By Jon Kelly Vancouver, BC – Exclusive new video published to social media on January 23, 2017, claims to reveal new digital audio evidence that shows notorious serial killer John Wayne Gacy described a stabbing murder on-camera three years before the official narrative states his first murder-by-stabbing took place. The new audio comes from […]
“Pizzagate Representa Sólo Una Franquicia Americana Única. Pedogate es Un sindicato mundial de crimen de explotación infantil”
“Pizzagate Representa Sólo Una Franquicia Americana Única. Pedogate es Un sindicato mundial de crimen de explotación infantil” Un Panel de Juan Lankamp, Pilar Baselga y Alfred Lambremont Webre VEA PANEL EN ExopoliticsTV You Tube: 2014: “La investigación de Juan Lankamp muestra que este ritual pedocriminal de los Draco-Gobierno EEUU MKULTRA a su […]
Ole Dammegard & Carine Hutsebaut: Expose Pizzagate & global pedocriminal pedosexual networks now!
Ole Dammegard & Carine Hutsebaut: Expose Pizzagate & global pedocriminal pedosexual networks now! By Alfred Lambremont Webre WATCH INTERVIEW ON EXOPOLITICSTV You Tube: VANCOUVER, BC – In an interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, authors & researchers Ole Dammegard & Carine Hutsebaut discuss Pizzagate as an opportunity to expose the global pedocriminal pedosexual networks. […]
Comet Ping-Pong Pizzagate False Flag Shooter “Crisis Actor” Meme Exposed!
Comet Ping-Pong Pizzagate False Flag Shooter Meme Exposed! IMDB – The Shooter In 2005 Pizza Movie & The Shooter In Pizzagate False Flag Shooting Are The Same Actor Pizzagate Profile and methodology congruent with false flag methodology exposed by author Ole Dammegard Purpose of Pizzagate false flag shooting explained By Alfred Lambremont Webre BLAINE, […]