties giving CIA independent strike authority and increased secrecy over reporting deaths.
UPDATE: Speaking to flight controllers, engineers and astronauts at the Johnson Space Center on August 23, 2018, U.S. Vice President Mike Pence reportedly announced “The time has come for the United States of America to … establish a permanent presence around and on the moon.” See “U.S. President’s Moon Base Initiative Media Timeline” below.
“President Trump’s Military Moon Base: The Secret Inaugural Messages” appears among the latest investigative findings from former CBS Radio feature producer and reporter Jon Kelly. The acclaimed analyst’s earlier discovery of military-grade intelligence concerning the Iraq War in the 2001 inaugural address of President George W. Bush was proven accurate by real-world events that followed upon its release sixteen years ago this Monday.
As a popular guest on talk radio Jon Kelly would go on to identify serial killers, name Russian spies, and detect the UFO information in Edward Snowden’s NSA cache. Most recently his published findings are confirmed to have beaten The Intercept in reporting a revived CIA Phoenix assassination program three years before the Snowden press.
This legacy of unassailable excellence continues where “President Trump’s Military Moon Base: The Secret Inaugural Messages” makes solid connections with existing lines of published inquiry. Citations are provide that offer links for the viewer to various authors who have already established ties between the president and the various themes articulated through the digital audio mirror.
In terms of Moon bases, the president’s secret message gives reference to the satellite while discussing the role of the military in national security. This apparent reference to Earth’s closest neighbor parallels the behavior of James Mattis, who was found in his Senate confirmation hearing last week to express suggestions of a “Mars mission”. As SecDef the cabinet nominee would only provide oversite to military operations.
In a post-Gary-McKinnon-failed-extradition-attempt world it seems apparent the president and his cabinet are occupied with thoughts of secret military space missions. The Atlantic reported at the beginning of this month how “upon leaving the president-elect’s office, Douglas Brinkley, a historian and conservationist, reported that Trump “was very interested in a man going to the moon.”
The video contains an invocation to war but does not identify a clear threat or enemy. The Moon appears sequentially after this invocation in a way that suggests it’s a prize to be won in an angry battle. Perhaps in this mirror way the president is trying to tell us something about competitive behavior and low-intensity warfare between partner nations over the further militarization of space. President Bush’s 2001 inaugural address revealed a similar pattern in which the president was then observed discussing traditional American values while uttering an encrypted invocation to invade Iraq.
There are references in the video to cannabis legalization and facial recognition surveillance. In December the Daily Beast wrote how the president’s pick for attorney general, Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), could “redirect the Drug Enforcement Administration to go after legal marijuana growers in states from Maine to Alaska.”
The Intercept wrote yesterday that “Backgrounds of the members of the team that President-elect Donald Trump is picking to shape the Department of Homeland Security suggests he will aggressively pursue surveillance using the latest technological advancements,” with an emphasis on “facial-recognition technology.” 2016 campaign coverage included articles about a “future Trump presidency characterized by surveillance, dystopian false flags and prison camps.” Stories reflected how “an intensified focus on cybersecurity in such a climate would take place under the name of an anticipated “War on Illegal Immigration.”
In an article from last spring the UK Guardian noted the president’s “fascinating parallels” with Caligula, “one of the most notorious of all Roman emperors.” That report went on to describe how “The young Caligula spent six years on the island of Capri, where he often directed and appeared in spectacular pornographic tableaux for his great uncle, the emperor Tiberius – a man it was said, who enjoyed having swimming boys nibble at his private parts.”
President Trump, whose ex-wife Ivana swore under oath that he allegedly raped her, is now cited as the “first porn president” in an item that appeared on today’s Slate. There the president is said to have appeared in three soft-core porn films produced by Playboy during the 1990s. covering the “Watersportsgate” press conference held last week disclosed evidence of urophilia. This is a condition intelligence agencies claimed makes the president hostage to Russian blackmail demands and possibly party to treachery in aid of Russian interests.
Finally, a surprising and unexpected comparison with CIA Jonestown cult leader Jim Jones is offered to the viewer for consideration. Both President Trump and Jones are portrayed uttering invocations to Moloch and collective suicide. Moloch is an ancient Canaanite deity of child sacrifice. At its most benign Moloch signifies the passage of time that changes children to adults. At worst the president appears to disclose ritualistic elements of child sexual abuse that induces an end of innocence and entry into a form of dysfunctional precociousness such as that said to occur on Sex Slave Island.
“President Trump’s Military Moon Base: The Secret Inaugural Messages,” offers a video filled with “crazy” and “excessive” images of a dystopian future on par with those said to have fueled the president’s winning campaign. Mounting evidence points to the further militarization of space accompanied by war and environmentally/socially rapacious domestic policy.
Sorry, America, it appears you struck out with Donald Trump’s “new vision.” This reporter can only hope for some sort of miraculous intervention on the part of the president’s better angels (if there are any left post-“American carnage”).
The following is a partial transcript of the inaugural address of United States President Donald J. Trump from the Capitol building in Washington, D.C., from earlier today preceded by the secret message encrypted backwards therein. Full text of the address is available via the UK Independent. Discussion of methods and philosophy informing these conclusions can be found throughout this reporter’s previous related coverage accessible in links below.
Caesar was their love. Kidnap, rape you: “We’ve defended other nations’ borders while refusing to defend our own. And spent trillions and trillions of dollars overseas while America’s infrastructure has fallen into disrepair and decay. We have made other countries rich while the wealth, strength and confidence of our country has dissipated over the horizon.”
A war. Missile must smash your brain. Nazis: “We will bring new roads and high roads and bridges and tunnels and railways all across our wonderful nation. We will get our people off welfare and back to work – rebuilding our country with American hands and American labor.”
I won the Moon in anger: “There should be no fear, we are protected and will always be protected by the great men and women of our military and most importantly we will be protected by god.”
Hell with Moloch. Make a flower a crime. Make a face a crime: “Your voice, your hopes and dreams will define your American destiny. Your courage, goodness and love will forever guide us along the way. Together we will make America strong again, we will make America wealthy again, we will make America safe again and yes – together we will make America great again.”
We shall die. The crime is so black: “Thank you. God bless you. And God bless America. Thank you. God bless America.”
U.S. President’s Moon Base Initiative Media Timeline
The following select readings curated from mainstream and alternative news reports offer a brief survey in an atmosphere of public confusion suggesting how little was known of the president’s plans to return to the moon prior to’s January 20, 2017, inaugural address coverage.
November 20, 2016: “Once he assumes the presidency officially, Trump is expected to appoint Republicans to key positions who also advocate a return to the moon.” See U.K. Daily Mail “Trump is ‘set to take America back to the moon and ditch NASA’s climate change research‘”
December 12, 2016: “Even NASA insiders are reduced to reading tea leaves and possible smoke signals.” See New York Times “Where Will NASA Go in the Age of Trump?”
January 4, 2017: “Douglas Brinkley, a historian and conservationist, reported that Trump “was very interested in a man going to the moon.” Before that point, the entirety of Trump’s utterances of space policy consisted of two sentences: “Honestly I think NASA is wonderful!” and “Right now, we have bigger problems… We’ve got to fix our potholes.”” See The Atlantic “Trump Might Be Thinking About a Moon Base”
January 20, 2017: “I won the Moon in anger.” See “Cult of an American Caligula: Military Moon base in President Trump’s secret inaugural messages”
August 23, 2018: “The time has come for the United States of America to … establish a permanent presence around and on the moon.” See CBS News “Pence rallies space workers with visions of moon missions”
Google Trends
When were people talking about a Trump Moon Base? See all-time results in Google Trends.
Recommended Reading
Behind the yellow mask: Trump spills urophile secrets at ‘Watersportsgate’ presser
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President-Elect Donald Trump ‘Stasi’ Cybersecurity Intelligence Demands in Victory Speech
Immigration: Donald Trump, a ‘Nazi Skull’ and America’s Future
‘Primacy of the American Sniper’: A Hard-Hitting Two-Hour News Exposé with Jon Kelly
i cannot say one way or another that this process of reading reverse stuff has any validity-but even assuming it is valid–the interpretation is LOADED–and could be interpreted as quite the opposite of what you say-there ARE nazi moon bases, there ARE evil people ‘Trump says he intends to put out of business, there ARE evil entities behind the earth controllers-none the least the Jesuits who may or may not be controlling or TRYING to control Trump (and good luck with that–his personality is not the kind that can be controlled-tricked maybe, but not controlled)-and of all the people to compare Trump to,- Caligula–lord, Trump may be the OPPOSITE of Caligula, more likely from his personal history.
Pat, your comment offers hypothetical problems with this analysis. But it does nothing to rebut the facts. Why not focus on the facts? Such as, FACT: The Intercept followed reporter Jon Kelly’s lead on reporting CIA Phoenix revival three years after it was published to FACT: Jon Kelly reported on terrestrial radio the location and method of the “Shock and Awe” strikes in the invasion of Iraq two years before that war began. Links are in the article above. Those weren’t loaded interpretations. They exist as historic facts and matters of public record.
does not make Jon a neutral party-and past hits do not a real psychic make-especially if his allegiance is on one particular side of any issue. Facts DO lie all the time, by the way-it depends on how and in what context and with what point of view they are conceptualized and expressed. Just sayin.
I heard “This is ridiculous when I ran it backwards”!
Trump is about to take care of half our problem as he readies to take down the deep state…the job he was put in there to do…Once he’s done, we will come into our own and create the world we want to live in..Peace!!!!
-This backwards inside-out upside down Neptunian deception analysis of speech is indicative of deep psychological mental instability, projection and demonological sport for fun. Really pathetic and pathological and very sad. What is commentary like this intended to do other than demoralize and discredit and deceive ?
Speech is a multidimensional stimulus whose various facets can be explored using granular audio synthesis techniques. Mental health professionals cite the results of such analysis as extremely psychoactive while cautioning this process is not for beginners. I would further caution this is no path for superstitious dogma-addled luddites. Do the wheels on your horse carriage turn in one direction only or are they capable of bi-directional rotation? Best not to put the gears in reverse as surely that can only lead to perdition 😉