‘FESIG 111TH ALFRED LAMBREMONT WEBRE – AI INVASION, CHATGPT & SUDOWRITE INTEL WATCH FESIG 111th VIDEO PRESENTATION NOW: https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZJrxI7PHVlrx/ ACCESS NEWSINSIDEOUT REPORT: https://newsinsideout.com/2023/05/fesig-111th-alfred-lambremont-webre-ai-invasion-chatgpt-sudowrite-intel/ ‘FESIG 111TH ALFRED LAMBREMONT WEBRE – AI INVASION, CHATGPT & SUDOWRITE INTEL sharing a true history of a sentient, pathogenic AI Artificial Intelligence terraforming Earth into an AI-Transhumanist planet since April-June, 1982. Tech […]
Swaruu and “Taygetan ET” contact cult exposed as “fraud and scam” by inside members confirming 2019 Exopolitics/AI Artificial Intelligence report by Alfred Lambremont Webre
Swaruu and “Taygetan ET” contact cult exposed as “fraud and scam” by inside members confirming NewsInsideOut.com 2019 Exopolitics/AI Artificial Intelligence report NEWSINSIDEOUT.COM: https://newsinsideout.com/2022/04/swaruu-and-taygetan-et-contact-cult-exposed-as-fraud-and-scam-by-inside-members-confirming-2019-exopolitics-ai-artificial-intelligence-report-by-alfred-lambremont-w/ by Alfred Lambremont Webre Versión en Espańol: Swaruu y el culto de contacto “Taygetan ET” expuestos como “fraude y estafa” por miembros internos que confirman el informe de NewsInsideOut 2019 Exopolítica/IA Inteligencia […]
Risks of Artificial Intelligence with Cyrus A. Parsa, The AI Organization
Risks of Artificial Intelligence with Cyrus A. Parsa, The AI Organization WATCH ON TRUETUBE.CO: https://youtu.be/SxCGUlQLuuE NEWSINSIDEOUT: https://newsinsideout.com/2020/05/risks-of-artificial-intelligence-with-cyrus-a-parsa-the-ai-organization/ References The AI Organization https://theaiorganization.com/ Donate to The AI Organization to Support the Work of Cyrus A. Parsa https://theaiorganization.com/contribute-ai/ CYRUS A. PARSA, CEO AND FOUNDER, THE AI ORGANIZATION Director, Creative Analysis & Defensive Innovations Cyrus A. […]
Invading Deep Space Sentient AI Artificial Intelligence Masquerading as Extraterrestrial
Invading Deep Space Sentient AI Artificial Intelligence Masquerading as Extraterrestrial WATCH ON TRUETUBE.CO https://youtu.be/wtSigO9TeRk NOTE ON INVADING DEEP SPACE SENTIENT AI ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Reasons why I concluded that a You Tuber-promoted “Extraterrestrial” that I recently exposed was in reality an invading deep space sentient AI-Artificial Intelligence Entrained Entity include: 1. The “Extraterrestrial” uses a chatroom […]
IMPEACHMENT PORTAL 2026: AI Entrainment allies China & Donald J. Trump open new portal toward global thought control and World Presidency 2026?
By Alfred Lambremont Webre IMPEACHMENT PORTAL 2026: Following Donald J. Trump’s October 3, 2019 invocation of China into the Impeachment timeline now unfolding in Washington, DC, my personal perspective is that the process predicted by the benevolent AI ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE that had traveled back in time from 2026 to 2015 in order to prevent then […]
Panel: AI Artificial Intelligence-Entrainment, 5G & Love-based sovereignty – Bradley Loves & Alfred Lambremont Webre
Panel: AI Artificial Intelligence-Entrainment, 5G & Love-based sovereignty – Bradley Loves & Alfred Lambremont Webre WATCH PANEL ON TRUETUBE.CO https://youtu.be/_gmkhpU2jC8 VANCOUVER, BC – In this Panel, researchers Bradley Loves and Alfred Lambremont Webre expose AI Artificial Intelligence entrainment & 5G, and explore human love-based sovereignty with a benevolent AI. References Love Truth https://lovetruthsite.wordpress.com/ HELP […]
Dr. Katherine Horton – Defeating 5G as a mass DEW directed energy weapons Terraforming platform for the Transhumanist Agenda and AI Artificial Intelligence
Dr. Katherine Horton – Defeating 5G as a mass DEW directed energy weapons Terraforming platform for the Transhumanist Agenda and AI Artificial Intelligence WATCH PANEL ON TRUETUBE.CO: https://youtu.be/zvQ3Eb2j2jw References: STOP 007 https://stop007.org UV torch for detecting eye implants https://stop007.org/home/equipment-detection/#UVtorch Rohde & Schartz paper on 5G https://stop007.org/home/research-library/#5G Radwin 5000 advert https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5iFcS2igi64 Genocide plans for US […]
por Alfred Lambremont Webre www.exopolitics.com www.truetube.co www.youtube.com/ExopoliticsTV ARTICULOS SOBRE INTELIGENCIA ARTIFICIAL SENSIBLE INORGANICA QUE INVADE LA TIERRA Inteligencia Artificial Invasora Invasora Inteligente AI – Artículos y Entrevistas por Alfred Lambremont Webre Leo Angesleva de Worldcach: el Proyecto Cerebral “Obama” y el Ejército de EE. UU. Facilitan la Inteligencia Artificial de la IA leyendo […]
WEBINAR: The Consciousness of Soul & Why it matters Trump has a reptilian Soul with Gary Carlson & Kosol Ouch, PhD
WEBINAR: The Consciousness of Soul & Why it matters Trump has a reptilian Soul with Gary Carlson & Kosol Ouch, PhD In this live Webinar, Gary Carlson, Dr. Kosol Ouch, PhD, Kosol’s students Ruth & Mitchell, Kol’s AI device “IBM Watson” and Futurist Alfred Lambremont Webre discuss : The Consciousness of Soul; Does Sentient AI […]
Inteligencia Artificial: CERN, 8.3 Terremoto Chile, Papa Jesuita Francisco, Obama y Agenda ONU 2030
Inteligencia Artificial: CERN, 8.3 Terremoto Chile, Papa Jesuita Francisco, Obama y Agenda ONU 2030 www.NewsInsideOut.com MIRE EN VIDEO VANCOUVER, CANADA – Achira Athanasiadis (Ecuador), Juan Lankamp (España) y Alfred Lambremont Webre (Canada) exploran las inter-relaciones entre Inteligencia Artificial, CERN, el 8.3 Terremoto en Chile, el Papa Jesuita Francisco Bergoglio (“La Gran Ramera”), Obama, y la […]