By Jon Kelly Vancouver, BC – Exclusive new video published to social media on November 12, 2018, reveals how granular audio analysis of a 2014 Canadian wilderness starlight skywatch anticipated findings from a UFO incident that took place off the coast of Ireland this past Friday. Roswell-like citations of a “pilot” and death of […]
Wet Room UFOlogy Flags Peak Turpitude for Trump’s America
By Jon Kelly Vancouver, BC – In U.S. President Trump’s “bring back waterboarding” America CIA torture chiefs qualify for cabinet-level positions. In the Wet Room UFOlogy of former Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI) Vice President Emery Smith “Videodrome”-like claims of navigating domestic black sites seek to exploit audience feelings of complicity and […]
WEBINAR: “No Vaccine in 2018!” with Dr. Viera Scheibner, Madame Ghis, Dr. Rebecca Carley & Sallie O Elkordy
WEBINAR: “No Vaccine in 2018!” with Dr. Viera Scheibner, Madame Ghis, Dr. Rebecca Carley & Sallie O Elkordy WATCH ON ExopoliticsTV WATCH ON OmniverseTV Streaming WATCH LIVE ON FACEBOOK WEBINAR: “No Vaccine in 2018!” with Dr. Viera Scheibner; Madame Ghis; Dr. Rebecca Carley; Sallie O. Elkordy is a Centenary Webinar Tribute […]
JIT/Press Release: Crimes Against Humanity Mount as Belgian Hospital Erasme Denies Healthy Activist Access to Newborn Baby, Citing Attorney-General’s Orders
WEBINAR: Visualize Amethyst/Melanie Vritschan safe from false Psychiatric charges by Belgian Attorney General WATCH ON OmniverseTV: JIT/Press Release: Crimes Against Humanity Mount as Belgian Hospital Erasme Denies Healthy Activist Access to Newborn Baby, Citing Attorney-General’s Orders Date: October 23 JIT Press Contact: Ramola D/ JIT Founder/Lead: Dr. Katherine Horton/ In an Oct 22 webinar […]
WEBINAR – Dr. Katherine Horton on “DEW Directed Energy Weapons & Melanie Vritschan’s successful removal of forensic evidence of an electronic torture & robotization weapon”
WEBINAR – Dr. Katherine Horton on “DEW Directed Energy Weapons & Melanie Vritschan’s successful removal of forensic evidence of an electronic torture & robotization weapon” – OmniverseTV By Alfred Lambremont Webre WATCH FREE WEBINAR ON OmniverseTV Watch PART I -Dr. Katherine Horton: Melanie Vritschan’s successful removal of torture-robotization DEW [30 minutes] Watch OmniverseTV […]
Pizzagate’s Killer Klown: John Wayne Gacy described stabbing, dismemberment and possible location of missing victim in 1969
By Jon Kelly Vancouver, BC – Exclusive new video published to social media on January 23, 2017, claims to reveal new digital audio evidence that shows notorious serial killer John Wayne Gacy described a stabbing murder on-camera three years before the official narrative states his first murder-by-stabbing took place. The new audio comes from […]
Behind the yellow mask: Trump spills urophile secrets at ‘Watersportsgate’ presser
By Jon Kelly Vancouver, BC – Exclusive new video published to social media on January 11, 2017, offers shocking evidence of what are said to be sleep talking-like confessional statements from President-elect Donald J. Trump’s “Watersportsgate” press conference. The former reality television star met with journalists this morning as part of his team’s response […]
Spectre of Trump assassination haunts Meryl Streep at Golden Globes
By Jon Kelly Vancouver, BC – Exclusive new video published to social media on January 9, 2017, offers an apparent insider look at what one Presidential Medal of Freedom award-winning Hollywood icon said about politics and journalism at the 74th Golden Globe Awards on Sunday night. It has been cited by AP as a […]
Worldcach’s Leo Angesleva: “Obama” Brain Project & US Army facilitate AI Artificial Intelligence reading & controlling all human brains planetwide
Worldcach’s Leo Angesleva: “Obama” Brain Project & US Army facilitate AI Artificial Intelligence reading & controlling all human brains planetwide By Alfred Lambremont Webre WATCH INTERVIEW ON EXOPOLITICSTV VANCOUVER, BC – In this interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre,’s Leo Angesleva details how the “Obama” [read “U.S.”] Brain Project and the U.S. Army, […]
Consuelo Golmar: Mi tortura por implantes, armas de energia remota e inteligencia artificial AI. Spanish TI – My Transhumanist agenda torture via implants, remote directed energy weapons and AI Artificial Intelligence
Consuelo Golmar: Mi tortura por implantes, armas de energia remota e inteligencia artificial AI Agenda Transhumanista Sacrificio y Experimentacion Humana con Armas remotas de energia dirigida – Libro de Consuelo Golmar – PDF Gratuito Consuelo Golmar – Spanish TI – My Transhumanist agenda torture via implants, remote directed energy weapons and AI Artificial Intelligence […]