DUMBS & 2021 Trump Positive Breakthroughs: Gene Decoder & Klanmother Nurse Karen MacDonald WATCH ON TRUETUBE@NewTube https://newtube.app/user/TrueTube/xNV9sqL NEWSINSIDEOUT https://newsinsideout.com/2020/08/dumbs-2021-trump-positive-breakthroughs-gene-decoder-klanmother-nurse-karen-macdonald/ WATCH ON TRUETUBE BLOG: https://exopolitics.blogs.com/truetube/2020/08/dumbs-2021-trump-positive-breakthroughs-gene-decoder-klanmother-nurse-karen-macdonald.html
Gary Peter Carlson: Pray for Earth’s Planetary Ascension – PM Trudeau has a Draco reptilian soul & 2nd human lowest soul score of 3; cooperates with evil “public health” Matrix
Gary Peter Carlson: Pray for Earth’s Planetary Ascension – PM Trudeau has a Draco reptilian soul & 2nd human lowest soul score of 3; cooperates with evil “public health” Matrix WATCH ON TRUETUBE.CO: https://vimeo.com/417710648 NEWSINSIDEOUT.COM: https://newsinsideout.com/2020/05/gary-peter-carlson-pray-for-earths-planetary-ascension-pm-trudeau-has-a-draco-reptilian-soul-2nd-human-lowest-soul-score-of-3-cooperates-with-evil-public-health-matrix/ References Gary Peter Carlson http://www.icheckyoursoul.com/ Gary Hi! It has been publicly reported that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is taking […]
“Moms – Get out of the House! March! Do Something!!” Lockdown Protest Leader Susan Standfield Spooner
“Moms – Get out of the House! March! Do Something!!” Lockdown Protest Leader Susan Standfield Spooner WATCH ON TRUETUBE.CO: https://youtu.be/B7SFe_GVNDU NEWSINSIDEOUT: https://newsinsideout.com/2020/05/moms-get-out-of-the-house-march-do-something-lockdown-protest-leader-susan-stanfield-spooner/ References: NO MORE LOCKDOWNS https://www.facebook.com/groups/1790005637805052/ SUSAN STANDFIELD SPOONER VIDEO SERIES that tell the stories, build the brand and spread the word ASSEMBLIES to actively engage and educate citizens in health justice ART CURRICULUM […]
5G: Joint Investigation Team’s new “DEW targeting affidavit study” foreshadows how human population may be impacted by 5G EMF targeting constituting “crimes against humanity”
5G: Joint Investigation Team’s new “DEW directed energy weapon targeting affidavit study” foreshadows how human population may be impacted by 5G EMF targeting constituting “crimes against humanity” By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd VANCOUVER, BC – Physicist and former Oxford University fellow Dr. Katherine Horton has released a ground-breaking June 5, 2019 Joint Investigation Team […]
5G SOULUTIONS – 5G Educator Karen MacDonald on health and legal solutions to the impending 5G genocide
5G SOULUTIONS – 5G Educator Karen MacDonald on health and legal solutions to the impending 5G genocide WATCH VIDEO ON TRUETUBE.CO https://youtu.be/XkkXYZQ8IBg VANCOUVER, BC – On June 5, 2019, the very day that the Government of Canada outlined spectrum plans ahead of the planned “ultra-fast 5G internet rollout” in 2020, 2021 and 2022, Saskatoon-based […]
Justin Trudeau’s Secret Messages: Protecting Suspect Canadian National Security Intelligence Front SNC-Lavalin
By Jon Kelly NewsInsideOut.com Vancouver, BC – Exclusive new video published to social media on March 4, 2019, documents findings from a special NewsInsideOut.com anti-corruption investigation into the latest SNC-Lavalin maelstrom now threatening to consume the political reputation of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Granular audio analysis of the Liberal Party leader’s statements denying political interference […]
UVIC: With Proportional Representation, more women win elected political office.
UVIC: With Proportional Representation, more women win elected political office. Is that the real reason why BC’s power elite male vested interests oppose PropRep Referendum? By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd VANCOUVER, BC – On October 30, 2018, in a UBC Panel facilitated by Michelle Eliot, award-winning journalist and host of CBC Radio’s midday call-in […]
Peter Kling: 2020-21 End of Religion exposes Vatican planetary Child Trafficking Empire and Islam as a death cult, followed by 3.5 years of 666 Antichrist King of the World Prince William, as a Nibiru event and “King of Kings and Armies of the Heavens” show up around 2025 and 1000 years Divine Rule on Earth.
WATCH TrueTube.com Roundtable with Author & Hermeneuticist Peter Kling & Alfred Lambremont Webre: Watch on TrueTube.co: https://youtu.be/Xze3BtHa6mc Roundtable Update from Peter Kling: “Alfred Hi! “Came across some additional information regarding our future timeline and the Zionist-Vs-Jesuit agenda, which will bring the “Antichrist” and eventually will end with the King of Kings and Lord of […]
Sébastien Martin: Directed energy, neuro, scalar, & Reptilian weapons & how to confront them
Sébastien Martin: Directed energy, neurotech, scalar, pulsar, chemtrails, portal Extraterrestrial interdimensional weapons, AI & Archonic weapons, Reptilian weapons attacks and how Souls can ascend by creatively confronting these weapons, attacks & perpetrators WATCH on https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ExopoliticsTV/ Watch Webinar on ExopoliticsTV: https://www.bitchute.com/video/GqBUtGQC4HDE/ Watch Webinar on ExopoliticsTV https://gum.co/hqwNC FREE – ExopoliticsTV – [Enter $0 – You can also […]
You Are Free TV broadcasts #DEFEATDEW: Statute To Ban Directed Energy Weapons #STOP5G #LOUCHE. You Tube Trolls, hypnotized by Trump Russian-American deep state, fail to discredit Model Statute Treaty Conference.
You Are Free TV broadcasts #DEFEATDEW: Statute To Ban Directed Energy Weapons #STOP5G #LOUCHE. You Tube Trolls, hypnotized by Trump Russian-American deep state, fail to discredit Model Statute Treaty Conference. By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd VANCOUVER, British Columbia – April 17, 2018: In a wide-ranging, intensely personal & biographical 45-minute interview, You Are Free […]