By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
PEACE PORTAL ARCH, Blaine, WA – April 9, 2018 – Following an in-depth investigation of the U.S. secret time travel program, has learned that a merged Russian-American Deep State Intelligence force operating under the Perestroika Deception has taken over the secret former U.S. quantum access time travel and teleportation project formerly known as Project Pegasus.[1]
Our investigation has found that a merged Russian-American Deep State Intelligence force operating under the Perestroika Deception has groomed and behaviorally controlled future time-travel pre-identified United States of America Presidents including:
George HW Bush
Bill Clinton
George W. Bush
Barack [Barry Soetoro Soebarkah] Obama
Donald J. Trump[2]’s findings on the Russian-American Deep State interpenetration of the secret DARPA-CIA Presidential Pre-identification. Project are congruent with our interviews with Livermore, CA Nuclear Laboratories whistleblower Leuren Moret, MA, PhD ABD. Dr. Moret has testified that in fact the Soviet and American Deep State were secretly creating “Mirror States” of the Soviet Union in the USA, and visa versa.
The Perestroika Deception: How the research of assassinated journalist Christopher Story [AKA journalist Edward Harle] is relevant to the Transhumanist Agenda and possible nuclear destruction of Earth
The Transhumanist Agenda, Scalar, Plasma, Remote DEW directed-energy, neuro-mind control weapons, and even guillotines are part of a NWO [New World Order] plan to depopulate awakening human Earth citizens around the world.
Perestroika Deception
One physical phase, also known as the Perestroika Deception includes a plan to transport detained Americans to a Russian-Siberia-based Gulag via a Trans-Alaska-Siberia Railroad Bridge & Underground Tunnels DUMB [deep underground military bases] network, according to reliable research by the late Christopher Story [AKA journalist Edward Harle], assassinated in 2010 by an operation of combined Soviet-American black ops Intelligence that is an operating component of the Perestroika Deception.[3]
“The Perestroika Deception [context] explains the devious secret intent behind the Leninist strategy which the ‘former’ Communists are pursuing under cover of fake ‘reform’ and ‘progress towards democracy’. The immediate strategic objective is ‘convergence’ with the West – on their terms, not ours. The ultimate objective is Lenin’s: replacement of nation states with collective regional governments as building blocks of the ‘New World Social Order’ – World [Communist] Government.”
Source: Download The Perestroika Deception – Memoranda to the Central Intelligence Agency – The World’s Slide Towards the Second October Revolution (1995)
Perestroika Deception and possible Planetary Nuclear Destruction
This secret Perestroika Deception- NWOO depopulation plan is a component of the reason why the nation-state entities such as the former Soviet Union-USSR [presently AKA the Russian Federation], the United States of America Corp, the state of Israel, & the People’s Republic of China have not ratified the ICC – International Criminal Court Treaty and Rome Statute.
SEE: Ratifying Nations of the ICC-International Criminal Court Treaty & Rome Statute
Presently, 118 nations that are not part of the Perestroika Deception have ratified the ICC International Criminal Court Treaty, allowing these 118 Nations to prosecute war crimes, genocide & crimes against humanity in their national courts, thus exposing the four “nuclear” powers involved in the Perestroika Deception– Israel, China, Russian Federation, and United States of America – as covert infiltrators and subverters of the peace of the global commons, a mandated by International Humanitarian Law, including the Geneva Conventions.
Three out of four of the Perestroika Deception nations [China, Russian Federation, the and United States of America] are permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, thus facilitating the Perestroika Deception’s false flag global destabilization of the global commons and community of nations, as can be currently witnessed in the false flag psyop Nuclear Kabuki Theatre being carried out amongst the Russian, American and North Korean Perestroika Deception regimes in the USA, USSR-Russia, and North Korea.
In its most recent Perestroika Deception Nuclear Kabuki Theatre [a term originated by Livermore Nuclear Labs whistleblower scientist Dr. Leuren Moret MA, PhD, ABD] Russia has deployed its Satan II nuclear tipped-ICBM with enough CEP [circular error probability] to hit even the lap-top in the office of this journalist in Vancouver, British Columbia and trigger a global nuclear conflagration such as may have destroyed our neighboring planet Mars.
Science has preliminarily confirmed what reported several years ago in an interview with a then British elected official, that Mars was destroyed in a planetary nuclear war such as that which now threatens Earth through the agency of the Perestroika Deception. Nuclear isotopes similar to those of exploded hydrogen bombs have now been detected on Mars by the NASA Mars Rovers.
As a result of its planetary nuclear war, Mars, once a verdant planet like Earth, is now an obloid pumpkin-like sphere with a thinned atmosphere, devoid of vegetation on its surface, with reptilians that have been witnessed as well as photographed by NASA Mars Rovers at approximately 25-75 feet tall living on the Martian surface, and a Martian human civilization of approximately 1,000,000 that are Homo Sapiens genetic cousins living under the Martian surface. Conflicting research places the date of the Martian nuclear war at either 75,000 years ago or 705,000 years ago.
Historically, there is plausible exopolitical forensic evidence supporting a hypothesis that a similar planetary nuclear war caused the destruction of what once was a verdant Earth-like planet in what is now known as the Asteroid Belt.
The Asteroids rotating in a belt around our dual Sun [one of two such Suns which cross in every 12,500 years a Yin-Yang cycle pattern were once an Earth-like planet that bears various names in pre-history such as Maldek or Tiamat. We can reasonably hypothesize according to interdimensionally-telepathically received information. This Earth-like planet Tiamat or Maldek was shattered into becoming the Asteroid belt in a planetary nuclear war about 700,000 years ago.
Awakening Community of Earth Soul Citizens
A recent example of the Perestroika Deception in the Awakening Community includes (1) the New Age media giant corporation, a deep-cover KGB/CIA Perestroika Deception operative agency, and (2) a 1988 immigrant from Communist Apparat Czechoslovakia, apparatchik, founder & CEO Jirka Rysavy, who as a KGB trained paramilitary officer, according to eye-witness reports that has received, has deployed the latest KGB DEW bio-scalar “soul-snatching” technology at
One outcome, evidenced by empirical forensic victim testimony and expert military testimony, is the recent “public health epidemic” of scalar, plasma, DEW directed-energy, chemical-nano-bio-weapons attacks on targeted audiences, staff, vendors, participants, media, and speakers at recent “Extraterrestrial Disclosure”, UFOlogy, and Near Death Experiences [NDE] Conferences.
These conferences, which attract multi-dimensionally aware and interested human beings with prime, developing souls for electronic harvesting by the Reptilian interdimensional forces behind the Perestroika Deception that include and are not limited to the Draco and Anunnaki Reptilians and Orion Greys under multiple secret written and Telepathic Treaties with the Russian, American, UK, Israel, Chinese, and Vatican Deep State, has learned.[4]
Principal outcome: Disintegration of U.S. electoral democracy’s investigation has found that one principal outcome of the Russian-American Deep State infiltration of the DARPA-CIA US Presidential pre-identification Project [“POTUS-Pre-ID”] is the disintegration of U.S. electoral democratic process.
U.S. Presidential politics is now a heavily architected classified AI- Artificial Intelligence system structured around DARPA-CIA Project Pegasus pre-identification of future U.S. Presidents using secret quantum access time-travel chronovisor technology franchised from the Vatican. has found that a number of other time travel future event location and tracking devices the U.S. Time Space program was using during the Vietnam War era and 1970s to identify and brief future US Presidents, and even a future Canadian prime Minister, baby Justin Trudeau, whom U.S. President Richard M. Nixon publicly toasted as a “future Prime Minister of Canada” at a state banquest for his visiting father, Prime Minister Pierre Eliot Trudeau, later corporate counsel for the undersigned reporter, having been so accurately so briefed by his DARPA-CIA time travel preidentification team led by Pentagon Project Pegasus liaison Donald Rumsfeld [later SecDef on 9/11, informed by another DARPA-CIA 1971 time travel pre-identification operation].
A passive, brainwashed media, where the six largest main stream media companies are owned by a narrow cartel that is part of the “Chronogarchy – secret time travel government, ensures that this now credible and entirely plausible and easy to understand story of the corruption of American politics and the American body politic never reaches the American or broader North American main stream public.
More outcomes of the Soviet/Russia-American Deep State penetration of the DARPA-CIA U.S. Presidential pre-identification program include:
- Implementation of a USA domestic and global war & police state;
- Loss of personal sovereignty in American society;
- Loss of USA moral, and visionary world leadership;
- Loss of USA equitable constitutional “end the fed” monetary and industrial base;
- Dissolution of USA free media and implementation of media via USA false flag operation.
Soulutions: Future articles will present solutions to this crisis for America & the world Now, in 2020 and beyond.
[1]- The Perestroika Deception: Memoranda to the Central Intelligence Agency – The World’s Slide Towards the Second October Revolution: Anatoliy Golitsyn: Free Download & Streaming: Internet Archive
See Free Downloads – Fundamental Research By The Late “Christopher Story”:
– The New Underworld Order – Christopher Story: New Underworld Order: Free Download & Streaming: Internet Archive:
Important (free) books exposing NWO: “The New Underworld Order” & “The European Union” by Christopher Story
The New Underworld Order by Christopher Story. This is an excellent book (700+ pp) with much background on the infrastructure of the Illuminati/NWO and its plans to destroy the USA and its people. I understood the significance of Amb. Leo Wanta for the first time. Includes Hillary’s secret CIA code name. You can look past the overtly Christian rhetoric and concentrate on the first-rate research and revelations.
Download The New Underworld Order Christopher Story
A STUDY IN RUSSIAN AND GERMAN STRATEGY To complete Lenin’s World Revolution
Russian-American Deep State Perestroika Deception Infiltrated U.S. Secret Quantum Access Time-Space Program. Groomed & behaviorally-controlled pre-identified U.S. future Presidents from George HW Bush to Donald J. Trump, resulting in the disintegration of U.S. Presidential electoral democracy
April 9, 2018 By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
WEBINARS – WATCH THESE RECENT FREE WEBINARS AT Check Frequently – Continually Updated
Alfred Lambremont Webre Contact/News:
[1] Mutual interpenetration of Soviet & American Deep State: Former Livermore National Nuclear Laboratories Scientist, Whistleblower Leuren Moret – interviews with Alfred Lambremont Webre
My 1970s meeting with DARPA’s Project Pegasus secret time travel program By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Evidence DARPA-CIA time travel pre-identified Trump as future U.S. President
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Time travel pre-identified US President Andrew D. Basiago announces 2016 candidacy to millions of potential write-in voters on Coast to Coast AM
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Obama pre-identified in 1971 as future U.S. President by secret DARPA-CIA time travel program
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Positive Timeline may result in the election in 2016 of a Positive US President, contrary to Matrix time travel pre-identification:
2016 Time Travel Chronicles: CIA Time Travel pre-identification is why I switched from running in the 2016 US Presidential race to watching the 2016 race by Alfred Lambremont Webre
¿Creó el Vaticano una máquina del tiempo? Aseguran que sí y que ahora estaría en manos de EE.UU. Alfred Lambremont Webre y Quim Garcia
Did the Vatican create a time travel machine [chronovisor] that is now in US hands? Alfred Lambremont Webre and Quim Garcia
Entrevista con Quim Garcia en Sombras en la Noche
VER ENTREVISTA EN ExopoliticsTV [En Español]
Trump & the Time Travel Chronogarchy meet the Ascension: Alfred Lambremont Webre
You Tube:
[3] Source: Christopher Story murdered, other journalists targeted in new fascist campaign
Tue 2:48 pm UTC, 25 Aug 2015 7 posted by Gordon, Many thanks to Nollidge for the inspiration.
“Prominent veteran financial journalist Edward Harle (working under the pen name Christopher Story) wrote before his recent death that George Bush Senior, Barak Obama and other members of the criminal Washington D.C. establishment had ordered him killed.
Story was poisoned during a March, 2010 visit to the US with a virus created by the Fort Meade biological warfare facility, according to close associates of Story who spoke to him the day before his July 14th death. Although there exists an antidote for this virus, Story was unaware he was poisoned with it until recently by which point his liver damage had progressed too far for treatment, according to the sources.
Although Story is now dead, his sources will continue to provide the public with vital information about the secret financial war that is now raging towards its conclusion. The murder of Story will not go un-avenged, according to several sources inside the U.S. and UK military-industrial complex.
The murder of Story is part of a broader, but doomed campaign to silence journalists. Jane Burgermeister, who did much to expose the pharmaceutical industry’s involvement in the creation of the H1N1 virus, contacted this writer today saying she feared for her life. She is the victim of systematic harassment by Austrian security service thugs and their corporate/government bosses.
This writer has also been the target of multiple murder attempts. The same cabal that killed my colleague Paul Klebnikov (the former Forbes Moscow Bureau Chief) and killed Daniel Pearle of the Wall Street Journal, has been systematically murdering journalists around the world as a part of their effort keep in power and fool the public with their fake “war on terror.”
Below is a copy of Christopher Story’s last report. There has been a systematic effort to remove this report from the internet so please disseminate it far and wide.
Below that you will find a copy of an e-mail from Jane Burgermeister.
Below that, you will find a list of the members of the Knights of Malta, who are a major part of the criminal cabal that is trying to turn Western Civilization into a fascistic dictatorship. When the White Dragon roars, their reign of terror will finally end.
Edward Harle’s (Christopher Story’s) last report:
Edward Harle’s (Christopher Story’s) last report:
Saturday 10 July 2010 00:01
• When ‘President’ Barack Hussein Obama touched down on the White House Lawn at 5:30pm on 9th July, he was ‘spoken to’. Enquiries by this service confirm that those doing the ‘speaking’ were not Secret Service operatives. On the contrary they were men with guns.
• Within the past 24-30 hours, private citizen George Godfather H. W. Bush Sr. has likewise been ‘spoken to’ twice. The people doing the ‘speaking’ were men with guns.
• The Chinese have had enough and are ready to take drastic lethal measures.
• Private citizens George H. W. Bush Sr. and Neil Bush think they are immortal and can take the loot they are blocking to the grave.
• Obama, who answers to the private citizen George H. W. Bush Sr., is saying he’s a ‘national citizen’. In order to be President of the United States, under the Constitution and the Soldiers and Sailors Act, you have to be a NATURAL citizen born in the United States or born in a US military family serving abroad.
A detailed report on this assassination attempt and the horrible illness inflicted on the Editor as a consequence will be published as soon as feasible.
•We now have proof that the CIA/MI6/Obama/Bush/Cheney issued an assassination order against this Editor. We have proof that they are suprised that the Editor is not dead.
‘Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some Judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both’.
‘Seeing what’s at the end of one’s nose requires constant effort’. George Orwell.
• Please be advised that the Editor of International Currency Review and associated intelligence services cannot enter into email correspondence related to this or to any of the earlier reports on the US/German/French official criminality underlying this crisis.
• BOOKS: Edward Harle Limited has so far published FIVE intelligence titles: The Perestroika Deception, by Anatoliy Golitsyn; Red Cocaine, by Dr Joseph D. Douglass, Jr.; The European Union Collective, by Christopher Story; The New Underworld Order, by Christopher Story; and The Red Terror in Russia, by Sergei Melgounov. All titles are permanently in stock.
• By Christopher Story FRSA, Editor and Publisher, International Currency Review, World Reports Limited, London and New York. For earlier reports, press the ARCHIVE. Order your intelligence subscriptions and ‘politically incorrect’ [i.e., correct] intelligence books online.
Press Archive for this report [29th January 2010]
Case Number CV10-00031 JVS (MLGx):
You can also access the CMKM/CMKX text at:
The biggest lawsuit in world legal history: The phantom share giga-scandal.
EMAIL POLICY: All anonymous emails from parties who are too wet and scared to provide their full coordinates as required by our ‘Contact Us’ facility are trashed unread. All uncouth, New Age, rude, discourteous, blasphemous, satanic, goss, filthy and otherwise objectionable emails, including ignorant rants promoting ‘Black’ revisionist claptrap about e.g. the British Monarchy ‘owning’ America and other old Nazi ‘Black’ propaganda emanating from the CIA’s massive lie and disinformation apparat, are trashed. For many years this website has carried a statement at the foot of the reports stating in crystal clear English that we will NOT enter into correspondence concerning the current and earlier reports posted on this website.
• We use simple, plain English so that people can understand what we say.
• We correspond with known and trusted correspondents only. Stray questions about of the blue on matters connected with the Settlements are not answered.
As you can see from the above, we have closed down all our communications because of interminable and intolerable harassment from the United States. We have also added a large number of parties to our ‘Black List’ so that their incessant emails bounce.
• The Lienholders exercised a foreclosure and management takeover on Friday 2nd and Saturday 3rd July 2010 of Deutsche Bank, Frankfurt, Germany and of Bank of America, Charlotte, NC. They took this action due to ongoing sabotage by the US official keptocracy.
• They immediately removed people in both banks working for the saboteurs and opponents of the necessary resolutions and cleared derivatives (toxic debt) off the balance sheets.
• This took Deutsche Bank out of the control of Bush Sr.’s agent [see earlier reports: Archive], Chancellor Angela Merkel, and the saboteurs in Germany.
• Likewise they took the CIA’s compromised Bank of America out of the control of the corrupt bankers and CIA saboteurs in the United States.
• Her Majesty The Queen signed the necessary authorities for the Refunding Programme, the Loan Facility and other necessary papers during her visit to New York, as expected.
• As a result of the above the necessary funds were available for distribution
on Tuesday 6th July 2010.
• As usual, George Bush Sr. interfered, as a consequence of which the Chinese parties had a ‘talk’ with the corrupt, demonic Godfather Bush Sr.
• By 7th July (Wednesday) a full meeting of Compliance Officers had taken place and the parties were again said to be prepared to initiate the transfers.
• Whereupon the corrupt Leon Panetta, Director of Central Intelligence (CIA), pathetically following ‘instructions’ issued by a private citizen named George H. W. Bush and issued to his poodle in the White House, the gutless Barack Hussein Obama, issued instructions to banking authorities the ‘placate but do not pay’ (accounting for the immediate lies summarised below), thus ‘preventing’ the feckless and terrified banking authorities from making any transfers.
• Bush Sr.’s poodle, Barack Hussein Obama, is too weak and lacking in backbone to grasp that Bush Sr.’s threats [see below] are BLUFF. He lacks the spine to stand up to this crook and face him down, which is the only way to deal with these possessed ‘Black’ US Nazi operatives, as we have amply demonstrated on this website
• On 7th July, the Chinese authorities then had another talk’ with Bush Sr., as a consequence of which the payout procedures were put back in place on that date, to start up at 3:00pm EDT..
• Having thus lied as usual to the Chinese parties, private citizen Bush Sr. contacted Barack Hussein Obama and INSTRUCTED HIM not to allow the release of the funds.
• In that telephone call to the White House, Bush Sr. also threatened that if Obama authorised release of the funds, Bush Sr. would go to the Supreme Court and have Obama’s Presidency terminated’ [see earlier reports, notably the Biden comment on this score].
• As a consequence, the terrified and gutless Obama obeyed the private citizen George H. W. Bush and the agreed-upon payout of the Settlement funds has not taken place.
• Michael C. Cottrell, BA, M.S., was duly advised on Tuesday 6th July that the preliminary payment due to him would be satisfied on that date and that the Loan Facility would be in place on Thursday 8th July 2010.
• On Friday 9th July ‘the word went out’ that Mr Cottrell was not to be paid, the opposite of what had been categorically stated earlier.
• The payments agreed to and set out in the Basel List have not been affected as a direct consequence of this sabotage.
• Given the above, Gold Badges, US Law Enforcement, the corrupted US military under the former CIA Director Robert Gates, et al., are all in continuing dereliction of their duty in failing to arrest and lock up the Financial Terrorist George H. W. Bush Sr., either because they, like Joseph Biden, are all blackmailed and compromised, or because they fear that Mr Bush Sr.’s thuggists will murder them, and because they lack the intelligence to understand that Bush Sr.’s behaviour amounts to nothing more than the familiar childish, weak Psy-Ops BLUFF and bullying overfamiliar to students of the Mafiosi Godfathers, of which this criminal is the most ruthless and dangerous operative alive today.
• US law enforcement, Gold badges, feckless CIA operatives, cloth-eared, arrogant and corrupt US military cadres have accordingly dragged the reputation of the United States below sewer level in the eyes of all in the know at highest levels worldwide, with their gutless behaviour.
• Everyone who is anyone in positions of relevant importance worldwide is fully aware of this scandalous state of affairs, not least from this website, which has enormous clout ‘where it matters’. They had better exercise their powers to put an end to what is undoubtedly the biggest financial terrorism and corruption crisis in world history.
CA 91103
Telephone: (626) 564-9797
Facsimile: (626) 564-9111
A. Clifton Hodges
James S. Kostas
Donald W. Ricketts*
*Of Counsel
July 8th, 2010
Sent Via E-Mail and Facsimile
The Right Honorable George Osborne, MP
Chancellor of the Exchequer
HM Treasury
Horse Guards Road
London SW1A 2HQ
Fax No. 020 7270 4580
Re: U.S. Dollar Refunding Project
Dear Honorable George Osborne:
I write to you once more in furtherance of matters raised in my prior correspondence of June 25, 2010; I understand that you have received instructions regarding my approach, and the various points raised in my earlier messages. Your assistance is most urgently required in addressing these matters, and the apparent disavowal of earlier agreements made and reaffirmed at previous G-8 meetings concerning the U.S. Dollar Refunding Project. I write on behalf of my clients Michael C. Cottrell, B.A., M.S., of Erie, Pennsylvania, USA, and his corporations: Pennsylvania Investments, Inc., registered in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and Cottrell Securities Limited, registered in England and Wales.
The events of the past week are difficult to understand, and impossible to tolerate. I am advised and understand that the Lienholders executed a foreclosure and management takeover Fri-Sat 2-3 July of Deutsche Bank in Frankfurt, Germany, and of Bank of America in Charlotte, NC.
They “cleaned out” both banks of people working for the opponents and cleared toxic debt [including derivatives] off the bank balance sheets. Accordingly, they took DB out of the control of Angela Merkel and opponents in Germany, and they took BOA out of all possible control by the opponents in this country. As a result of these actions, it was expected that the World Global Settlement funds could be distributed this week.
These funds were available for distribution on Tuesday, July 6. Because George Bush Sr. was initiating interference, the Chinese authorities then had a “talk” with Bush Sr. By Wednesday afternoon a full Compliance Officer meeting had been conducted, and the appropriate parties were again prepared to initiate the transfers when Mr. Leon Panetta, pursuant to instructions from President Obama and George Bush Sr. issued instructions to the banking authorities to “placate but do not pay”; this prevented the authorities from making any such transfers. I am advised that the Chinese authorities then had another “talk” with Bush Sr., and all was ready again on today, July 7, and set to commence @ 3:00 PM EDT.
At approximately 3:00 PM EDT, I am told by several sources, George Bush Sr. apparently contacted President Obama and instructed him not to allow release of the funds. Bush Sr. then advised the President that if the funds were released, Bush would “go to the Supreme Court and have Obama’s Presidency terminated”. In accord with these instructions, the payout of the World Global Settlement funds has not proceeded.
THE PAYMENTS PREVIOUSLY AGREED TO AND SET FORTH ON THE BASEL LIST HAVE NOT BEEN MADE AS A DIRECT RESULT OF THESE CONTINUED DELAYS. Direct intervention through your good offices on behalf of the Royal Monarchal Power, is absolutely required to bring this matter to conclusion. To secure release of these Settlement funds, it is imperative that your power as one of the U.S. Treasury Lienholders, be exercised with such force as may be required to effect completion.
I respectfully plead that you utilize the inherent Royal Monarchal Power at the earliest possible moment to ensure completion of this funding. Thank you in advance for your assistance; please contact me directly if I can provide any additional information or help.
Cc: Lindell H. Bonney, Sr.
Colonel Dana Wilcox
Michael C. Cottrell, BA, MS
President Barack Obama
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
Interpol, USNCB
LEGAL TUTORIAL: The Steps of Common Fraud:
Step 1: Fraud in the Inducement: “… is intended to and which does cause one to execute an instrument, or make an agreement… The misrepresentation involved does not mislead one as the paper he signs but rather misleads as to the true facts of a situation, and the false impression it causes is a basis of a decision to sign or render a judgment”.
Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Hauppauge:
Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Fraud’.
Step 2: Fraud in Fact by Deceit (Obfuscation and Denial) and Theft:
• “ACTUAL FRAUD. Deceit. Concealing something or making a false representation with an evil intent [scanter] when it causes injury to another…”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Fraud’.
• “THE TORT OF FRAUDULENT DECEIT… The elements of actionable deceit are: A false representation of a material fact made with knowledge of its falsity, or recklessly, or without reasonable grounds for believing its truth, and with intent to induce reliance thereon, on which plaintiff justifiably relies on his injury…”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Deceit’.
Step 3: Theft by Deception and Fraudulent Conveyance:
• “FRAUDULENT CONCEALMENT… The hiding or suppression of a material fact or circumstance which the party is legally or morally bound to disclose…”.
• “The test of whether failure to disclose material facts constitutes fraud is the existence of a duty, legal or equitable, arising from the relation of the parties: failure to disclose a material fact with intent to mislead or defraud under such circumstances being equivalent to an actual ‘fraudulent concealment’…”.
• To suspend running of limitations, it means the employment of artifice, planned to prevent inquiry or escape investigation and mislead or hinder acquirement of information disclosing a right of action, and acts relied on must be of an affirmative character and fraudulent…”.
Source: Black, Henry Campbell, M.A., ‘Black’s Law Dictionary’, Revised 4th Edition, St Paul: West Publishing Company, 1968, s.v. ‘Fraudulent Concealment’.
• “FRAUDULENT CONVEYANCE… A conveyance or transfer of property, the object of which is to defraud a creditor, or hinder or delay him, or to put such property beyond his reach…”.
• “Conveyance made with intent to avoid some duty or debt due by or incumbent or person (entity) making transfer…”.
Source: Black, Henry Campbell, M.A., ‘Black’s Law Dictionary’, Revised 4th Edition, St Paul: West Publishing Company, 1968, s.v. ‘Fraudulent Conveyance’.
• NASD Rule 3120, et al.
• NASD Rule 2330, et al
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 3040
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and IM-2110-1
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and SEC Rule 15c3-1
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 3110
• SEC Rules 17a-3 and 17a-4
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and Procedural Rule 8210
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 2330 and IM-2330
• NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and IM-2110-5
• NASD Systems and Programme Rules 6950 through 6957
• 97-13 Bank Secrecy Act, Recordkeeping Rule for funds transfers and transmittals of funds, et al.
• Annunzio-Wylie Anti-Money Laundering Act
• Anti-Drug Abuse Act
• Applicable international money laundering restrictions
• Bank Secrecy Act
• Crimes, General Provisions, Accessory After the Fact [Title 18, USC]
• Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act
• Economic Espionage Act
• Hobbs Act
• Imparting or Conveying False Information [Title 18, USC]
• Maloney Act
• Misprision of Felony [Title 18, USC] (1)
• Money-Laundering Control Act
• Money-Laundering Suppression Act
• Organized Crime Control Act of 1970
• Perpetration of repeated egregious felonies by State and Federal public employees and their Departments and agencies, which are co-responsible with the said employees for ONGOING illegal and criminal actions, to sustain fraudulent operations and crimes in order to cover up criminalist activities and High Crimes and Misdemeanours by present and former holders of high office under the United States
• Provisions pertaining to private business transactions being protected under both private and criminal penalties [H.R. 3723]
• Provisions prohibiting the bribing of foreign officials [F.I.S.A.]
• Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act [R.I.C.O.]
• Securities Act 1933
• Securities Act 1934
• Terrorism Prevention Act
• Treason legislation, especially in time of war.
BEWARE OF MALICIOUS IMITATIONS: It has come to our notice that certain websites have been in the habit of copying reports from this site, attributing the reports to the Editor of this service, but at the same time INSERTING TEXT NOT WRITTEN BY THE EDITOR.
• This is a very old, malevolent US counterintelligence DIRTY TRICK.
Therefore, you should be advised that the GENUINE ORIGINAL REPORT is, by obvious definition, accessible ONLY FROM THIS WEBSITE. If you come across an article elsewhere that is attributed to the Editor of this service, you should refer to the ORIGINAL ARTICLE HERE and you should bear in mind that the illegally duplicated article may contain text that was NOT written by the Editor of this service, but which was inserted for malicious purposes by counterintelligence.
Likewise, although we haven’t yet had time to elaborate this issue, we have taken drastic steps around the world to close off the malicious piracy of our books. One technique used by several disreputable sites (in the United States, the Netherlands and Switzerland) is to copy our title(s) and (a) to display an image of the front cover WITHOUT THE ISBN DATA at the top of the cover; and (b) to DELETE THE COPYRIGHT PAGE.
In so doing, the criminal pirates proclaimed that they knew perfectly well that they were/are engaged in theft and can be prosecuted for stealing copyright.
• Please be advised that the Editor of International Currency Review and associated intelligence services cannot enter into email correspondence related to this or to any of the earlier reports.
We are a private intelligence publishing house and have no connections to any outside parties including intelligence agencies. The word ‘intelligence’ on this website and in all our marketing material is used for marketing/sales purposes only and has no other connotations whatsoever: see ‘About Us’ on the red panels under the Notes on the Editor, Christopher Story FRSA, who has been solely and exclusively engaged as an investigative journalist, Editor, Author and private financial and current affairs Publisher since 1963 and is not and never has been an agent for a foreign power, suggestions to the contrary being actionable for libel in the English Court.
© 2010 World Reports Limited • Edward Harle Limited • Global Analysis Limited • Website by Layer1
Jane Burgermeister’s most recent e-mail:
The Austrian government’s and Big Pharma’s ludicrous agenda to frame Jane Burgermeister and get her jailed has now reached a new level.
Anyone who thought that judges and prosecutors in Austria are not capable of the most blatant mafia methods to set up critics of the swine flu vaccination campaign for arrest needs to think again.
The state prosecutor for corruption Mag Katja Wallenchewski sent me a letter yesterday as part of a blatant attempt to switch the criminal charges I filed on July 23 with documented evidence of file manipulation and corruption of Austrian judges and replace them with a completely different set of charges I never filed and which belong to a total stranger.
According to Wallenschewski’s letter dated July 27th, the criminal charges of complete strangers – two people called Christine Cote and Heiner Lohmann — are listed under my name and under my file number.
You have to read the small print on page 2 to find out that the letter informing me that the prosecutors office has dropped the criminal charges against the Judge Michaela Lauer actually refers to completely different criminal charges altogether – namely to the charges of someone called Christine Cote filed on July 5th as well as of a Heiner Lohmann filed on 15 July.
So why am I getting the letter? What have their charges got to do with me and my file number?
It can be assumed that these criminal charges by total strangers are now filed under my name while my own criminal charges have been switched over to their file or another file.
To send me a letter informing me that the criminal charges of totally unknown people have been dropped is in itself a serious error at best because a third party should never be informed about the status of the charges filed by others.
Googling around, I found out that Christine Cote appears to have run an eccentric swine flu vaccine site that has also been critical of me. I tried to email her at Christine.cote@aon.atyesterday but the email bounced. No one answers a number listed under that name in Vienna or replies to messages left on the answerphone.
My bet is that these criminal charges by Christine Cote and Heiner Lohmann against Judge Michaela Lauer are full of violent threats and hysteria and so will offer the perfect excuse for the Austrian police to arrest me any time. Certainly, this pair of “swine flu activists” have never ever contacted me.
My own set of charges with the stamp of the prosecutors office confirming I handed them in on July 23rd are very factual: every single allegation of corruption and file manipulation is well documented as anyone can read at this link:
I also filed appeals in civil courts in Vienna on July 5th and July 9th documenting the evidence of systematic corruption by Judge Lauer in connection with the inheritance of my father and the court custody of my aunt as can be seen under the link:
I am happy to send anyone pdf copies myself if the above links don’t work.
The systematic corruption is so well documented by me, in fact, that the Austrian judges are obviously getting very worried and having to resort to this blatant frame up and maneuver to get me jailed or under custody.
As soon as a criminal charges with threats against a judge are put into my file, even if it is a blatant error by the prosecutor, the police can be sent to arrest me and at literally any moment.
I have not seen Christine Cote’s and Heiner Lohmann’s charges against Judge Lauer but they probably confirm every cliché about conspiracy swine flu theorists as lunatics.
In fact, the claims I made from the beginning about the swine flu pandemic being hyped by the pharmaceutical companies have been substantiated by bodies such as the widely publicized report by UK MP Paul Flynn at the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly at the beginning of June —— as well as the prestigious British Medical Journal.
Deborah Cohen (BMJ features editor) and Philip Carter document in a June 3rd report how scientists who convinced the World Health Organization (WHO) to declare swine a global pandemic level 6 emergency have close financial ties to the drug companies that profited from the sale of those vaccines .
Even the corporate mainstream media that played an instrumental role in hyping the virus has printed reports saying that the pandemic was exaggerated. Der Spiegel published a report called the “Chronology of a hysteria” in March 2010.
Der Spiegel also reported on the Bilderberg meeting in Spain in June 2010.,1518,698844,00.html
Far from being a crazy conspiracy theorist, I have thoroughly documented the claims I have made thanks to my background as a science journalist who has been working for years for publications such as Nature:
the British Medical Journal. See, for example,
The Scientist
As well as the Guardian, the European Voice and American Prospect and many other publications.
But before the next mass vaccination campaigns or pandemics are launched, effective investigative journalists who document the corruption of WHO and national governments have to be removed and the internet censured.
They have to be framed by an elaborate process involving judges and state prosecutors interacting with “swine flu” activists”.
Ever since I filed charges against Baxter at the beginning of April 2008, presenting evidence that the contamination of 72 kilos of seasonal flu with the bird flu virus – supplied by WHO – had been deliberate given the fact the laboratories have to follow strict biosafety level 3 regulations, I have been hounded by the government.
I have also been ridiculed by much of the corporate mainstream Austrian media. But then again, every journalist in Austria working for Austrian media still needs a government license!
The same media were largely silent about the Baxter incident and also about that the fact the Vienna state prosecutor had ordered an investigation into Baxter’s contamination of the vaccine material, although the charges were dropped in September 2009 just in time for Baxter to get its approval for its swine flu jab.
I soon felt the wrath of the government after filing charges on the Baxter incident in April 2009. I had to take legal action in May 2009 against the same Judge Lauer at the court in Hietzing for the way she tried to smear me and exclude me from the court guardianship of my father, who ended up dying on October 23,2009 in a hospital in Hietzing in which the Rothschild family through a foundation still play an active role .
I stated in my criminal charges Lauer might be working for the shadowy Bilderberg network and Big Pharma and asked for an investigation. But the very same Mag Wallenschewski who is now trying to frame me as a crazy swine flu conspiracy theorist also played a key role in stopping an investigation back then. I never even got to see the files.
More than one year later, the evidence is even stronger that Judge Lauer is under orders from higher ups who work for Big Pharma and the Bilderberg network in Austria — and that the orders are coming in from high up to do everything to strip me of my assets and my civil liberties and bend every law to do it.
The Chancellor Werner Faynmann went to the 2008 Bilderberg meeting of the world’s shadowy elite.
The banking family Rothschilds – considered by many to be at the core of the Bildeberg group together with the Rockefellers — are even active in the hospital in Hietzing (Krankenhaus Hietzing mit Neurologischem Zentrum Rosenhügel) where my aunt and Dad had so many problems.
On another flank Johan Niklasson, the webmaster, has hijacked www.theflucase.comwebsite as well as the www.janeburgermeister.orgwebsite.
At the beginning of June. I moved back to my old birdflu666 blog because I realized Johan Niklasson was working to sabotage the site and my work.
At the end of June, just as Lauer was starting to try to get me under court custody on the grounds I am a conspiracy theorist, Niklasson posted a report advocating mindless violence which conveniently got the website classified as a terrorist site.
He also blocked my log. I immediately had to put a disclaimer on my birdflu666 blog to make it clear this report had nothing to do with me.
We can see how the whole shadowy network pulls different strands together to implement a long term plan to destroy an investigative journalist’s work and even life.
But the Bilderberg minions must realize. I was born a free person and I will die a free person and I will never go under the court custody of Austrian judges, whose corruption has been so well documented it borders on a black comedy. That is like surrendering to the mafia.
I recognize I will highly likely never come out of any court custody alive anyway for what incentive is there for these people have for allowing me, a whistleblower documenting their crimes, to live?
I refuse to be held as a prisoner or slave by the minions of the Bilderberg international corporate crime syndicate which has its tentacles so deep into governments in the EU and USA that they ordered 100s of millions of inadequately tested and toxic jabs for their populations for a mild virus, and who have crashed the entire economy for the profits of the banks.
It is clearly better to commit suicide than to be murdered or abused after an illegal court guardianship process or arrest. I have no fear of death. My conscience is clear. I will not spend one minute alive under the court custody.
I was born of an Irish mother who was fearless as her own parents were fearless and I owe them nothing less than that I too stand fearlessly against the ludicrous frame up of the Bilderberg and Big Pharma minions in Austria – and if necessary to die fearlessly.
I remember my mother telling me how the IRA shot bullets at the feet of my grandparents when they walked down the mainstreet of Sligo, Ireland, after getting engaged and how they never flinched but kept on walking arm in arm without even looking at the people who could have killed them any moment. My grandmother, an O Hara, supported the IRA while my grandfather, McGoldrick, was an Irish army officer who supported the partition of Ireland. The IRA did not like it that my grandmother got engaged to him.
So God give me strength, I too will never flinch as my grandparents never flinched.
The Knights of Malta (including now deceased members):
Compiled by Eric Samuelson, J.D.
Edward Fenech Adami
General Allavena
George W. Anderson
James Jesus Angelton
Samuel Alito
Julian Allason
Joe M. Allbaugh
Roberto Alejos Arzu
Silvio Berlusconi
Grandmaster, Prince Andrew Willoughby Ninian Bertie (cousin of QEII) deceased.
(Former Prime Minister) Tony Blair
Michael Bloomberg
Elmer Bobst
Marie Corinne Morrison Claiborne Boggs (Dame Lindy Boggs)
Geoffrey T. Boisi
John Robert Bolton
Charles Joseph Bonaparte
Prince Valerio Borghese
Dr. Barry Bradley
Nicholas Brady
Joseph Brennan
Monsignor Mario Brini
Pat Buchanan
James Buckley
William F. Buckley, Jr.
George H.W Bush
George W. Bush
Jeb Bush
Precott Bush, Jr.
Frank Capra
(King) Juan Carlos
Frank Charles Carlucci III
William Casey
Michael Chertoff
Gustavo Cisneros
(President) Bill Clinton
(Cardinal) Terence Cooke
Gerald Coughlin
(Senator) John Danforth
John J. DeGioia
Cartha DeLoach
Giscard d’Estaing
Bill Donovan
Allen Dulles
Avery Dulles
(Archbishop) Edward Egan
Frank J. Fahrenkopf Jr.
Noreen Falcone
(Count) Franz Egon
John Farrell
Matthew Festing (79th Grand Master)
Edwin J. Feulner
Francis D. Flanagan
Raymond Flynn
Adrian Fortescue (16th century)
John C. Gannon
Licio Gelli
Reinhard Gehlen
Burton Gerber
Rudy Giuliani
Emilio T. González
Dr. Lawrence Gonzi
Sir John Gorman CVO
Thomas K. Gorman
J. Peter Grace
Lord Guthrie of Craigiebank
Gen. Alexander Haig
Cyril Hamilton
Otto von Hapsburg
William Randolph Hearst
Edward L. Hennessy, Jr.
(Baron) Conrad Hilton
Heinrich Himmler
Richard Holbrooke
J. Edgar Hoover
Leonard G. Horowitz
Daniel Imperato
Lee Iococca
Carl Nicholas Karcher
Francis L. Kellogg
Joseph Kennedy
(Senator) Ted Kennedy
Henry A. Kissinger
Bowie Kuhn
Cardinal Pio Laghi
Cathy L. Lanier
Joseph P. Larkin
Louis Lehrman
General de Lorenzo
Clara Booth Luce (Dame)
Henry Luce
Angus Daniel McDonald
George MacDonald
Nelson Mandela
Avro Manhattan
Alexandre de Marenches
John McCone
Thomas Melady
Sir Stewart Menzies
(Prince) Angelo di Mojana
Thomas S. Monaghan
Rupert Murdoch
Joseph A. O’Hare
Thomas ‘Tip’ O’Neill
Francis (Frank) V. Ortiz
Oliver North
George Pataki
Cardinal Patronus
Robert James “Jim” Nicholson
Oliver North
Fra Giancarlo Pallavicini
Fra Hubert Pallavicini
Franz von Papen
Baron Luigi Parrilli
Juan Peron
Peter G. Peterson
Harold A.R. ‘Kim’ Philby
Augusto Pinochet
John J. Raskob
(President) Ronald E. Reagan
John Charles Reynolds
George Rocca
Nelson Rockefeller
David Rockefeller
Francis Rooney
Rick Santorum
General Giuseppe Santovito
Antonin Scalia
Phyllis Schlafly (Dame)
Walter Schellenburg
Joseph Edward Schmitz (Blackwater)
Stephen A. Schwarzman
Frank Shakespeare
Martin F. Shea
Clay Shaw
William Edward Simon Jr.
Jennifer Sims
Frank Sinatra
Frederick W. Smith
Cardinal Francis Spellman
Francix X. Stankard
Steve Stavros
Myron Taylor
George Tenet
Fritz Thyssen
Richard Torrenzano
Admiral Giovanni Torrinsi
(Prince) Anton Turkul
Albrecht von Boeselager
Winfried Henckel von Donnersmark
Thomas Von Essen
Amschel Mayer von Rothschild
Robert Ferdinand Wagner, Jr
Kurt Waldheim
General Vernon A. Walters
Col. Albert J. Wetzel
Canon Edward West
Gen. William Westmoreland
Gen. Charles A. Willoughby
William Wilson
Robert Zoellick
Gen. Anthony Zinni
Additions or corrections welcomed.
The Oath of the Knights of Malta
Final note: All members of the Knights of Malta who wish to denounce the Cabal’s plans are encouraged and welcome to do so.
Signatories & Ratifiers of the ICC International Criminal Court Treaty & Rome Statute
The Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Additional Protocols
29-10-2010 Overview
The Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols are international treaties that contain the most important rules limiting the barbarity of war. They protect people who do not take part in the fighting (civilians, medics, aid workers) and those who can no longer fight (wounded, sick and shipwrecked troops, prisoners of war).
The Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols are at the core of international humanitarian law, the body of international law that regulates the conduct of armed conflict and seeks to limit its effects. They specifically protect people who are not taking part in the hostilities (civilians, health workers and aid workers) and those who are no longer participating in the hostilities, such as wounded, sick and shipwrecked soldiers and prisoners of war. The Conventions and their Protocols call for measures to be taken to prevent or put an end to all breaches. They contain stringent rules to deal with what are known as “grave breaches”. Those responsible for grave breaches must be sought, tried or extradited, whatever nationality they may hold.
Current Members of the United Nations Security Council
Permanent and Non-Permanent Members
The Council is composed of 15 Members:
- five permanent members: China, France, Russian Federation, the United Kingdom, and the United States,
- and ten non-permanent members elected for two-year terms by the General Assembly (with end of term date):
o Bolivia (2018)
o Côte d’Ivoire (2019)
o Equatorial Guinea (2019)
o Ethiopia (2018)
o Kazakhstan (2018)
o Kuwait (2019)
o Netherlands (2018)
o Peru (2019)
o Poland (2019)
o Sweden (2018)
Non-Council Member States
More than 60 United Nations Member States have never been Members of the Security Council.
A State which is a Member of the United Nations but not of the Security Council may participate, without a vote, in its discussions when the Council considers that country’s interests are affected. Both Members and non-members of the United Nations, if they are parties to a dispute being considered by the Council, may be invited to take part, without a vote, in the Council’s discussions; the Council sets the conditions for participation by a non-member State.
VIDEO – Roundtable with USMCss Capt Randy Cramer & UK Town Councilor Simon Parkes: Pleiadian nuke destroyed Mars ecology? Cheney ran Mars Colony Corporation
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
UK MIRROR: “Mars was ‘destroyed by interplanetary NUCLEAR WAR’ in battle described in BIBLE”
“Dr John Brandenburg, a plasma physicist working as a consultant at Morningstar Applied Physics LLC, says in his book,’Death on Mars’, that nuclear isotopes found on the Red Planet “resemble those from hydrogen bombs on Earth” and a “Martian civilisation apparently perished due to a planet-wide catastrophe of unknown origin”.
According to conspiracy website Planet X News, this supposed war happened 75,000 years ago and was an interplanetary battle that happened between Mars and Maldek – a theorised planet once existing between Mars and Jupiter.
The war was between humanoids, which lived on Mars and reptilian creatures which occupied Maldek, the website claims.
Nuclear isotopes found on the Red Planet “resemble those from hydrogen bombs on Earth”
While Maldek was completely destroyed, Mars was left uninhabitable and forced the residents of the Red Planet to move to Earth.
Planet X News claims: “The war was nuclear. Mars was seemingly losing, and the destruction of Maldek may have been an option of last resort.
“The Reptilians were fighting to control Mars and to utilise some of its resources, including mineral resources.
NASA’s Curiosity Rover appears to show FOSSILS on Mars
“Extraterrestrials systematically seeded information about the war into human culture by ‘force feeding’ information into minds of religious prophets.
“The prophets would then describe these ‘visions’ in ancient text.”
According to Dr Brandenburg, Earth could suffer a similar fate if we do not learn from the supposed signs of Mars’ end.
He writes in his book: “The discovery of dead civilisation on Mars, whose end was apparently catastrophic and due to unknown causes, reinforces our understanding that the cosmos can be a dangerous place and requires a vigorous response from the human race, to reduce the probability that we will perish the same way.”
from “War in Heaven” by Dr John Brandenburg
UK Mirror, Feb. 5, 2018
See: Chapter 3, DEO – Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse
by Alfred Lambremont Webre
Secrets of our Dual Suns & of Enlightenment with “Remember Zen” Author Sheldon Moore
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
The Law of One, “Maldek” – The destruction of the planet Maldek into the Asteroid Belt in approximately 700,000 Before Present, and the migration of Souls to Planet Earth
[4] SEE: Sinister force targeting multidimensionally interested journalists, filmmakers, and a 2016 US Presidential candidate with DEW directed energy weapons, causing blindness & paralysis
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
After 3 deaths at International UFO Congress in February 2018, “microwave sickness” and DEW concerns raised about June 2018 Contact in the Desert and Vancouver, BC “ET Disclosure” Conferences
By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
Please download:
Perestroika Deception & The Rule of Law
The factual, moral, and legal task now becomes that establishing probable cause as to the identity of the proximate, intermediate, and ultimate, sinister intelligent forces behind these DEW directed energy weapons attacks, that have been intervening covertly through different avenues to attempt to shut down a leading edge of human observation and knowledge – its multidimensional scholars, researchers, reporters, and leaders.
The odds are slim that random individuals would possess the motives, means, and opportunity to target, deploy, and attack at least a dozen leading multi-Dimensional researchers, journalists, authors and whistleblowers recently. More likely these War Crimes are caused by a network of entities and individuals organized around the “deep web Internet” informed by a singular clandestine military-like organized intelligent plan rolled out through various modalities to “take out” leading targeted minds, eyes, and ears of the multi-dimensional community using what are termed DEW “non-lethal” weapons.
The intervention of a “clandestine military-like organized intelligent plan carried out through various modalities” and “take out” an echelon of higher frequency human multidimensional disclosure activists is what the probable cause evidence points to.
In an analogous field – alternative heath care – a parallel clandestine organized targeting appears to be happening to alternative health care providers.[6]
Factors underlying the prosecution of DEW Perps as War Criminals
Among the preliminary conclusions of’s months-long investigation of this pattern of unattributed remote DEW directed energy weapons attacks on multi-dimensionally interested journalists, filmmakers, a US Presidential candidate, and Conference attendees are that:
- A variety of DEW directed energy weapons are used to severely injure the targeted multi-dimensionally interested individuals;
- The DEW targeting takes place at different venues and using varied modus operandi. DEW targeting at public ET/UFO conferences is akin to public terrorism designed not to be traceable back to a single source.
- DEW victims’ eyesight and visual eye-brain connection networks, or other specialist-skill body parts such as skilled hands appear to be special targets of DEW-targeted journalists, authors, and a US Presidential as this is disabling of their future capacity to produce written and research work in their fields.
- State & Corporate Terror – An international, space-based, satellite-based, nation-state and corporate infrastructure appears to be behind the DEW directed energy strikes, designed to intimidate the targeted individuals from taking action to identify or legally report the perpetrators who often appear (a) in plain sight of their DEW targets (b) to be “above the law” even as they carry out their COINTELPRO DEW directed energy weapons attacks. Only DEW attackers who are part of a clandestine state and/or corporate infrastructure can carry out such openly “in your face” DEW attacks without any fear of legal prosecution.
Are GAIA TV & CEO Jirka Rysavy providing Cover for DEW Corporate State Terror?
One corporation and its corporate CEO fitting perfectly into the above definition of providing cover for “State & Corporate Terror” are:
-; and
- Jirka Rysavy, Founder & Chairman and CEO of “since its inception” in 1988 in Boulder, CO[7], the year after this reporter produced & hosted the August 16-17, 1987 Harmonic Convergence NPR radio program at Boulder, CO’s NPR National Public Radio station with guest Jose Arguelles.
For those who are not aware of the profound impact of the Harmonic Convergence, in the August 11th, 1987 edition of The New York Times, in the article: “New Era Dawns—or Just a New Day?” José Arguelles was quoted:
“…The vibratory infrastructure holding the Earth together is in a condition of intense fever called resonant dissonance. Influences such as the arms race and insults to the environment could cause the breakup of the Earth into smaller bodies not unlike the Asteroid Belt…This can be averted, by harmonic convergence achieved in a synchronized collective of human beings, through which the possibility of a New Heaven and a New Earth is fully present.”[8] Corporate Front & Spotting Agency for CIA Shadow Government – Probable-cause evidence suggests that, of which Jirka Rysavy is CEO, is acting as a corporate front & spotting agency for a malevolent corporate or nation state actor by selling a pseudo-spiritual product that claims it will provide “beneficial” health and consciousness effects. In fact, witness statements now indicate that subsequent to the and Jirka Rysavy-approved sale of such pseudo-product, a corporate and/or nation state actor possessing or operating satellite-based DEW directed energy weapons targets the consumers purchasing such pseudo-products with satellite-based or land-based DEW directed energy weapons, causing them severe trauma and health damage.
One targeted witness states, “One innocent customer of was hit by a DEW at Contact in the Desert 2017. The victim additionally signed up for gaiam/gaia’s dangerous FLFE “Focused Life Forced Energy” new ‘offering.’ For only $350 per year,’s contractor Regina Meredith promises that your spiritual consciousness will rise beyond all expectations because you give them permission and $350 to ‘whack your home with constant energy pulses that will make you highly spiritual.’”
“The [ DEW] victim who informed me of this malicious attack on people’s private homes told me that within a few days of allowing them to hit her home, depression set in for her and she became suicidal for the first time in her life. Within a month her husband was rushed to the hospital for emergency surgery. He was a healthy man – and all at once he was diagnosed with cancer and is still in and out of the hospital – very ill.” Jirka Rysavy War Crimes –’s and Jirka Rysavy’s DEW targeting actions appear to give rise to War Crimes committed by persons, corporations, and state action in violation of the 4th Geneva Convention, subjecting CEO Jirka Rysavy and any and all employees, contractors, agents, and other persons aiding and abetting the targeting of multidimensionally-interested individuals with DEW directed energy weapons [such as contractor Regina Meredith], to arrest and legal prosecution under the Statutes of the International Criminal Court inter alia, as well as under the criminal statutes of the United States of America, of the State of Colorado and the states within which such actions occurred, as well as the laws of other nation states and jurisdictions.[9]
US Government Entity – War Crimes against civilians under the 4th Geneva Convention most certainly have occurred and must be prosecuted without fear or favor, most especially if entities of a nation state such as the US Army personnel, weapons or contractees were involved in the targeting of multidimensionally interested individuals with DEW directed energy weapons, as probable cause evidence suggests in the case of a US 2016 Presidential candidate. has already published expert forensic evidence demonstrating that US Army sharpshooters were a key component of the shooter squad that carried out the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. under the color of unlawful black ops national security orders.[10]
Foreign Nation State – Moreover, one must consider the possibility that the DEW targeting strikes are carried out under the authority of or using the property of a nation state foreign to the United States of America, making the DEW directed energy weapons attacks upon civilians, especially against a US Presidential candidate who was in fact a guest at studios in Boulder, CO, an Act of War against the Republic of the United States.
False flag acts such as the DEW directed energy weapons targeting of civilians by a nation state have in fact been carried out against the Republic of the United States of America, most notably in the case of 9/11, when the State of Israel committed the War Crime of aggressive war under international law by aiding and abetting an armed attack upon the Republic of the United States of America carried out by the a conspiracy within the Executive branch in violation of Article III of the US Constitution, causing over 3000 civilian, first responder, and military deaths, and launching the Republic of the United States on an unlawful international proxy war on behalf of the Greater Israel Project of the Sanhedrin and allied political, financial, colonial, and settler interests.[11]
Corporations or Organizations – If the DEW directed energy weapons attacks associated with programs such as FLFE “Focused Life Forced Energy” are carried out in concert with or using the infrastructure of another corporation, network of interlocking corporations, or organization, syndicate, shadow government, fraternity, secret society, religion, then such participating entity would be liable for War Crimes against these DEW-targeted civilians as outlined above.
ICC – International Criminal Court – Under the Rome Statute of the International Court, national courts in each signing nation are in fact expected to take the lead in prosecuting war crimes under the ICC Statute, the Geneva Conventions, and international humanitarian law in general.[12]
“The seven countries that voted against the ICC treaty were China, Iraq, Israel, Libya, Qatar, the United States, and Yemen. Following 60 ratifications, the Rome Statute entered into force on 1 July 2002 and the International Criminal Court was formally established. Around 139 States have signed the Rome Statute, while only 118 have ratified the document; meaning that they are willing to use the ICC in their States.
“Why have some countries refused to sign and ratify the Rome Statute?
“States – [such as the United States of America Corporation, the State of Israel, the People’s Republic of China, the Russian Federation] – do not want to be held accountable for the actions of their people because they know that they will be found guilty.”
Under the Rome Statute, war crimes can be prosecuted in the national courts of any of the 118 nation states that have ratified the Rome Statute and are willing to use the ICC in their states. Among the legal remedies specific DEW targeted multidimensionally interested individuals can pursue is prosecution for war crimes against, its CEO Jirka Rysavy and other organizations and persons.
Patrick Hair says
If this is true then there goes our friendship and association with Laura Eisenhower. Because she’s a big part of This article doesn’t leave much hope. Solutions for 2020 and beyond? For people in their 60’s and 70’s ? Might as well have the end of the world because life as it is , is becoming intolerable for normal humans. Looks like the bad guys have it pretty well wrapped up. They have all of the power, money, and Star Trek technology. We’re doomed anyway.
philip says
i can’t believe how some people have so little faith in themselves and humanity.. source and mother earth are also involved with this process, but i never hear anything about either one of them…it seems Alfred can see nothing positive about a trump presidency….this is a left leaning website now…trump is there for a reason.. what would the alternative be?????? there’s a reason why things are playing out the way they are….Now is not the time to bash trump./…Let them destroy part of them selves.. ..this kind of journalism just separates us all….there’s alot of good being done….we have a long way to go.. we must be able to take the good with the bad in this journey toward’s freedom.. why is it not possible that trump might awaken….?????? are you saying source and the planet are not capable of changing what trump does???? are you saying the A.I. intelligence out there is more powerful than source??????? staying positive is key….doesn’t anyone think its possible that that timeline from long ago has changed????? this anti trump stuff is turning away alot of people which in turn hurt’s everyone..its all about timing…when its time trump will go…now is not the time….Peace!!!!!!!